Sunday, April 14, 2013

Guns - Are They The Real Problem?

This morning on CNN’s State of the Union, Candy Crowley interviewed Senator Marco Rubio who provided, which the old NCO thinks, is the most intelligent statement about the Gun Control controversy currently being debated by our representatives in Congress. That statement was that we have a violence problem in this country, not a gun control problem. Guns are only the vehicle used to carry out violence. The legislation being debated in Washington assumes that guns commit criminal acts, not the people behind the guns. Liberals love to ride a wave of emotion when a horrific incident like what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary school takes place and us it to advance their radical liberal agenda on Gun Control. But Senator Rubio is spot on when he says the issue is violence in our society and not guns. Many things can take the lives of innocent people; bombs, poison, knives, even physical attacks, but the common denominator here is violence. What’s next from liberals – a national registry on kitchen knives? Perhaps those on the liberal side of the fence need to look in the mirror and ask themselves why is there an increase in these violent incidents? Could it be the watering down of family values by the left? The liberalization of laws, and always, always, blaming the violent acts of criminals on ‘society’ and not enforcing or appreciating the basic rule that used to be the foundation of American values – which is each individual taking responsibility for one’s acts.