Sunday, June 12, 2011

Same Old Double Standard

Anthony Weiner. Representative from New York. Liberal. Democrat. One of the privileged few. Still in Congress. Even though the evidence about his alleged sex photos to women via his Twitter account are pretty convincing that the good Congressman has been doing something a little less than honorable.
So just why is he still in Congress? Why has this dragged on so long? Simple answer is above - he’s a liberal Democrat. Weiner’s situation has gotten so much bad press that even Nancy Pelosi has stated it’s time for him to go. But he is still in office. Supposedly he is now seeking “treatment”? For what, a sex addiction? Twitter-idis?
I hear the liberal pundits on CNN stating what ‘restraint’ the Republicans were demonstrating while everyone had a chance to get all of the facts on Representative Weiner. The real reason is that Republicans were just letting Weiner self destruct - which exposes the Liberal Democrats for the hypocrites they are - because if Anthony Weiner had been a Republican, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of their liberal comrades would have on Weiner like Vampires on the hemophiliac.

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