Sunday, November 14, 2010

After the Election......

Well, the mid term elections are over. And now that all the ballots have been counted, and all the winners and losers are known, lets see how the left is reacting to their ’shellacking’.

WWOD? Yes, just what would Obama do? Well, it didn’t take long to find out. Simple answer - tuck your tail between your legs and leave town. If you don’t like the lead stories on the evening news, then go make some news yourself - by visiting countries where you are more popular than you are back home. Obviously, we have a President in denial. Does he really believe the reason the left lost so badly in the mid terms is because his “change” didn’t happen fast enough? Mr. President - they simply didn’t like your “change” - period. Wake up and smell the rose garden.

Nancy’s Dance Party - So the election was a sound defeat for the current leader of the House. So what does Nancy do? Well, it’s party time! On your tax dollar, she held a party for her cronies last week in Washington to celebrate the many accomplishments of her Socialist comrades. You know, things like the economy killing Obamacare bill, and the Crap and Trade legislation. Nancy throwing a party after the drumming Democrats took in the mid terms, reminds me of the Delta House throwing a toga party after being put on double secret probation.

Quack - now comes the last gasp of the Socialist Congress lead by Nancy and Harry Reid. It’s the lame duck congress. Their focus will be on once again, trying to get those evil rich people (you know, Republicans) from getting a tax break. Yes, this is about the Bush era tax cuts. They want to extend the tax cuts for those making less than 250K a year, but if you make more, yes, that means you folks who create most of the jobs in this country, then you must be punished for being successful. It just the Socialist way. Hopefully, they will be as successful in their lame duck session as they were in the mid term elections.

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