Monday, August 15, 2011

The Hypocrite Campaign Tour

President Obama is out on the campaign trail - on YOUR dime. Yes, that's right, the brand new shiny busses, the hotels, the security, all travel costs - right out of the taxpayers pocket. I heard the President's stump speech today, and if that wasn't a campaign speech, then I'm not an old NCO. It's really ironic that the "Champion" of the American taxpayer doesn't think twice about using taxpayer dollars to advance his personal political career - even after boasting about having a billion dollars in his campaign war chest.

And the President's message?? Well, since BIOB (Blame It On Bush) isn't working anymore, he now blames his blatent failures of leadership on Congress - or as he says, "some in Congress" which specifically means Tea Party Republicans. How horrible for those Tea Party people to take away Obama's blank check to spend America into bankruptcy.

So what's Obama's answer to America's economic woes while he's out wasting taxpayer dollars? Well, he is announcing he will be proposing yet another "stimulus package" when Congress comes back from vacation. I guess the first one wasn't a big enough failure that he feels another one is necessary.


gatordude said...

He says he must hear the people ? His rating is now 39%, I can hear the people loud and clear, why can't he ? They are hand picking towns were the unemployment is very low and then hand picking who is allowed into the town halls. Clueless is the word that comes to mind, true campaiging mode. Nov 2012 can't come soon enough and I don't care if Elmer Fudge is the ballot he's getting my vote.

The Old NCO said...

Go Elmer!