Thursday, October 6, 2011

I Have a Plan Too!!

The Jobs Bill, as the President calls it, is a fraud. It has no chance of passing Congress – in fact; it has no chance of ever being introduced into Congress. Like I said, it’s a fraud. President Obama’s henchmen determined that since the Republican candidates for President all had plans to save the country from the Obama Depression, then the President needed a plan too. So when you hear the President’s standard stump speech which includes a credo of “Pass this Bill”, just know it is a bunch of empty words. For one, how can Congress pass a bill when the President’s own leader of the Senate, Senator Harry Reid won’t even introduce the bill to Congress?
So why the fraud?? It is part of the Democratic Party’s strategy to help re-elect Barack Obama. When you have nothing but failure on your resume, the only way you get the job you want is to blame everyone else for your failures. That’s Obama’s only hope. How sad. So when you hear Obama talk about the evil rich people, those fat cats on Wall Street, or those evil oil companies with all of their tax loopholes and corporate jets, know that you are being played. Yes, being played by a slick Chicago politician. Oh ya, and I forgot, Obama will still be blaming George W. Bush too. Hey Democrats – that’s just pathetic.

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