Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Where's My Stuff?"

I don’t mean to stereotype an entire generation, but it seems to this old NCO that there has been a general ‘shift’ in the attitude about what it means to be an American. I’m speaking mainly about the generation that grew up in the 90s and were of voting age in 2008 - for many, it was their first presidential election.
This attitude of what it means to be an American is best epitomized by a skit from Saturday Night Live, where President Bush was giving a press conference and a young girl stands up and says “Where’s My Stuff?” The President looks confused and questions the girl -- she responds by saying she sees everyone around her has new cars, nice clothes, and a big home, so since everyone else has there stuff, she wanted to know where her stuff was.
I’m also reminded of the presidential debate between Obama and McCain where they both were to describe if healthcare was a right or a responsibility. McCain said healthcare was a responsibility, which is what this old NCO would have said. But Obama said, in America healthcare should be a right. One answer was from a capitalist, one from a socialist.
So this generation of Obama supporters grew up with a sense of ‘entitlement’ - that as an American, you are entitled to “your stuff”. And that’s what President Obama is doing - providing this generation their stuff. The only problem is that those of us, like this old NCO, who have spent the majority of their lives working to pay for their stuff, have to foot the bill so Obama can give it away for free.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The War on Fox News

For the last few weeks, Obama’s Socialist Army has been on the airways telling us Fox News is some evil, right wing organization, which should not be taken seriously, either by us or any other “real” news organization. This is obviously an attempt by the President and his staff to silence any decent in the press and eliminate any reporting that is unfavorable or critical to the President and his socialist agenda.
So is this what President Obama has to worry about? Really? There’s the war in Afghanistan, which General Stanley McChrystal is waiting for some kind of decision from the President on troop strength while American troops are in the line of fire. There’s still the issue of Iraq, which requires an exit strategy. There’s the nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea. And of course there’s the economy, the rising unemployment, the failed stimulus package, and the runaway national debt with its pressure to set off inflation.
So what does Obama’s Socialist Army feel the biggest threat to America is today? Well, it must be Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, & Bill O’Reily. And when all the real issues they should be concerned with get much worse and expose the failure of this administration to address them, I’m sure they will find a way to blame it all on George W. Bush.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obamacare - A Look at Socialist Medicine

OK, so lets say the Socialists in Congress shove their Government run health care down our throats -- lets consider the future for a moment…… Say you feel a lump growing on your abdomen -- it's not normal -- you’re worried what it may be -- you want a doctor to look at it -- and for the first time in your life, you call ,,,,,,,, Obamacare…..

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring…… click…. (and the recording begins) “Hello, Welcome to Obamacare! Where our motto is ‘Yes We Can’. All of our clinical technicians are currently busy helping others. Please stay on the line and someone will be with you. The current waiting time is…… two hours and 15 minutes”. This is then followed by some generic instructions aimed at making life easier for the Obamacare staff. Then you hear a few clicks followed by the music of children singing praises to Barack Hussian Obama for the next two hours and 45 minutes. Finally, a ‘CT’ (clinical technician) comes on the line and says, “Welcome to Obamacare, how can I help you?”

You: “Yes, finally, thank God… I need to see a doctor as I have…”
CT: “Please provide your OSN.”
You: “My what??“
CT: “ Your Obamacare Serial Number.”
You: “Oh, ya, right,,, let me get my card.”
CT: “The recording should have told you to have your number ready - were you not listening?”
You: “OK, here, I have it… it’s 94F653K487667J12XX07LSHT.”
CT: “Please repeat that, I wasn’t ready.”
You: “What, you’re kidding, right?”
CT: “No, please repeat your OSN (Obamacare Serial Number).”

You repeat the number and you hear the CT type it in the computer.

CT: “Do you still live at 734 Oak Line, Goober, VA?”
You: “Yes.”
CT: “Do you smoke, take illegal drugs, abuse alcohol, have unprotected sex, feel depressed, or emit large amounts of hydrocarbons into the environment?”
You: “What the hell, I just need to see a doctor.”
CT: “Your government requires you to answer these questions. Do I need to repeat them?”
You: “OK, OK!! No, No, No, NO, no, and I don’t run a coal factory.”
CT: “Thank you - now why are you calling Obamacare.”
You: “Yes, finally,,,, I need to see a Doctor”
CT: “Well I’m here to make that decision for you. Please describe your medical condition.”
You: “I have a lump growing on my abdomen.”
CT: “Can you describe the lump?”
You: “It’s a LUMP, how else could I describe it?”
CT: “ Well, does it have a color? Does it have a funny shape?”
You: “Yes, it’s the color of my skin and it is round -- it’s a LUMP!”
CT: “OK, please calm down - I’m here to help you.”
You: “So can I please see a doctor.”
CT: “Again, I’m going to determine your need.”
You: “My need?? I need to see a doctor!”
CT: “I understand what you want, but my job is to determine your actual need. Now, how long have you had this lump?”
You: “I guess about two weeks - I noticed it in the shower.”
CT: “The shower, well if you have a shower, I need to know if you use recycled water and do you use a water saver shower head?”
You: “What does that have to do with my lump?”
CT: “Like I said before, your government needs to know these items.”
You: “OK, OK, I give up,,, no, I don’t use recycled water in the shower, and no, I don’t use a water saver shower head.”
CT: “You understand one of the many conditions of Obamacare is that you make your home energy efficient. I need to send an EPA Compliance Officer out to your house and have it inspected for federal environmental violations. When can we schedule your inspection?”
You: “Is that really necessary? I just wanted to see a Doctor”
CT: “Your government needs to oversee all aspects of your life to ensure you live it according the Laws of Obama. These laws were passed by Congress and they are in your best interest.”
You: “OK, OK, so can I see a Doctor??”
CT: “Well, I believe we can allow you to see a doctor,, let me see,, there's an opening on April 23rd -- can I pre-schedule you now?”
You: “April -- this is October!!”
CT: “I know, you’re really lucky that you called at a good time - appointments for next year are filling up fast!”
You: “LUCKY! I could have Cancer and could be dead by then!”
CT: “Did you say you have cancer? If so, I'll need to transfer you to the Michelle Obama Cancer Center, can you hold?”
You: “No, no, I didn’t say I have cancer - I said I could have cancer!”
CT: “Sorry, once cancer is mentioned, I really have to transfer you to the MOCC.
You: “Oh My God - Nevermind! I’ll drive to Canada. I understand the waits for service there are much shorter.”
CT: “OK, in that case, your President wants to thank you for using Obamacare - Now, we need to know if President Obama can count on your support in the upcoming 2012 election?”
CT: “Hello, are you still there?? Hello??? Hello???"

Now how could anyone believe that the Government getting involved in your healthcare decisions would be a good thing?