Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Swamp Queen Pelosi

What a difference four years can make. Queen Nancy Pelosi proclaimed back in 2007 she would “drain the swamp” of corruption in the House of Representatives when she was elected Speaker of the House. She was going to clean up all of the corruption in Congress. Well, it seems her pledge to clean up the corruption in Congress only applies if you are a Conservative. Take the case of Charlie Rangel. Under ethics charges (15 counts), and the scandal keeps building every day. But, when Miss “Clean up the Swamp” Nancy is asked about Representative Rangel, her only reply is that she is “Out of the Loop” and needs to let the ethics committee do their job.
Out of the Loop?? -- Get real. If Representative Rangel happened to be a Republican, both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would be the first in line to drive nails through Rangel’s palms attaching him to the crucifix they would erect in the front lawn of the Capital building.

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