Thursday, October 9, 2008

Barack Obama - Champion of Joe Lunch Bucket

We’ve heard time and time again, that a President Obama would only raise the taxes on those making more than $250,000 a year, while giving a tax cut to 95% of Americans. OK then, that means only those evil rich bastards in that top 5% will get socked with higher taxes – right?
Well, let’s think a minute. Let’s say there’s this evil rich person and we’ll call him Evil R. Person. And then there’s an average Joe that punches a clock who we’ll call Joe Lunch Bucket. Evil R. Person is the president of the World Wide Widget Company. Now, Evil R. Person didn’t get rich from being dumb. He worked hard to build up his company that now employs 5000 people.
So here comes President Obama, and he’s gonna tax the evil rich people in the country. President Obama, the champion of Joe Lunch Bucket.
So Evil R. Person receives his tax bill – and it’s a whopper. What’s he gonna do? President Obama would like you to think old Evil R. Person will bear the entire tax burden, dig down deep in his pockets and send all his money to the government.
That’s not reality. What really happens is Evil R. Person (not being dumb,, as stated earlier) will adjust. That adjustment involves cutting back in other areas to pay Barack’s tax bill – like laying off some of those 5000 people to decrease payroll expenses, raising the price of his Widgets, and terminating or delaying plans for expansion. So, Joe Lunch Bucket losses his job, has to pay more for widgets, and has no hope of finding new work as companies who are not expanding, are not hiring.
Barack Obama – champion of Joe Lunch Bucket.

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