Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thanks W......

Tonight, President George W. Bush gave his farewell address to the nation. We all need to give pause and think about what this man has brought us through over the last eight years. Right out of the box, on September 11th, 2001, America suffered its worst attack on our soil since Pearl Harbor. Our President stood on the ruble of the World Trade Center and declared war on those responsible for bringing harm to America and our citizens. He took charge, and he made decisions based on the best information at the time, and went after those who had and would plot to destroy America. He made the hard decision to liberate Iraq, and remove from power and tyrant on equal to Adolf Hitler – and yes, even though Osama Bin Laden hasn’t been captured, we haven’t seen nor heard much from him in seven years. And even though these events were more than any President had faced since WWII, he is now faced with an economic crisis that has shaken the faith of many in America’s financial future.
One constant during his presidency, was the continual attack by liberals, and with their allies in the press, they painted President Bush as everything from Hitler to the Anti-Christ. President Bush never received one ounce of support from those who raved about his predecessor, whose most difficult executive decision was to have his Willy waxed by an intern. But, being a class act, President Bush never yielded to the temptation to get down in the mud with his enemies.
In the final analysis, President Bush led us through some very dark days – with class and dignity. So I just wanted to say, “Thanks W”, I’ll miss you – and we all owe you a debt of gratitude for a job well done. And for those that hated you over these last eight years, well, I guess they won’t have old George W. Bush to kick around anymore.

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