Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Bush Effect

Freedom and democracy are infectious. When an oppressed people see their neighbors living in freedom without oppression from their government, they soon seek a means to obtain the freedom enjoyed by their neighbors. The news reports coming out of Iran demonstrate this very thing.
What I don’t understand is that no one is talking about the connection between what happened in Iraq to what is happening in Iran today. It’s fairly obvious that when President Bush liberated the people of Iraq from the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, and helped them set up a democracy in the center of the middle east, that it would not be long before the people in the surrounding countries began to question why they don’t live with the freedoms of their Iraqi neighbors. The people of Iran are questioning their government which has forced that regime to show what steps it will take to remain in power.
With President Bush’s decision to go liberate Iraq, it may have just started a world wide movement for oppressed people everywhere to question why they don't live in freedom and democracy. And while the leftist press in our country will never credit George W. Bush for doing anything positive for the world, I believe history will.

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