Friday, May 15, 2009

Oh, Nancy, What Have You Done???

America’s #1 Limousine Liberal, Nancy Pelosi, has had her plans to criminalize President George W. Bush backfire in her face. In order for her to be in a position to press for charges against the previous administration for torturing GITMO detainees, she needed to claim she was never told in 2002 about “enhanced” interrogation procedures used by the Bush administration. Well, Ms. Pelosi has found out the CIA doesn’t take kindly to her liberal lies, and now she is finding herself about to be proven publicly as the liar she is. There is more to this story to be played out, but everything currently points to Ms. Pelosi ending up on the wrong side of the truth.
The real story here is what if the shoe was on the other political foot? Had a Republican done the same thing that Ms. Pelosi has done, the mainstream press would have been calling for them to resign or be impeached. The condemnation from the left would have been relentless. But what has happened here? Nancy gets the usual ’free pass’ from the mainstream press - with MSNBC an CNN soft selling the story as a non-story, focusing on other issues rather than getting rid of this useless, politics only, sad excuse for a Congress person.