Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, now I’m a Senator!

As if we needed more proof that the 2008 elections brought to Washington more liberal nut jobs than the country has ever seen, Al Franken steps up the plate to solidify that fact. In case you missed it, Senator Joe Lieberman was speaking on the Senate floor for the ‘allotted’ 10 minutes each Senator is afforded. As a courtesy, Senators routinely ask the floor for an additional minute or two if they exceed their allotted time, which is always granted by the chairman. Not the case for the junior Senator from Minnesota. When Joe Lieberman requested more time, Al Franken declares he “objects” and essentially tells Joe to shut the hell up. Of course Joe's request for an additional minute is seen as a threat to the liberal's rush to cram their socialist legislation down our throats.
Here’s a message to Joe – it should be completely apparent that the Democrats neither need nor want your support. They have just publicly crapped in your Cheerios and you need to remember this when their economy killing health care bill comes up for a vote.

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