Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's An ObamaNation!!

The “Stimulus Bill” was signed today with all the transparency and time for public inspection promised by Mr. Obama – right. It’s a sad, sad, day when any Senator and Representative votes “Yes” on a massive spending bill created in smoky back rooms, kept a secret from anyone outside the liberal inner circle, and even more despicable, a bill they have not even READ. Of course the liberals who supported this barrel of bacon may have received a few more conservative votes if they have not locked out republicans from all committee meetings, perhaps allowed those on the right to make some inputs, and provided the final 1000 plus page draft more than 10 hours before Congress was pressured into a vote so Queen Pelosi could make her dinner reservations in Italy (at tax payer expense, of course). So much for the “Transparency” Mr. Obama promised during the election. Well, surprise, surprise, the liberal lies.
So what has this pork laden piece of crap given us so far, well for one, the stock market immediately tanked, so your 401K just lost even more value. So with no retirement, you will be totally dependent on the government – gee, could this be the plan? And while Nancy Pelosi’s pet mice will receive millions of our tax dollars, the rest of us are headed for a lower standard of living. With fewer and fewer foreign governments willing to loan us trillions of dollars, our government will have no choice but to begin printing money like mad to pay for their pork. Which any economist will tell you sets off out of control inflation which results in much higher interest rates. Golly gee, won’t that be fun! Think of these “porky” bills as heroin to a first time drug user – the first three or four shots feel really good. But after they become hooked, the cure of withdrawal is much more painful than any pleasure initially received from the drug.
But you shouldn’t mind because in the words of Senator “Smuck” Schumer, (D) NY, regarding Pork in legislation, Americans don’t really care! Well, Chuck, I kind of do. I guess the fine Democrat from NY believes that since liberals have been pissing away our tax dollars for so long, that we should just go with the flow…. (Pardon the pun)
Bottom line on this bill is, grab your ankles – you are about to be stimulated.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Meet the New Deal, Same as the Old Deal

With much apology to The Who and their song “Won’t Get Fooled Again”, I sit here listening to the new President telling me how spending 800 plus billion of our tax dollars is going to get us out of this economic mess. I feel I must remind Mr. President that the last Democrat that tried a ‘New Deal’ didn’t save our economy from the great depression – in fact, it had little impact, if any. Both economists and historians will tell you WWII brought our country out of the great depression, not government intervention.
But, it appears we are headed towards a bigger national debt -- and now I understand what “Change” this Democrat brought to the White House. President Obama is definitely NOT a “Tax and Spend” Democrat. He’s a “Spend and Tax” Democrat. You would be a ‘Fool’ to think that someone won’t have to pay for this bacon which they call an Economic Stimulus Bill. That 'someone' will be you and me. Your taxes will be going up – and it’s just a matter of time before we start hearing about how a ‘modest’ tax increase is needed.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's An Oinker!!!

The Economic Stimulus bill is headed to the Senate and it appears some Republicans have finally ‘grown a pair’. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has appropriately pointed out this so called stimulus bill has little to do with stimulating the economy and everything to do about pork. All I can say is,, it’s about time someone spoke up. Meanwhile, the White House seems befuddled that anyone would oppose anything proposed and supported by our new President. Their response has been the old tried and true liberal tactic of demonizing the opposition by stating this is “No Time for Partisanship”. What they really should be saying is “Do What We Want”.
Well, excuse us, Mr. President, if some of us conservatives still believe in Capitalism and aren’t buying into the idea of a Socialist America.