Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ring, Ring,Ching, Ching....

Obama-care is now the law of the land. Chalk up a win for Socialism. And since the majority of Americans did not want socialized medicine, the Obama propaganda machine has kicked into action to sell us on the idea that it is the best thing for us.
But now the reality of what has happened is setting in. Companies are reporting what Obama-care will cost them. One of them, AT&T, has stated their costs will be close to one billion dollars. Other companies are beginning to speak out on the costs associated with Obama’s mandatory welfare healthcare.
So what’s the reaction from the Obama administration? It’s to have their attack dog, Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif) threaten to call them before Congress to review all of their financial statements -- basically, a strong message from the Obama government telling companies to shut the hell up and get on board with his plan.
So what’s the bottom line? Well, as many predicted, the cost of Obama-care will fall on ALL of us - any of us that consume goods or services in their country. Companies, like AT&T, will pass along any increase in taxation to customers – that’s right, you and me. Coming soon to a phone bill near you – are higher prices.
So the next time you answer your phone, eat at a restaurant, or make a purchase at the local mall, know the increased price you paid was the portion to pay for Obamacare. Say hello to inflation.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

But he's not raising tax's ! Right....
Vote these clowns out, fast.