Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Campaign Continues….

Could someone please let the Socialist Obama and his comrades know they won the election in 2008? Come on guys, the campaigns over! You would think with all of the issues facing our country, the Obama administration might get down to work and get off the campaign trail. Hey Barack, here’s the tip, how about providing some leadership to an America more in need of it than ever.
The oil spill in the Gulf is a perfect example of President Obama’s complete and total failure as a leader. All he and his administration could focus on was deflecting any blame from their chosen one by going around blaming anyone and anything, from BP to even President Bush - their favorite, go to guy, when there’s no one else to blame for their failures. Even saying he wants to “Kick some Ass”. How pathetic.
Perhaps if the Obama administration put even a little effort in providing this country leadership, they wouldn’t have to put so much effort into covering up their failures.

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