Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Uncle Sam or Santa Claus?

Used to be in this country that businesses which were successful were rewarded and failure in business was punished – that’s how capitalism worked. Now, if you fail, it’s no problem – Uncle Sam using taxpayer dollars will reward you for your failure. Such is the case with the failed investment firm AIG, who plans on paying bonuses to their managers with YOUR money. Let me repeat that – YOUR money, which the government had to borrow, which will eventually be paid through higher taxes – which will prolong any economic recovery.
While our elected leaders reward business failures, we need to consider what signal this sends to businesses that are successful. Whose managers are making the hard but necessary management decisions, taking calculated risks, so they can succeed in turning a profit during these hard economic times.
If you were the hard noised manager of a successful business, and realized that the government was now covering any losses you experienced from making bad decisions or outlandish risks, what incentive would you have to manage efficiently and effectively? Knowing Uncle Sam come in like Santa Claus and bail you out, therefore rewarding you for bad decisions or miss management, you could pay out big bonuses, never have to lay anyone off even though there was not enough work to keep them, and pretend we are still living in economic good times.
We need to tell Uncle Sam put away the red stocking cap and stop helping – it sends the wrong signal to business leaders. Corporate welfare checks have got to stop so the laws of economics can play out during this economic downturn. While painful, it’s the quickest way to get the country back on track.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

No Experience Required

Do you need experience to hold a public office? Well, evidently that depends if you are a Democrat or Republican. If you are a conservative, you better have YEARS of experience. But if you are a Democrat, and especially if you happen to share DNA with a former President, then you get a Free Pass.
Such is the case with Caroline Kennedy. She has zero experience that qualifies her to be a US Senator, yet, to the left and the liberal media, that doesn’t really matter – in fact, don’t even bring up the fact she has no experience. While I don’t have an issue with someone wanting to become a US Senator, I do have an issue with the Double Standard applied to Ms. Kennedy vs. that applied to Governor Sarah Palin.
When Governor Palin was tagged to be Vice President, the left along with their allies in the liberal press launched a relentless attack against Palin, going on and on about her lack of experience and that it spelled absolute disaster upon Senator John McCann’s death – some even using insurance actuary tables to predict McCann’s death date to highlight what a dangerous situation it would be for the country if the totally unqualified Palin assumed the office of the President.
While I understand the office of the President has much greater responsibility than that of a Senate seat, I don’t understand why Caroline Kennedy’s complete lack of experience isn’t even mentioned by the left or the liberal press.
But I guess the lack of experience standard doesn’t apply to liberal democrats. After all, look who’s about to become President.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Say It Ain't So!!

Here’s a real news flash – evidently, there are corrupt Democratic politicians in Illinois! Even CNN and MSKGB couldn’t sweep the the Rod Blagojevich (D) story under the rug. (which I understand the rug is for sale to the highest bidder)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Gimmie Shelter

So the big three fat cats from Detroit were back in Washington again begging for a handout. Seems they now have a “business plan”, unlike their last visit. After decades of building vehicles inferior to German and Japanese cars, it seems in ONE week, they came up with business plans so impressive that Congress would have to give them the money. One of the execs said they had invested millions of dollars on how to build a better car and it was coming soon. Gee, you think they could have just spent 20k on a Toyota Camry or Honda Accord and took a good look at it.
All of this is due to the big three paying for their sins of the past. During the 1970s and 80s, they built some really bad cars. So bad, that many Americans who would have never considered buying a Japanese import did just that. And once they experienced the quality of those foreign made cars, they would never take another chance on something coming out of Detroit. I know, because I’m one of these people who was brought up to “Buy American”. After years of buying Detroit junk, I bought a Nissan – and it was such a quality vehicle, I’ve never looked back. There are many more folks whose experience is the same as mine.
To further exacerbate Detroit’s woes, no one believes their claim to be ‘American’ carmakers anymore. GM, Ford and Chrysler are global companies – just like Toyota, Nissan, and Honda. All of these companies have plants and build vehicles on American soil, and employ American workers. All of these companies have plants in foreign countries too. The profits (if any) go back to their respective corporate headquarters in which the CEOs are responsible to the stockholders. So what differentiates the big three from the rest of the world? Perception – the perception Detroit is still building inferior vehicles.
To be honest, the big three may be building quality cars today – I just can’t gamble 20 thousand dollars to find out – and neither are a lot of other Americans.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Obamanomics For All!!

The latest we hear from the President Elect is we need another “stimulus package” targeted at the middle class, who we continually hear are hurting from the eight years of failed economic policies of George W. Bush. It appears even after the election, the liberal democrats just can’t stop blaming old Dubya for everything – but they better savor the moment, because after the inauguration on January 20th, the Democrats will have to own up to their incompetence, for example Barney Frank and Chris Dodd for the Freddie and Fannie fiasco. But I’m getting off the point – Obamanomics plans to provide us more stimulus money – but no one seems to be talking about where this money is coming from. Well, it’s coming from your pocketbook, or rather yours, your kids, their kids, and your kid’s kid’s kids. Yes, the very democrats who lambasted Dubya for increasing the federal debt, plan on increasing that debt by leaps and bounds.
To put this in perspective, let’s take this down to a neighborhood example. Say you bought a nice home that was within your budget in a good neighborhood -- you work hard, you pay your bills on time, and you drive a modest family sedan that gets decent gas mileage. You live within your means, and try to save a little for retirement and something to put your kids through college. However, in that huge upscale house across the street, lives Denny the Democrat. He has a much different outlook on life. Although his income really didn’t support the loan that was backed through Freddie Mac for his huge upscale home, he moved right in. He drives a luxury, 5 ton, 3 mpg SUV, just like the one his wife drives. He accepts every credit card offer he receives in the mail and runs each one up to the limit. One day when you inquired how he lives so well on a middle class income, he explained to you what an idiot you are by playing by the rules, that being financially responsible was a out dated notion and you should do the rollover credit card game he does which allows him a lifestyle far beyond his income. After all, if he can’t pay, then he’ll just declare bankruptcy and let those evil rich bastards eat their bills. How dare they expect him to pay anyway – they are big rich banks and have plenty of money.
But then one day, the roof caved in on Denny’s house of credit cards – seems they changed the laws and it’s not so simple to declare bankruptcy. He is facing foreclosure on his house, the repo man wants the SUVs, and Denny just doesn’t understand what he did wrong – there’s no way he could be responsible for his plight. So Denny comes knocking at your door for help. He explains how you can fix all of this – quite simply, Denny tells you to take out a second mortgage on your home, take cash advances on your credit cards, cash in your kids college funds, cash out your 401k, and then give the money to Denny to bail him out of his financial woes. After all, Denny is broke and in debt, so why shouldn’t you be too? Denny further explains that this is in your best interest, because if Denny moves, his house will lose value while it sets empty, which will run down the neighborhood. Neighborhood home values will drop, and the neighborhood will become a slum. Besides, you can afford this because you've been living by the rules and will make adjustments to your lifestyle to pay back all of the debt – this allows you to “spread the wealth around”.
So in case you haven’t figured it out, “you” is the American taxpayer – Denny is the Democratic White House and Congress. They want to put you further in debt to reward very bad behavior by those who don’t feel they should be responsible for their actions.
I don’t know about you, but a certain part of my body is feeling very stimulated by Obamanomics – and it’s quite painful.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

They Just Don't Get It....

OK – so this past week, the top corporate fat cat executives from the “Big Three” in Detroit, went before Congress, begging for loan guarantees so they could sustain business operations. It seems they are drowning in red ink since people stopped buying their gas guzzling SUVs or Pickups. Plus, as they have lost credibility with the majority of the American public that Detroit can build a quality vehicle, no one wants their cars either. It seems GM, Ford, and Chrysler are suffering financially due to poor planning and bad management. Times are tough and they were pleading with Congress to help them out of their hard times. I find it odd that Toyota, Nissan, and Honda, who all now build cars in the United States just like the big three, aren’t asking Congress for a handout.

Thing is, these fat cats from the big three, who are responsible for the plight of their companies, all flew to Washington separately in their company provided executive jets. Demonstrating that giving these guys money to help them get well would be the same as giving an addict more heroin and expecting them to kick the habit.

The fat cats just don’t get it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

I say “NO”. These days, GM and Ford, stand for ‘Gimme More’ and ‘Forgive Or Refinance (my) Debt’. With the Federal government handing out our tax dollars to Wall Street and the Mortgage industry, our so called “American” auto makers claim they also need a piece of the bailout pie, or they will be forced to declare bankruptcy. The threat of bankruptcy being a gun to the head of Congress – in other words, if you don’t give them billions of those tax dollars, they will put thousands of Americans out of work – and then they wrap our flag around their nameplates as if there is something patriotic about buying a Ford or Chevy and that those of us who bought those little cheap foreign cars are traitors.
So why are these car makers drowning in so much red ink that they have to stand in line for a handout? Well, first they refused to change with the times. Asian car makers figured out years ago, that you only needed one main auto line and one upscale line – like Toyota and Nissan respectively have Lexus and Infiniti. On the other hand, General Motors has Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, Hummer, Cadillac, Saturn and GMC – SEVEN different lines of vehicles – some of which the only difference being the logo on the grill. Ford at least has been divesting itself from this type of redundancy, but still has Mercury, which is a carbon copy of Ford’s main lineup. Second, Detroit has refused to learn from history. Back in the early 70’s during the Arab Oil Embargo, Detroit was filling our highways with low mileage family sedans the size of land whales and over-powered hot rods. However, the Asian auto makers, specifically Toyota and then Datsun, (now Nissan) had fuel efficient cars ready to sell that allowed them to make major inroads into the American marketplace. A foothold they have exploited to make their nameplates today a part of the American culture. But when 1970s Detroit finally responded to the need for high mileage vehicles, GM gave us the oil burning Chevrolet Vega and Ford the exploding Pinto. Now fast forward to 2008 when gas prices jumped to $4.00 a gallon – while Detroit was filling their showrooms with behemoth gas guzzling SUVs and Pickups, Toyota introduced the Yaris, Honda the Fit, and Nissan the Versa – all high mileage vehicles – again providing America with the right vehicles at the right time.
It seems history repeats itself.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Liberal Agenda Begins....

When the Nazis took power in Germany, and the Bolsheviks took power in Russia, the first item on their agenda was to take control of the press and ensure it was a media filled with their propaganda. Now, the power drunk liberals in Congress are trying to do the same in America. Two democrats, Senator Ernest Hollings, of South Carolina and Representative Bill Hefner, of North Carolina are attempting to outlaw freedom of speech in America under the veil of a warped, obsolete piece of legislation called the Fairness in Broadcasting Act. This legislation was tried before, between 1949 and 1987. It required broadcasters to cover ‘controversial issues’ and to do so by offering balancing views – and while not requiring equal time to opposing views, it prevented broadcasters from presenting a single view day after day without offering opposing views. This rule was a condition for a broadcaster to hold a FCC license. In its time, the fairness issues made sense as most individuals only received a very limited number of TV and radio stations, and the FCC wanted controversial issues to be covered in a fair and balanced way. But even with its good intentions, it had an adverse effect -- media outlets just stopped covering controversial issues knowing they would have to commit air time to offer opposing views.
Then in 1984, while not overturning the legislation, the Supreme Court in Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo (418 U.S. 241), confirmed the adverse effect the fairness act had on broadcasting. This led to the FCC abandoning the act in 1987, stating the number of media outlets available to all Americans negated the need for such a Fairness Doctrine. Since that time, the number of ways in which Americans receive news and information virtually exploded -- which provides further validation that any Fairness Doctrine is obsolete in today’s technological world.

So why would these two Democrats want to resurrect such obsolete legislation? There can only be one answer – to silence any opposition to the leftist agenda of the newly elected President. Their goal is to re-create the effect the legislation had in the past – that broadcasters will stop airing any controversial programs. And since the FCC will now be under a Democratic President and Congress, the left will be determining what is controversial and want is not. You can rest assured that conservative talk radio will be high on their hit list, with the entire Fox News network a close second. The leftist want voices of Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, & Sean Hannity silenced or severely limited – and ideally force broadcasters to drop their affiliation with the Fox Network and move to one of the leftist biased networks of CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, or ABC.

I wonder if the next item on the leftist agenda is to force all conseratives wear armbands so they can load us on trains to relocation camps?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Support Our President

The latest we hear from the left is since “their guy” won the election, we all need to pull together, put our differences behind us, and support Barack Obama – for the good of the country. All the sudden, liberals expect conservatives to love them. This again, demonstrates how liberals conveniently forget their transgressions against America. When we needed to get behind our troops, all the left said was our soldiers were killing innocent children and raping their mothers – and the ‘torture’ of prisoners at Abu Ghraib made the treatment of Jews at Auschwitz look like a day at the beach. And the left also forgets how they supported a newly elected president in 2000. Instead of pulling together behind the new president, liberals have done and said everything to work against George Bush and fought him every issue, every cause, every step of the way – and they have called George Bush everything from a Nazi to the Anti Christ.
Now they are holding out an olive branch – well, let the old NCO be one of the first to tell the left what they can do with that olive branch. What I will tell our liberal brethren is that I will maintain the standard they set over the last eight years and be as kind and supportive to Barack Obama as they have been to George W. Bush.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dr. Feel Good

Thinking about this election and the fact that Barack Obama will be our next president, I could not help but think about another liberal democratic elected president under a climate of “hard times for the middle class”, Jimmy Carter. For those of you old enough to remember 1979, the year before America returned to its senses and elected Ronald Reagan who returned economic prosperity and honor to our country, one of the country’s hit films that year was ‘Apocalypse Now’. In this film, a disparaged, drunken Captain Willard (pictured above) prays for a mission, and for his sins, he gets one.
I liken this to Americans, who every 15 or 20 years, seem to want a ‘feel good’ president, one who promises economic equality for all, making America a good buddy to everyone in the world, so we can all hold hands and sing “I’d love to teach the world to sing”. And after four years of disaster, America always returns to its senses.
So let us see what the next four years bring us. I pray for us all.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Ultimate Snake Oil Salesman

Those of you that watched the 30 minute prime time “Obama-mercial” last night were probably overwhelmed with information about the junior senator from Illinois – and probably expecting someone to say “and you get all of Barack for just $19.95 – but wait, if you order now, you also get Joe Biden!”
Let me simplify the difference between Obama and McCain. It comes down to your money – you know the money you receive for getting up each day and going to work.
John McCain believes it is YOUR money to spend it on what YOU want.
Barack Obama believes it is HIS money to spend on what HE wants.
Your choice is simple on Election Day – do you want to keep what you earn or do you believe you should send your paycheck to the government?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lowering the Tax Bar

Who’s the evil rich now? It appears the Obama/Biden tax plan keeps changing the definition. First, the evil rich was any family making over $250,000 a year or an individual making more than $200,000 a year. Then in an Obama/Biden ad, the evil rich was redefined as any family making over $200,000. Now, Joe Biden announced today that the “middle class” is redefined as any family making less than $150,000 – conversely, if your combined family income is $150,000 or more, congratulations – Joe Biden just promoted you to the Evil Rich Club! Plan on paying more taxes, much more.
We’re now getting a glimpse of what an Obama/Biden administration will be like – and if they are willing to lower the tax bar BEFORE they are elected, imagine just how far it will be lowered if they do get elected. Just remember liberals never met a tax they didn’t love.
Today, Joe the plumber said he is honestly scared for America – me too Joe, me too.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I Miss Dubya Already....

Well, all polls indicate that Barack Obama will be our next president – with much thanks to his comrades at CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC. They have all painted the current administration as the worst in history – calling President George W. Bush every negative name imaginable and then some. These networks have provided the American public a continuous stream of bad news – telling us nightly the economy is incredibly bad, unemployment out of control, inflation on the march, and skyrocketing mortgage rates in which no one can afford a home. Under Bush, things could not get any worse, and of course, this was the liberal press’s contribution to their candidate, allowing him to wrap John McCain in all of Bush’s bad news.
Now I’m not talking about the reporting on the current financial crisis we currently face, I mean what we have heard for the last eight years -- before the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae collapse – which was brought on by liberal pressure to make loans to people who could not afford them (I guess this was their way of “spreading the wealth around”?),
So I heard today that Senator Obama plans to stimulate small business by providing them a $3000 tax credit for each new employee they hire – a failed strategy tried by President Jimmy Carter. This is assuming any small businesses will be hiring anyone due to being taxed to death by Obama’s “Kill the Rich” tax strategy. Well, if Obama thinks Carter’s ideas were so outstanding, I decided to do a little comparison between Carter and Bush, to see ‘just how bad’ Bush has been for America.
So here’s a comparison between Bush’s America of Sep 2008 against Jimmy Carter’s America of September 1980. Here’s what I found…
Unemployment – Under Bush, 6.1% --- Under Carter, 7.5%
Inflation – Under Bush, 4.94% --- Under Carter, 12.6%
Mortgage Rates (30 yr fixed) – Under Bush, 6.04%, Under Carter, 13.2%
So if Senator Obama wants to do for America what Jimmy Carter brought us, well we have some very hard times to look forward to – a future in which we will be longing for the good old days of Dubya.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I’m a Redneck!!! (And I didn’t even know)

I have to thank Representative John Murtha of Pennsylvania for clarifying my core beliefs. Evidently, since I grew up in western Pennsylvania, I’m a redneck. His reference meaning that I won’t vote for Barack Obama just because he is black. Well, if the good representative from my home state knew anything about his constituents, he would know that is very far from the reason. He’s right that I don’t support Barack Obama. But for some other very significant reasons:
I don’t agree with Socialism – I support capitalism.
I don’t agree with big government – I support smaller government.
I don’t agree with higher taxes – I support lower taxes (for everyone regardless of income).
I don’t agree with providing aid and comfort to our enemies – I support our troops.
Sorry to disappoint the fine Democrat from Pennsylvania, but that’s the beliefs western Pennsylvania instilled in me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Welcome to the Socialist States of Obama!

“When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody” this was Barack Obama’s response to an Ohio plumber who questioned the junior senator about his plan to heavily tax those who make over $250,000 a year. The plumber raised the question many have been asking – why does Barack want to punish those who work hard and subsequently become financially successful? The answer – socialism.
Socialism is basically the redistribution of wealth. The government feels the wealth of their citizens is their money – and they feel they must take the money away from those who worked hard to be successful and give it to those who have not. Under a President Obama, is appears those who work hard will be punished, and those who don’t will be rewarded. That plumber from Ohio now knows not to be “too” successful, because if he expands his business, provides more jobs, and perhaps offer health care to his employees, President Obama will punish him by taxing him into oblivion.
It appears Lenin, Stalin, and Castro will have the last laugh.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Barack Obama - Champion of Joe Lunch Bucket

We’ve heard time and time again, that a President Obama would only raise the taxes on those making more than $250,000 a year, while giving a tax cut to 95% of Americans. OK then, that means only those evil rich bastards in that top 5% will get socked with higher taxes – right?
Well, let’s think a minute. Let’s say there’s this evil rich person and we’ll call him Evil R. Person. And then there’s an average Joe that punches a clock who we’ll call Joe Lunch Bucket. Evil R. Person is the president of the World Wide Widget Company. Now, Evil R. Person didn’t get rich from being dumb. He worked hard to build up his company that now employs 5000 people.
So here comes President Obama, and he’s gonna tax the evil rich people in the country. President Obama, the champion of Joe Lunch Bucket.
So Evil R. Person receives his tax bill – and it’s a whopper. What’s he gonna do? President Obama would like you to think old Evil R. Person will bear the entire tax burden, dig down deep in his pockets and send all his money to the government.
That’s not reality. What really happens is Evil R. Person (not being dumb,, as stated earlier) will adjust. That adjustment involves cutting back in other areas to pay Barack’s tax bill – like laying off some of those 5000 people to decrease payroll expenses, raising the price of his Widgets, and terminating or delaying plans for expansion. So, Joe Lunch Bucket losses his job, has to pay more for widgets, and has no hope of finding new work as companies who are not expanding, are not hiring.
Barack Obama – champion of Joe Lunch Bucket.

There IS a Difference

Some say there isn’t a difference between Obama and McCain – both just politicians wanting to be President. However, if you listened, not just watched, the debate Tuesday night, then you heard the most important difference between the two. The question from Mr. Brokaw was “Do you believe health care is a “Right” or a “Responsibility”? The two candidates clearly demonstrated the core beliefs that differentiate a liberal from a conservative.
John McCain said health insurance is a “Responsibility”. This is in line with conservative belief that all Americans are responsible for their own actions – yep, that means you – you are responsible for your own actions. The belief is that in a capitalistic society, you work for what you have. Hard work should equate to earned rewards, like a good standard of living, which would include the fact you can afford health insurance. Now, I’m not saying health insurance is cheap by any means, but there are forces that can drive down costs, like a free market place with competition for the health care dollar -- again, its call capitalism.
Now the junior senator from Illinois said health care was a “Right” in a rich country like America (this is right after he stated how far in debt we are...). Now, unless someone recently re-wrote the bill of rights, I don’t remember seeing anything about health care. I remember the right to bear arms thing, but health insurance?? But Barrack Obama’s answer demonstrates the liberal socialist belief that government owes you everything – that solely on the fact that you are an American, you have the right to government provided health care. Sorry, but I was brought up to believe that you work for what you have, and you don’t sit and wait for Uncle Sam to send you a check.
Government run health care – like government has done such a great job managing our social security dollars. Call it want ever you want, Hillary-Care, Socialized medicine,,,,, Sorry Barrack, I’m not buying.. As you said yourself, “you can put lipstick on a pig…….”

Friday, October 3, 2008

Say What? Joe’s Gonna Pay My Mortgage?

Much has been said, written, and reported about last night’s debate between Governor Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden – with most of the attention directed at what Gov. Palin said. So much so that I could not believe anyone didn’t pick up on the statement from Sen. Biden when he said an Obama/Biden administration would not only help people get the interest rates lowered on their home mortgages, but actually help PAY THE PRINCIPLE on their mortgage! Well, shucky darn, as the good Governor of Alaska might say, when can I mail my mortgage payment book to ya their Joe?
Biden’s statement is typical pandering for votes, and demonstrates the liberal belief that government is the answer to all problems. But the statement angered me – and it should anger all of us who have played by the rules, paid our mortgages on time, didn’t go on a spending spree with a bucket full of credit cards, and live within our means. We, the folks who still believe in what some feel is an antiquated belief that we should be responsible for our own actions, will be the ones that will have to pay for Biden’s handouts. Well, no thanks Senator.
Just say NO to JOE.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Bail, Bail, Bail, Me Out, Gently On the Ream…..

Well, the democratic majority could not pass the bailout bill. They were too busy placing blame. House Leader Nancy Pelosi in a speech just prior to the vote was so partisan, placing blame for all of the country’s woes at the feet of the “Bush/McCain” economic policies. She all but crushed any hopes of Republicans working with Democrats on passing the bailout bill. She showed her liberal true colors in that she, and her Democrat elitists crowd, would rather see our country’s economy crash and fail than pass up an opportunity to bash conservatives.
So what happened???
1. The Democrats could have passed this bill themselves – after all they own the MAJORITY of the senate and house. Yet Democrat Barney Franks blames 12 Republicans for not voting for the bill as the reason for the bill’s failure – go figure…
2. The Democrats didn’t want the bill to pass. The worse the economy is for all of us, the better for their Obama God (remember Oprah’s “Chosen One”) and bad for John McCain. Win the White House at any cost – even if it means the financial collapse of our country’s economy.
3. Democrats have demonized corporations and wealthy institutions for years. Now their constituents don’t understand why their liberal heroes want to bail out the “bad, evil, rich people on Wall Street”. The Democrats own pathetic flawed rhetoric has come back to bite them in the ass.

Finally, whatever happens, you and I as taxpayers will pick up the tab. But, take comfort in that according to Senator Joe Biden, you’ll be doing a “Patriotic” thing by paying more taxes to the government.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Patriotic Tax Payers Needed!!

Well Senator Joe Biden feels it’s our patriotic duty to pay more taxes to the government. Obviously, according to the Democrats, we don’t pay enough taxes. So in an Obama/Biden government, they will want more tax money – much, much more tax money. But then they say they would only take the more tax money from the rich and give tax breaks to the non-rich. While they’ve provided several definitions of what income level makes someone “rich” or “not rich” in this country, one thing for sure, if they raise taxes by repealing the Bush tax cuts, it will be felt by everyone, regardless of income.
Simple economics are if the cost of producing goods and services go up, even if the increase is due to higher taxes on corporations, we all pay more for those goods and services. Anyone who doesn’t realize this is out of touch with economic reality. The Democrats are just hoping the average American is too stupid to understand this.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Biden Out – Hillary In!

Not many people took notice when Senator Joe Biden said in a recent speech:
“Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend; she is qualified to be president of the United States of America. She’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me, but she is first-rate.”
While the liberal press gave the Democratic VP Candidate the usual ‘free pass”, this Old NCO took notice. Then today, Obama has a meeting with former President “Cigar Boy” Clinton.
I don’t know about you, but my political radar has gone up. Could it be that there’s a deal in the works? Could the Democrats be pulling an “Eagleton”? Perhaps Obama received a call from George McGovern with a little advice.
Don’t be too surprised if we get an announcement from Senator Joseph Biden that he is withdrawing from the campaign as Vice President and throwing his support behind Senator Hillary Clinton, the NEW candidate for Vice President on the Democratic Ticket.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So Senator Obama says his lipstick comment had nothing to do with Gov. Palin’s lipstick comment. Well, if that is true, I say pigs can fly. Even with the liberal press defending their Obama God all day, they could not get past one issue – being that all the good Junior Senator from Illinois had to do was say “I meant no disrespect to Governor Palin”. If Barack had said that, it would have nearly made his lipstick comment a non issue. And for the Senator to act like his audience didn’t “get” the connection when he said “you can put lipstick on a pig” – which sent his mindless disciples into a roaring applause even before he could finished with “but it’s still a pig”, IS like saying pigs can fly.
I don’t know if it’s elitist arrogance, or just not being able to speak without a teleprompter, but the good Senator Obama screwed the pooch on this one.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obama calls Palin “A Pig”

As usual, when liberals fear they may be losing an election, they resort to name calling and character assassination. And as it wasn’t quite enough for Barack’s buddies in the liberal press to attack Sarah Palin’s family, Obama himself today referred to Sarah Palin as a “Pig”. In a direct reference to Sarah Palin’s comment during her acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention about lipstick being the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom, Senator Obama proclaimed today that “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”. As with liberals, when they are devoid of ideas, they resort to name calling. And in this case, it wasn’t enough to insult Governor Palin, Senator Obama has no problem insulting every hockey mom in America.
Interesting to see the Democratic candidate seems so threatened by the Republican Vice Presidential candidate. If Obama can’t stand the heat from the Republican VP candidate, how can he ever stand up to John McCain?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Go Sarah Go!

Oh My God! Can anyone deny what an excellent selection John McCain made in Sarah Palin! That, ladies and gentleman, was the speech of a lifetime she gave last night. In the face of the unrelenting unethical attacks she and her family have received from the liberal biased press, she stepped up to the microphone and gave the liberals a good old fashioned ass wipin’. Good for you Sarah.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Head Democrat Proclaims "God Is On Our Side"

Well it took less than 24 hours for a prominent Democrat to make my prediction come true. DNC Chairman Don Fowler got caught on video telling Congressman John Spratt of South Carolina on the airplane ride back from the Obama Love Fest in Denver how pleased he was that Hurricane Gustav would make landfall on the Gulf coast the first day of the Republican National Convention and that it was proof that “God is on our side”. Then to ensure everyone knows how the liberal elitist feel, Michael Moore expressed the same sentiment in an interview with his buddy, Keith Olbermann on MSKGB. Never mind the loss of life, the destruction of lives and property – as long has it helps the Democrats politically, screw the consequences. What heartless hypocrites. Fowler’s defense, when asked about his statements, was that he didn’t know someone was shooting video. What a defense – that would be like John Edwards trying to excuse his adultery while his wife was fighting cancer by saying he didn’t expect to get caught. At lease Edwards was man enough to admit he was wrong and take responsibility – but not Fowler.
On the other hand, the Republicans used the first day of their convention, not to talk politics, but to ask for donations for the hurricane victims of the Gulf Coast. Remember, these are the same Republicans the Democrats, like Fowler, paint as greedy, evil, and heartless.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Republican Convention Eaten by Gustav!

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer reflected in his comments today the gleeful giddiness felt by their news network that a tropical storm is descending upon the U.S. gulf coast, taking the spotlight off of the John McCain and the Republican Convention. Today he reported “Has the Republican convention been devoured by Gustav?” This conjecture was posed due to President Bush and Vice President Cheney deciding to not attend the Republican convention so they could place their full attention to the pending storm. I assume the next thing we will hear from CNN is that Gustav is a sign from God that we should all support their anointed one, Democratic Nominee for President, Senator Barack Obama.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Do Nothing Democrats -- Except....

As Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats felt there was no reason not to go on vacation, with the economy in such bad shape (according to them) and with gas close to $4.00 a gallon. The working men and women of America can wait, as far as the leader of the Democratic Congress is concerned. With Nancy and company relaxing from their many accomplishments they assured us when they took control of Congress from the Evil, Greedy, Republicans, it would be a good time to list those many accomplishments.
So here’s the list:
1. Increase the minimum wage.
2. …
3. …
4. …
The reason 2, 3, and 4 are blank is that there is no 2, 3, and 4 to list.
With nothing else to list as an accomplishment, let’s examine the single accomplishment of the Democratic Congress. Raising the minimum wage was the right thing to do. It had been a long time since the last increase of 1996-1997. So, even the Old NCO gives Nancy and crew kudos for this. But wait, not everyone benefited from the wage increase. It’s notable to point out that Nancy and the Democrats exempted the working people of American Samoa. The Old NCO wonders why a US territory, where 75 percent of the islands “working men and women” are employed at two packing plants would be exempt from getting a raise. Well, it seems one of those two plants is owned by Star-Kist Tuna, and they were a major opponent to the minimum wage hike. Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Corporation, which is headquartered in guess whose representative district – you got it, Nancy Pelosi’s.
So even the one single accomplishment of the do nothing democratic congress is marred by hypocrisy. Liberals – gotta love em.

Monday, August 11, 2008


So Russia has invaded the Pro Western country of Georgia. Once part of the Soviet Union, Georgia has supported the U.S. with troops in Iraq and has supported U.S. foreign policy. Russian tanks are now rolling though Georgia just like the Soviet tanks that rolled into Hungary in 1956 – to crush freedom and democracy of brave people.
So if you were Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, which candidate for the U.S. Presidency would you respect? A junior liberal Senator with little or no experience in foreign policy, or a seasoned conservative Senator who not only never broke under communist torture, but realizes what it means to place military people in harm’s way because he’s been there – done that.
Remember that the Communist tested the last junior Senator that was elected President in 1962. While President Kennedy had 13 days to determine the correct response to the Soviet threat in Cuba, our next President will only have 13 seconds in today’s technological warfare environment.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Vote For CHANGE!

Senator Obama wants to give you change! Well, all you disciples of the Obama-God better think long and hard just what that means, because the only “change” he will provide is the few dimes and quarters left in your pocket after he is done raising your taxes.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Obama God, Super Star?

Sen. Obama was asked if he were a super hero, who would he be. He said he would be Spiderman or Batman, as they were super heroes, but still got “beat up a little”. Sen. Obama has enjoyed support extreme support from NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC – all who are ‘in the tank’ for Obama and they have not shown any concern in trying to be fair and balanced. When their Obama-God went on his European Rock Tour, all of the big three sent their network anchors to report on the trip. Had McCain went, he would have received third stringers from the networks, and last page reporting in leftist rags like the New York Post.
So Sen. Obama thinks he’s being beat up a little now – what kind of heat does he think he’ll receive if he became President?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drill, Drill, Drill

The liberal’s new catch phrase is “We can’t drill our way to oil independence”. They are right, you know. However, that’s not any reason not to drill. Liberals would rather not drill at all and keep the price of oil as high as possible – at least until the presidential election. That’s why they cut and ran from Congress so they wouldn't have to vote on a bill to increase drilling in America. When President Bush lifted the ban on drilling on the continental shelf, the speculators backed off, and the price of oil fell. Imagine what would happen to the price of oil if they actually started drilling?
But that would put the Democrats at a disadvantage come November – bad news for America is good news for Liberals.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


32 years ago today, I started basic training. 1976 was a much different time from today. I joined the military because I needed a job. The unemployment rate was 23.5% in the town near where I lived – people who had worked in those factories with 20+ years seniority were given their pink slips and told they would never be called back.
While my motivation to join the military was driven by financial needs, my motivation to stay for over 20 years was that somewhere along my military journey, I became a patriot. My experience is not unique to those who joined the military in the 70s.
Other than marriage, the birth of children, military folks will always remember their TAFMSD. It’s just a reminder of how time has passed and what you’ve given – and received – from serving your country.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Playing the "Money" Card

Well, another presidential election is upon us, and again, we get to hear from the left how they are the sole heroes of “The Working Men and Women of America”. The left rolls out this tired old gimmick every four years – and it’s the equivalent of playing the “Money Card”
The implication is that if you work hard in Amercia, but still have a hard time making ends meet, then only those on the left side of the political fence care about you --and how to they plan to help? Well, by getting those “Evil Rich” people and taxing them to death.
So who are these “Evil Rich”? As defined in Senator Obama’s tax plan, anyone who makes more than $250,000 annually. And while most of us don’t fall into that category, the implication here is that only Americans who make less than 250k a year actually work for a living – folks who make more than 250k a year obviously were born with it or somehow obtained the money from anything other than working hard chasing the American dream and achieving financial success.
Accordingly, this justifies the government in taking away their financial success and redistributing their wealth to those whomake less.
Personally, the old NCO is nowhere in the universe of 250K a year, but I believe if I work hard I just may someday become financially successful.
I think it’s called the American dream – and no one should be punished for reaching their dream.


Hello and welcome to my blog - This site is as much for me as anyone else, as like many folks, I needed a place to vent and just jot down some random thoughts from time to time.
Feel free to comment - and again, welcome.
The Old NCO.