Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Let Me Check My Calendar, Mr. President

The news cycle is full of the events today where President Obama sent a letters to Congress, one to Senator Harry Reid in the Senate and one to House Speaker John Boehner, today inviting himself to speak to Congress at 8PM EST next Wednesday, September 7th – the exact same time as the Republican Presidential Debate which has been scheduled for months out in California. Violating centuries of protocol of how Presidents request special time to speak to Congress, the President decided to dictate, with his usual arrogance, the time and place were “his” Congress would hear him speak. Evidently, he has recently discovered that the country is in the middle of an economic crisis, unemployment is too high and worst of all -- his approval ratings have hit an all-time low. So the President decided he better get off of the golf course and do something about it. I’d get into what he is proposing, but that’s too much info and deserving of a separate blog article.
So back to the scheduling of the President’s meeting with Congress – supposedly, there was a ‘confidential’ conversation between Barack Obama and John Boehner about the President’s request to speak to the Congress before the letter was sent – although both sides now deny this ever happened. However, be not dismayed -- the Old NCO’s crack investigative team has obtained a recording of that conversation.
Ring, Ring, Ring….
Rep Boehner’s Office: “Good Morning – this is the office of the Speaker of the House of Representative, the House Majority Leader, the Honorable John A. Boehner, representing Ohio’s 8th District – may I help you?”
White House: “This is the White House calling – is the Majority Leader in?”
Rep Boehner’s Office: “Yes, may I tell him who is calling?”
White House: “It’s the White House – who do you think is calling?”
Rep Boehner’s Office: “One moment please – I’ll connect you to the Speaker” At this point, Rep Boehner’s assistant places his hand over the phone and yells, “Sir, the White House is on line two”
Rep Boehner says, “who from the White House” – the Assistant answers “It’s Him – I think he wants to complain about the Tea Party again”
Rep Boehner “Go ahead and put him through”
JB: Good Morning Mr. President
BO: Good Morning John. I need to speak with you about something important. It’s a matter of national urgency.
JB: Are you talking about the devastation of Hurricane Irene?
BO: No John, fortunately, the Hurricane didn’t interfere with my golf in Martha’s Vineyard – this is something really important.
JB: Yes Sir, I understand – so how can I help you?
BO: Well John, I’ve been informed that my last stimulus plan isn’t working out as planned – you see, unemployment is still over 9% and I promised…..
JB: Sir, I don’t mean to cut you off, but unemployment has been over 9% for months – and you know the stimulus bill you passed with your Democratic House and Democratic Senate hasn’t worked – and it’s even made things worse.
BO: Now, John, let’s not get into that.. What I really need is to come up there to the hill and talk to you guys.
JB: Sounds good Mr. President, when did you have in mind?
BO: Well John, I was thinking next Wednesday, the 7th – about 8PM in the evening.
JB: OK, Mr. President, let me check my calendar…..
JB: Mr. President, you must be aware that’s the same time as the Republican Presidential Debate that’s scheduled out in California?
BO: Really, I didn’t know. I’m really gonna yell at my staff about that – but about the time, is it OK?
JB: Mr. President – you can’t be telling me you didn’t know about the debate and this is just a coincidence?
BO: Well, John, let’s put the country first and politics second – we need to work together to get this country working again.
JB: No disrespect Sir, but please reserve your campaign speeches for your party faithful.
BO: So John, next Wednesday’s OK then?
JB: No Sir, I can’t say that it is – for one, all of the representatives will just be getting back in town – and second, I really can’t believe this isn’t just politics to grab airtime away from your possible presidential contenders.
BO: Now John, that’s not true. I believe this is a time of crisis, and I need to tell the American people what I plan to do.
JB: Respectfully, Sir, that ship sailed a while ago. Let me suggest something to you, how about the next night? That would be Thursday, the 8th – does that work for you?
BO: No Way – the Packers play the Saints in prime time – who would listen to me vs. watching NFL Football?
JB: My point Sir.
BO: Click.
JB: (with a grin on his face) Click.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where's Waldo?

Just where is Waldo? Why is it no one can find Muammar Gaddafi? Is he still in the country? Did he get out before the rebels stormed his compound? I don't think so. It's reported good old Muammar is alive and well. He even has a new job. It's the most demanding job on earth - and he will be working every day from now on.

He's now the golf caddy for Barack Obama.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Yes, that’s where Representative Maxine Waters of the People’s Republic of California it telling all Tea Party people to go – “straight to hell”. At a community summit on Saturday she expressed the sentiment of liberals across the country who have been given free rein to attack anyone who doesn’t agree with their radical left wing agenda. And while her statement is totally inappropriate, I found it curious the air play it received on the CNN and Fox News morning news programs. If you do a search on, there’s no mention of the story – in fact, it got literally no airtime on “American Morning” from their left leaning reporters. On Fox, they played the video of Rep Waters making the statement and reported it for what it was – desperation and disappointment by liberals in their “appointed one” who resides in the White House (or wherever he is vacationing this week).
However, I found it amazing how CNN’s American Morning news team made every effort to keep on reporting on Governor Rick Perry’s comment about the Federal Reserve’s actions being treasonous. They referred Perry's comment at every opportuinty - even if it has nothing to do with the news story they were currently reporting. It was so blatant they wanted to keep this story alive in the news that I was expecting it to be part of the weather report – something like “Tropical Storm Irene’s path is so radical that Rick Perry would probably call her actions treasonous”. At least CNN’s American Morning program keeps providing me ideas for my blog -- I just hope I can hold my coffee down in the morning.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Hypocrite Campaign Tour

President Obama is out on the campaign trail - on YOUR dime. Yes, that's right, the brand new shiny busses, the hotels, the security, all travel costs - right out of the taxpayers pocket. I heard the President's stump speech today, and if that wasn't a campaign speech, then I'm not an old NCO. It's really ironic that the "Champion" of the American taxpayer doesn't think twice about using taxpayer dollars to advance his personal political career - even after boasting about having a billion dollars in his campaign war chest.

And the President's message?? Well, since BIOB (Blame It On Bush) isn't working anymore, he now blames his blatent failures of leadership on Congress - or as he says, "some in Congress" which specifically means Tea Party Republicans. How horrible for those Tea Party people to take away Obama's blank check to spend America into bankruptcy.

So what's Obama's answer to America's economic woes while he's out wasting taxpayer dollars? Well, he is announcing he will be proposing yet another "stimulus package" when Congress comes back from vacation. I guess the first one wasn't a big enough failure that he feels another one is necessary.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Blame and Excuses

This is what President Obama gives us in a time of economic crisis. Blame anything and anyone other then the administration -- and then make excuses for HIS failures of leadership. This administration of failure sent out their comrades to the news programs this weekend hawking a line that this was the “Tea Party Downgrade” in reference to the S&P downgrade of America’s credit rating. The truth is that the Tea Party movement has demonstrated much more leadership than the President by forcing the “spend, spend, spend” liberals to cut up their credit cards. President Obama and his comrades are like a bad relative that keeps asking you to financially bail them out, and then you see them take the money you give them and party it away - only to be back at your doorstep for more money. As least the Tea Party sent the message that the days of the blank check for Liberal programs is over.
Bottom line, Barack Obama said it himself in February 2009, “If this economy hasn’t recovered in three years, I’m a one-termer”. Well, Barack, you have six months to get it right. But based on your performance over the last two and a half years, it doesn’t look like you have a clue.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

War Declared!!

The ink wasn’t even dry on the Debt Reduction Bill on President Obama’s desk before the Democrats in the House of Representatives began their all-out verbal assault on conservatives. Faced with a real crisis with the debt ceiling, Democrats had to concede that maybe, just maybe, the Government can’t do everything for everybody. And it was a very bitter pill to swallow for these Socialist Democrats. Their lashing out today at Republicans proves this out..

Let’s begin with what Queen Pelosi said -- “Every time I have met with you, we started our session with how many days it has been since the Republicans have been in office. Well, today it is 210 and we haven't seen any legislation yet that has created jobs. In fact, we have seen legislation which has cost nearly 2 million jobs. More than 9,000 jobs a day would be lost if the Republicans' legislation were signed into law.”

I assume Nancy isn’t speaking of the two YEARS (that's 730 days Nancy) when she was in control of the house – and all that resulted in was massive debts and higher unemployment. It’s nice she is now setting on the sidelines, waiting on the Republicans – at least if she is just sitting on her liberal rump, she isn’t further damaging America. Also, it’s nice to hear her new battle cry ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’. That’s a refreshing change from her previous credo of ‘Spend, Spend, Spend, Spend’. And as for Republicans proposing legislation to create jobs, how about a bill to lower the national debt so interest rates stay low and inflation doesn’t get out of hand – Nancy, that would be the bill that you were just forced to support that the Republicans – specifically the Tea Party Republicans – got through Congress.

And then Denny Hoyer adds “Let me suggest at the outset that talking about jobs is talking about the debt. The only way we are going to successfully deal with debt is to create jobs and economic growth in America. We know that, but 8 months on the job, no jobs bill for the American people. That is the negligent record of the Republican majority.”

So what’s Denny’s answer – more redistribution of wealth? As the song goes, tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more. But, I agree that the only way out of debt is to grow jobs and have economic growth. But you don’t do that be demonizing those that create jobs and creating an uncertain tax atmosphere, massive amounts of government regulations, and crippling health care legislation – which is Denny’s idea of how to grow jobs.

The Democratic plan to fix America’s economy seems to be, find what will work – then do the opposite. Seems like they all want to be heros in a Bizzaro world where everything is backwards. Maybe we could just fly the House Democrats there in those ‘Corporate Jets’ they love to talk about.