Saturday, December 11, 2010

That's What Elections Are For.....

I remember Mr. Obama saying that back in 2009. It was his way of explaining why he wasn’t concerned with listening to anyone on the conservative side of the fence while he crammed socialist programs down our throats with his super majority senate and Democratic majority in the House of Representatives. I’m assuming this was his arrogant way of letting us know he and his socialist buddies were in charge and the rest of us just needed to shut up and go away.
Well, now Conservatives can say the same. And it seems the President is practicing what he has preached, by trying not to raise taxes on Americans in a down economy. Good for him, at least it seems the light bulb came on. But the hard core Socialists, the very ones who were dancing in celebration just a short 24 months ago, are fighting their fair leader on this issue. They still want to fan the flames of class warfare using the tired old argument of “tax cuts for the rich”. It seems the hard line Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, believe only they can determine who is “rich”, and that they have the exclusive right to take other people’s money – and how much.
Well, Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi – that’s what elections are for – and now it’s your turn to shut up and go away.