Friday, December 4, 2009

Yep, He Cares… About His Agenda….

Even now, there are some that just don’t get it. This administration wants to transform America into a socialist country. That’s it. Nothing else matters. Now, that may sound like conservative rhetoric, but how to you explain the lack of concentration on the nation’s number one issue - the economy. Even with the unemployment rate falling to 10 percent today, probably due to seasonal hiring, this administration tells us that is good news. Really, that’s Good news? And this is while the President is headed off to Copenhagen to hob-nob with the “Global Warming” crowd. And now the latest, in a long line of excuses for their failures, is to remind us that “they” somehow saved us all from the mother of all economic depressions.
James Carvelle had a favorite slogan during Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign -- “It’s The Economy Stupid”. Perhaps this administration should take his advice. Obama’s other problem is perception - how can you seem credible on concern for America’s economy when you are championing economy killing initiatives like socialized medicine via health care reform and a Cap and Trade legislation? This gives President Obama’s recent conference on jobs has about as much credibility as the Nazi party having a summit on how to improve the life of Jews.
Sure, the Democrats in Congress are concerned about the economy and would like to have the unemployment rate back to where it was under the Bush administration (remember, the guy they blame for everything?) But this concern is solely driven by fear their party will experience a blood bath during the 2010 mid term elections and lose their political stranglehold over our country - and that’s just sad.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

Lets hope they lose their strangle hold.......