Saturday, June 16, 2012

I Feel Your Pain, Really, I Do, Seriously...

This past Thursday, the liberal news networks were all a-buzz with their chosen one’s visit to Ohio where he poured out his empathy for the unemployed, and those suffering under our struggling economy. The President delivered his canned stump speech where he rambled on about the right way to fix the economy, the right way to create jobs, etc. etc. Can I interject here that one might assume everything Mr. Obama has tried up to now has been the wrong way? But I digress. After those heart felt campaign speeches to the suffering Ohioans, you might think he’d spend the evening sitting down to have dinner with one of those struggling families. After all, he is the self-proclaimed champion of the middle class. But no, that’s not the case. Seems right after our President delivered his speeches in Ohio, he got on OUR plane (that would be Air Force One, which we taxpayers foot the bill) and flew to New York City to have a fancy fundraiser celebrity dinner, hosted by Sarah Jessica Parker at her Manhattan home to help our president defeat that ‘evil rich dude’, Mitt Romney – and the price for a seat Ms Parker’s fundraiser dinner? $40,000. Now, that’s some expensive chicken. I don’t think any folks who attended Obama’s campaign stops in Ohio were in attendance.

1 comment:

Gator Dud said...

Rich people are bad unless you want a job or need help. What a clown this guy is.