Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Ultimate Snake Oil Salesman

Those of you that watched the 30 minute prime time “Obama-mercial” last night were probably overwhelmed with information about the junior senator from Illinois – and probably expecting someone to say “and you get all of Barack for just $19.95 – but wait, if you order now, you also get Joe Biden!”
Let me simplify the difference between Obama and McCain. It comes down to your money – you know the money you receive for getting up each day and going to work.
John McCain believes it is YOUR money to spend it on what YOU want.
Barack Obama believes it is HIS money to spend on what HE wants.
Your choice is simple on Election Day – do you want to keep what you earn or do you believe you should send your paycheck to the government?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lowering the Tax Bar

Who’s the evil rich now? It appears the Obama/Biden tax plan keeps changing the definition. First, the evil rich was any family making over $250,000 a year or an individual making more than $200,000 a year. Then in an Obama/Biden ad, the evil rich was redefined as any family making over $200,000. Now, Joe Biden announced today that the “middle class” is redefined as any family making less than $150,000 – conversely, if your combined family income is $150,000 or more, congratulations – Joe Biden just promoted you to the Evil Rich Club! Plan on paying more taxes, much more.
We’re now getting a glimpse of what an Obama/Biden administration will be like – and if they are willing to lower the tax bar BEFORE they are elected, imagine just how far it will be lowered if they do get elected. Just remember liberals never met a tax they didn’t love.
Today, Joe the plumber said he is honestly scared for America – me too Joe, me too.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I Miss Dubya Already....

Well, all polls indicate that Barack Obama will be our next president – with much thanks to his comrades at CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC. They have all painted the current administration as the worst in history – calling President George W. Bush every negative name imaginable and then some. These networks have provided the American public a continuous stream of bad news – telling us nightly the economy is incredibly bad, unemployment out of control, inflation on the march, and skyrocketing mortgage rates in which no one can afford a home. Under Bush, things could not get any worse, and of course, this was the liberal press’s contribution to their candidate, allowing him to wrap John McCain in all of Bush’s bad news.
Now I’m not talking about the reporting on the current financial crisis we currently face, I mean what we have heard for the last eight years -- before the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae collapse – which was brought on by liberal pressure to make loans to people who could not afford them (I guess this was their way of “spreading the wealth around”?),
So I heard today that Senator Obama plans to stimulate small business by providing them a $3000 tax credit for each new employee they hire – a failed strategy tried by President Jimmy Carter. This is assuming any small businesses will be hiring anyone due to being taxed to death by Obama’s “Kill the Rich” tax strategy. Well, if Obama thinks Carter’s ideas were so outstanding, I decided to do a little comparison between Carter and Bush, to see ‘just how bad’ Bush has been for America.
So here’s a comparison between Bush’s America of Sep 2008 against Jimmy Carter’s America of September 1980. Here’s what I found…
Unemployment – Under Bush, 6.1% --- Under Carter, 7.5%
Inflation – Under Bush, 4.94% --- Under Carter, 12.6%
Mortgage Rates (30 yr fixed) – Under Bush, 6.04%, Under Carter, 13.2%
So if Senator Obama wants to do for America what Jimmy Carter brought us, well we have some very hard times to look forward to – a future in which we will be longing for the good old days of Dubya.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I’m a Redneck!!! (And I didn’t even know)

I have to thank Representative John Murtha of Pennsylvania for clarifying my core beliefs. Evidently, since I grew up in western Pennsylvania, I’m a redneck. His reference meaning that I won’t vote for Barack Obama just because he is black. Well, if the good representative from my home state knew anything about his constituents, he would know that is very far from the reason. He’s right that I don’t support Barack Obama. But for some other very significant reasons:
I don’t agree with Socialism – I support capitalism.
I don’t agree with big government – I support smaller government.
I don’t agree with higher taxes – I support lower taxes (for everyone regardless of income).
I don’t agree with providing aid and comfort to our enemies – I support our troops.
Sorry to disappoint the fine Democrat from Pennsylvania, but that’s the beliefs western Pennsylvania instilled in me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Welcome to the Socialist States of Obama!

“When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody” this was Barack Obama’s response to an Ohio plumber who questioned the junior senator about his plan to heavily tax those who make over $250,000 a year. The plumber raised the question many have been asking – why does Barack want to punish those who work hard and subsequently become financially successful? The answer – socialism.
Socialism is basically the redistribution of wealth. The government feels the wealth of their citizens is their money – and they feel they must take the money away from those who worked hard to be successful and give it to those who have not. Under a President Obama, is appears those who work hard will be punished, and those who don’t will be rewarded. That plumber from Ohio now knows not to be “too” successful, because if he expands his business, provides more jobs, and perhaps offer health care to his employees, President Obama will punish him by taxing him into oblivion.
It appears Lenin, Stalin, and Castro will have the last laugh.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Barack Obama - Champion of Joe Lunch Bucket

We’ve heard time and time again, that a President Obama would only raise the taxes on those making more than $250,000 a year, while giving a tax cut to 95% of Americans. OK then, that means only those evil rich bastards in that top 5% will get socked with higher taxes – right?
Well, let’s think a minute. Let’s say there’s this evil rich person and we’ll call him Evil R. Person. And then there’s an average Joe that punches a clock who we’ll call Joe Lunch Bucket. Evil R. Person is the president of the World Wide Widget Company. Now, Evil R. Person didn’t get rich from being dumb. He worked hard to build up his company that now employs 5000 people.
So here comes President Obama, and he’s gonna tax the evil rich people in the country. President Obama, the champion of Joe Lunch Bucket.
So Evil R. Person receives his tax bill – and it’s a whopper. What’s he gonna do? President Obama would like you to think old Evil R. Person will bear the entire tax burden, dig down deep in his pockets and send all his money to the government.
That’s not reality. What really happens is Evil R. Person (not being dumb,, as stated earlier) will adjust. That adjustment involves cutting back in other areas to pay Barack’s tax bill – like laying off some of those 5000 people to decrease payroll expenses, raising the price of his Widgets, and terminating or delaying plans for expansion. So, Joe Lunch Bucket losses his job, has to pay more for widgets, and has no hope of finding new work as companies who are not expanding, are not hiring.
Barack Obama – champion of Joe Lunch Bucket.

There IS a Difference

Some say there isn’t a difference between Obama and McCain – both just politicians wanting to be President. However, if you listened, not just watched, the debate Tuesday night, then you heard the most important difference between the two. The question from Mr. Brokaw was “Do you believe health care is a “Right” or a “Responsibility”? The two candidates clearly demonstrated the core beliefs that differentiate a liberal from a conservative.
John McCain said health insurance is a “Responsibility”. This is in line with conservative belief that all Americans are responsible for their own actions – yep, that means you – you are responsible for your own actions. The belief is that in a capitalistic society, you work for what you have. Hard work should equate to earned rewards, like a good standard of living, which would include the fact you can afford health insurance. Now, I’m not saying health insurance is cheap by any means, but there are forces that can drive down costs, like a free market place with competition for the health care dollar -- again, its call capitalism.
Now the junior senator from Illinois said health care was a “Right” in a rich country like America (this is right after he stated how far in debt we are...). Now, unless someone recently re-wrote the bill of rights, I don’t remember seeing anything about health care. I remember the right to bear arms thing, but health insurance?? But Barrack Obama’s answer demonstrates the liberal socialist belief that government owes you everything – that solely on the fact that you are an American, you have the right to government provided health care. Sorry, but I was brought up to believe that you work for what you have, and you don’t sit and wait for Uncle Sam to send you a check.
Government run health care – like government has done such a great job managing our social security dollars. Call it want ever you want, Hillary-Care, Socialized medicine,,,,, Sorry Barrack, I’m not buying.. As you said yourself, “you can put lipstick on a pig…….”

Friday, October 3, 2008

Say What? Joe’s Gonna Pay My Mortgage?

Much has been said, written, and reported about last night’s debate between Governor Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden – with most of the attention directed at what Gov. Palin said. So much so that I could not believe anyone didn’t pick up on the statement from Sen. Biden when he said an Obama/Biden administration would not only help people get the interest rates lowered on their home mortgages, but actually help PAY THE PRINCIPLE on their mortgage! Well, shucky darn, as the good Governor of Alaska might say, when can I mail my mortgage payment book to ya their Joe?
Biden’s statement is typical pandering for votes, and demonstrates the liberal belief that government is the answer to all problems. But the statement angered me – and it should anger all of us who have played by the rules, paid our mortgages on time, didn’t go on a spending spree with a bucket full of credit cards, and live within our means. We, the folks who still believe in what some feel is an antiquated belief that we should be responsible for our own actions, will be the ones that will have to pay for Biden’s handouts. Well, no thanks Senator.
Just say NO to JOE.