Monday, September 29, 2008

Bail, Bail, Bail, Me Out, Gently On the Ream…..

Well, the democratic majority could not pass the bailout bill. They were too busy placing blame. House Leader Nancy Pelosi in a speech just prior to the vote was so partisan, placing blame for all of the country’s woes at the feet of the “Bush/McCain” economic policies. She all but crushed any hopes of Republicans working with Democrats on passing the bailout bill. She showed her liberal true colors in that she, and her Democrat elitists crowd, would rather see our country’s economy crash and fail than pass up an opportunity to bash conservatives.
So what happened???
1. The Democrats could have passed this bill themselves – after all they own the MAJORITY of the senate and house. Yet Democrat Barney Franks blames 12 Republicans for not voting for the bill as the reason for the bill’s failure – go figure…
2. The Democrats didn’t want the bill to pass. The worse the economy is for all of us, the better for their Obama God (remember Oprah’s “Chosen One”) and bad for John McCain. Win the White House at any cost – even if it means the financial collapse of our country’s economy.
3. Democrats have demonized corporations and wealthy institutions for years. Now their constituents don’t understand why their liberal heroes want to bail out the “bad, evil, rich people on Wall Street”. The Democrats own pathetic flawed rhetoric has come back to bite them in the ass.

Finally, whatever happens, you and I as taxpayers will pick up the tab. But, take comfort in that according to Senator Joe Biden, you’ll be doing a “Patriotic” thing by paying more taxes to the government.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Patriotic Tax Payers Needed!!

Well Senator Joe Biden feels it’s our patriotic duty to pay more taxes to the government. Obviously, according to the Democrats, we don’t pay enough taxes. So in an Obama/Biden government, they will want more tax money – much, much more tax money. But then they say they would only take the more tax money from the rich and give tax breaks to the non-rich. While they’ve provided several definitions of what income level makes someone “rich” or “not rich” in this country, one thing for sure, if they raise taxes by repealing the Bush tax cuts, it will be felt by everyone, regardless of income.
Simple economics are if the cost of producing goods and services go up, even if the increase is due to higher taxes on corporations, we all pay more for those goods and services. Anyone who doesn’t realize this is out of touch with economic reality. The Democrats are just hoping the average American is too stupid to understand this.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Biden Out – Hillary In!

Not many people took notice when Senator Joe Biden said in a recent speech:
“Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend; she is qualified to be president of the United States of America. She’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me, but she is first-rate.”
While the liberal press gave the Democratic VP Candidate the usual ‘free pass”, this Old NCO took notice. Then today, Obama has a meeting with former President “Cigar Boy” Clinton.
I don’t know about you, but my political radar has gone up. Could it be that there’s a deal in the works? Could the Democrats be pulling an “Eagleton”? Perhaps Obama received a call from George McGovern with a little advice.
Don’t be too surprised if we get an announcement from Senator Joseph Biden that he is withdrawing from the campaign as Vice President and throwing his support behind Senator Hillary Clinton, the NEW candidate for Vice President on the Democratic Ticket.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So Senator Obama says his lipstick comment had nothing to do with Gov. Palin’s lipstick comment. Well, if that is true, I say pigs can fly. Even with the liberal press defending their Obama God all day, they could not get past one issue – being that all the good Junior Senator from Illinois had to do was say “I meant no disrespect to Governor Palin”. If Barack had said that, it would have nearly made his lipstick comment a non issue. And for the Senator to act like his audience didn’t “get” the connection when he said “you can put lipstick on a pig” – which sent his mindless disciples into a roaring applause even before he could finished with “but it’s still a pig”, IS like saying pigs can fly.
I don’t know if it’s elitist arrogance, or just not being able to speak without a teleprompter, but the good Senator Obama screwed the pooch on this one.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obama calls Palin “A Pig”

As usual, when liberals fear they may be losing an election, they resort to name calling and character assassination. And as it wasn’t quite enough for Barack’s buddies in the liberal press to attack Sarah Palin’s family, Obama himself today referred to Sarah Palin as a “Pig”. In a direct reference to Sarah Palin’s comment during her acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention about lipstick being the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom, Senator Obama proclaimed today that “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”. As with liberals, when they are devoid of ideas, they resort to name calling. And in this case, it wasn’t enough to insult Governor Palin, Senator Obama has no problem insulting every hockey mom in America.
Interesting to see the Democratic candidate seems so threatened by the Republican Vice Presidential candidate. If Obama can’t stand the heat from the Republican VP candidate, how can he ever stand up to John McCain?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Go Sarah Go!

Oh My God! Can anyone deny what an excellent selection John McCain made in Sarah Palin! That, ladies and gentleman, was the speech of a lifetime she gave last night. In the face of the unrelenting unethical attacks she and her family have received from the liberal biased press, she stepped up to the microphone and gave the liberals a good old fashioned ass wipin’. Good for you Sarah.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Head Democrat Proclaims "God Is On Our Side"

Well it took less than 24 hours for a prominent Democrat to make my prediction come true. DNC Chairman Don Fowler got caught on video telling Congressman John Spratt of South Carolina on the airplane ride back from the Obama Love Fest in Denver how pleased he was that Hurricane Gustav would make landfall on the Gulf coast the first day of the Republican National Convention and that it was proof that “God is on our side”. Then to ensure everyone knows how the liberal elitist feel, Michael Moore expressed the same sentiment in an interview with his buddy, Keith Olbermann on MSKGB. Never mind the loss of life, the destruction of lives and property – as long has it helps the Democrats politically, screw the consequences. What heartless hypocrites. Fowler’s defense, when asked about his statements, was that he didn’t know someone was shooting video. What a defense – that would be like John Edwards trying to excuse his adultery while his wife was fighting cancer by saying he didn’t expect to get caught. At lease Edwards was man enough to admit he was wrong and take responsibility – but not Fowler.
On the other hand, the Republicans used the first day of their convention, not to talk politics, but to ask for donations for the hurricane victims of the Gulf Coast. Remember, these are the same Republicans the Democrats, like Fowler, paint as greedy, evil, and heartless.