Saturday, August 2, 2008

Playing the "Money" Card

Well, another presidential election is upon us, and again, we get to hear from the left how they are the sole heroes of “The Working Men and Women of America”. The left rolls out this tired old gimmick every four years – and it’s the equivalent of playing the “Money Card”
The implication is that if you work hard in Amercia, but still have a hard time making ends meet, then only those on the left side of the political fence care about you --and how to they plan to help? Well, by getting those “Evil Rich” people and taxing them to death.
So who are these “Evil Rich”? As defined in Senator Obama’s tax plan, anyone who makes more than $250,000 annually. And while most of us don’t fall into that category, the implication here is that only Americans who make less than 250k a year actually work for a living – folks who make more than 250k a year obviously were born with it or somehow obtained the money from anything other than working hard chasing the American dream and achieving financial success.
Accordingly, this justifies the government in taking away their financial success and redistributing their wealth to those whomake less.
Personally, the old NCO is nowhere in the universe of 250K a year, but I believe if I work hard I just may someday become financially successful.
I think it’s called the American dream – and no one should be punished for reaching their dream.

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