Sunday, December 20, 2009

Grab Your Ankles.....

Well, Obama’s steaming pile of crap called health care reform is about to pass the Senate since Harry Reid purchased (with our tax dollars) Senator Ben Nelson’s (Nebraska Democrat) vote. While Senator Nelson gets a sweetheart deal where Nebraska gets payola for their state’s Medicaid expenses, the rest of us will pay for this in increased taxes. Gee, thanks Harry.
On top of Harry Reid’s pay for play tax bill, we all will be faced with a $600 plus billion tax increase, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to pay for the Obama’s health care reform. Now the Democrats claim they will ‘save’ $400 plus billion from cuts in Medicare. If anyone believes any politician will actually allow Medicare cuts to become effective, well then, you’ve been living on a different planet. So you can add the $400 billion to the $600 and well, as politicians will say, a billion here, and billion there and pretty soon, you’re talking about some money.
Bottom line, Harry Reid and his comrades are willing to do anything to pass Obama’s economy killer legislation - and all of us are about to sent a Trillion dollar tax increase.

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