Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Socialist Speak

When liberals get into power, they normally screw up everything; like health care, the economy, and tarnishing America’s standing in the world. So when your resume includes nothing but failure, what do you do? Well, the Democrats have a plan – it’s called Socialist Speak. These are catchy little phrases, concocted by the Democratic National Committee to be repeated over and over by the liberal talking heads every time they get in front of a microphone.
Here are some examples:

“Bush’s Recession” This is pretty recent, but was first introduced by VP Joe “The Gaffer” Biden. It’s an attempt to deflect attention away from the failure of the Democratic stimulus plan and make you think all of our country’s economic woes are totally the fault of President Bush.

“Anti-Immigration” This is the term the left uses to label anyone who supports securing the borders from the flood of ILLEGAL immigrants. This first was used by the President to describe the people who support Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s efforts to enforce the immigration laws since the Obama administration refuses to do their job.

“Racist Element” First used by the NAACP, it is an attempt to paint anyone who supports or is associated with the Tea Party movement as racist. It is an attempt to perpetuate the myth that white people don’t support President Obama’s policies solely because he is black – trying to downplay the fact that people don’t support his socialist policies which has nothing to do with the President’s race.

I’m sure there’s more “Socialist Speak” to come – as the Democrats can’t run on their unpopular policies in November, their only hope is to slander those that oppose them.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Personality Types in American Politics

You can label anyone anything based on what’s going on in the world. Take Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona. Now if she were to be a candy bar, I’d call her Almond Joy.

On the other hand, let’s look at President Obama, now if he were a candy bar, I’d call him Mounds.

Why?? Well we all know that little jingle that goes “Almond Joy has nuts – Mounds don’t”.

I think that pretty much says it all.

You Un-American Bastard, You…

The socialist Obama visited a Ford assembly plant this week to take ‘credit’ for Ford’s turnaround. What a crock! Unlike GM and Chrysler, Ford didn’t take Obama’s bail out money. And oddly enough, Ford was the first to make a turnaround economically.
But there’s the anointed one, President Obama, telling us his bail out and other economic policies saved the “American” car maker. He further went on to say any who opposed his policies had lost faith in the American worker eluding that his critics were ‘un-American’. All I can say is that the President must have a very low opinion of the average American’s level of intelligence – at least he’s banking on that for his re-election hopes in 2012.
It’s common knowledge that Ford, as well as GM and Chrysler, are global companies – just like Honda, Toyota and Nissan. There hasn’t been a true “American” car maker for decades. Go to Tennessee and tell the Nissan workers they are not ‘American’. Go to Ohio and tell that to the Honda workers or to Texans who build Toyota trucks. Why is our President touting a Ford Fusion, one of Ford’s best offerings, which is built in MEXICO over a Honda built in Ohio?? Well, Obama must think you are stupid. Politics dictate that when you have nothing to offer, attack your critics.
Again, this is just another shining example of the ineptness of this failed administration.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Swamp Queen Pelosi

What a difference four years can make. Queen Nancy Pelosi proclaimed back in 2007 she would “drain the swamp” of corruption in the House of Representatives when she was elected Speaker of the House. She was going to clean up all of the corruption in Congress. Well, it seems her pledge to clean up the corruption in Congress only applies if you are a Conservative. Take the case of Charlie Rangel. Under ethics charges (15 counts), and the scandal keeps building every day. But, when Miss “Clean up the Swamp” Nancy is asked about Representative Rangel, her only reply is that she is “Out of the Loop” and needs to let the ethics committee do their job.
Out of the Loop?? -- Get real. If Representative Rangel happened to be a Republican, both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would be the first in line to drive nails through Rangel’s palms attaching him to the crucifix they would erect in the front lawn of the Capital building.