Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Administration of Incompetence

“The System Worked” That’s how President Obama’s hand picked Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, described a complete breakdown of the system which is supposed to keep us safe from terrorist attack. Once that statement was made, the Obama PR machine kicked into action and had old Janet back stepping faster than a contestant on Dancing with the Stars. Unfortunately for this administration, they forgot to tell the boss. Our President comes out and says 23-year-old Nigerian student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab ‘allegedly’ tried to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253. Allegedly?? This guy had approximately 80 grams of the explosive stuffed in his underwear and tried to ignite it. How much more ’allegedly’ can you get?
Bottom line here is that our enemies see America as weak, just like they did back in the good ole days of Jimmy Carter’s presidency -- which only emboldens them to attack us again.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Democrats in Congress

Senators Harry Reid, Christopher Dodd, Chuck Schumer and Max Baucus and the rest of their liberal comrades have a Christmas present for you! At 7AM this morning, they approved a trillion dollar tax increase to pay for their beloved Obamacare. And since the Senate has now officially hung this albatross on the American taxpayer, they are all running out of Washington to their home districts. Let’s hope they get an earful from the people who they are supposed to be representing when they get there.
In Harry Reid’s victory speech he stated his party’s legislation provides health care to all Americans instead of a privileged few. (Again, the liberal’s reference to the “Evil Rich”) What he didn’t say is that when he says 'all Americans', that it doesn’t include him and other members of Congress. They all have a separate sweetheart health insurance plan, paid for by us, the taxpayers. I can assure you if Harry and his gang were subject to the same heath care they just approved for you and me, this socialist heath care bill would look very, very different.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Grab Your Ankles.....

Well, Obama’s steaming pile of crap called health care reform is about to pass the Senate since Harry Reid purchased (with our tax dollars) Senator Ben Nelson’s (Nebraska Democrat) vote. While Senator Nelson gets a sweetheart deal where Nebraska gets payola for their state’s Medicaid expenses, the rest of us will pay for this in increased taxes. Gee, thanks Harry.
On top of Harry Reid’s pay for play tax bill, we all will be faced with a $600 plus billion tax increase, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to pay for the Obama’s health care reform. Now the Democrats claim they will ‘save’ $400 plus billion from cuts in Medicare. If anyone believes any politician will actually allow Medicare cuts to become effective, well then, you’ve been living on a different planet. So you can add the $400 billion to the $600 and well, as politicians will say, a billion here, and billion there and pretty soon, you’re talking about some money.
Bottom line, Harry Reid and his comrades are willing to do anything to pass Obama’s economy killer legislation - and all of us are about to sent a Trillion dollar tax increase.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, now I’m a Senator!

As if we needed more proof that the 2008 elections brought to Washington more liberal nut jobs than the country has ever seen, Al Franken steps up the plate to solidify that fact. In case you missed it, Senator Joe Lieberman was speaking on the Senate floor for the ‘allotted’ 10 minutes each Senator is afforded. As a courtesy, Senators routinely ask the floor for an additional minute or two if they exceed their allotted time, which is always granted by the chairman. Not the case for the junior Senator from Minnesota. When Joe Lieberman requested more time, Al Franken declares he “objects” and essentially tells Joe to shut the hell up. Of course Joe's request for an additional minute is seen as a threat to the liberal's rush to cram their socialist legislation down our throats.
Here’s a message to Joe – it should be completely apparent that the Democrats neither need nor want your support. They have just publicly crapped in your Cheerios and you need to remember this when their economy killing health care bill comes up for a vote.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Yep, He Cares… About His Agenda….

Even now, there are some that just don’t get it. This administration wants to transform America into a socialist country. That’s it. Nothing else matters. Now, that may sound like conservative rhetoric, but how to you explain the lack of concentration on the nation’s number one issue - the economy. Even with the unemployment rate falling to 10 percent today, probably due to seasonal hiring, this administration tells us that is good news. Really, that’s Good news? And this is while the President is headed off to Copenhagen to hob-nob with the “Global Warming” crowd. And now the latest, in a long line of excuses for their failures, is to remind us that “they” somehow saved us all from the mother of all economic depressions.
James Carvelle had a favorite slogan during Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign -- “It’s The Economy Stupid”. Perhaps this administration should take his advice. Obama’s other problem is perception - how can you seem credible on concern for America’s economy when you are championing economy killing initiatives like socialized medicine via health care reform and a Cap and Trade legislation? This gives President Obama’s recent conference on jobs has about as much credibility as the Nazi party having a summit on how to improve the life of Jews.
Sure, the Democrats in Congress are concerned about the economy and would like to have the unemployment rate back to where it was under the Bush administration (remember, the guy they blame for everything?) But this concern is solely driven by fear their party will experience a blood bath during the 2010 mid term elections and lose their political stranglehold over our country - and that’s just sad.