Monday, October 27, 2008

I Miss Dubya Already....

Well, all polls indicate that Barack Obama will be our next president – with much thanks to his comrades at CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC. They have all painted the current administration as the worst in history – calling President George W. Bush every negative name imaginable and then some. These networks have provided the American public a continuous stream of bad news – telling us nightly the economy is incredibly bad, unemployment out of control, inflation on the march, and skyrocketing mortgage rates in which no one can afford a home. Under Bush, things could not get any worse, and of course, this was the liberal press’s contribution to their candidate, allowing him to wrap John McCain in all of Bush’s bad news.
Now I’m not talking about the reporting on the current financial crisis we currently face, I mean what we have heard for the last eight years -- before the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae collapse – which was brought on by liberal pressure to make loans to people who could not afford them (I guess this was their way of “spreading the wealth around”?),
So I heard today that Senator Obama plans to stimulate small business by providing them a $3000 tax credit for each new employee they hire – a failed strategy tried by President Jimmy Carter. This is assuming any small businesses will be hiring anyone due to being taxed to death by Obama’s “Kill the Rich” tax strategy. Well, if Obama thinks Carter’s ideas were so outstanding, I decided to do a little comparison between Carter and Bush, to see ‘just how bad’ Bush has been for America.
So here’s a comparison between Bush’s America of Sep 2008 against Jimmy Carter’s America of September 1980. Here’s what I found…
Unemployment – Under Bush, 6.1% --- Under Carter, 7.5%
Inflation – Under Bush, 4.94% --- Under Carter, 12.6%
Mortgage Rates (30 yr fixed) – Under Bush, 6.04%, Under Carter, 13.2%
So if Senator Obama wants to do for America what Jimmy Carter brought us, well we have some very hard times to look forward to – a future in which we will be longing for the good old days of Dubya.

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