Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eat The Rich

Are you mad about the bonuses AIG executives received?? Ya, me too. But who is really to blame for this situation? Well, you can thank the LIBERAL DEMOCRATS who run Congress. In their smoky back rooms they wrote the loophole in the stimulus bill which ENSURED the bonuses could be paid. The fact they placed the loophole in the legislation is proof these self proclaimed “heroes of the working man” knew these bonuses would be paid long before now.
So how did the LIBERAL DEMOCRATS deal with the political fallout? Well, they relied on the oldest scheme in their playbook – Blame the Evil Rich People. The sole purpose of their false “outrage” at AIG this week was to deflect attention from their incompetence and stupidity. Simply put, they fanned the flames of class warfare to cover up their screw up. The two biggest masters of deflection were Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, with Dodd on CNN claiming he knew nothing about the bonus loophole one day and explaining he had a hand in it the next. Frank, in his arrogant grilling of AIG CEO Edward Liddy, pressed for the names of those who received bonus. When Liddy explained he didn’t want to turn over the names due to the threats AIG execs had received, even providing correspondence where someone threatened to use piano wire to strangle the spouses and children of AIG execs to death, Frank pressed on stating he would subpoena the names anyway. It seems like Frank cares more about his political career than the lives of innocent women and children.
So you can either buy into the liberal propaganda, or hold the incompetent Congress responsible.

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