Thursday, April 30, 2009

No Opinions Allowed!

The war on conservatives continues. Even the Miss America pageant is now a battleground for liberals to attack conservatives as evidenced by the politically charged question from Judge Perez Hilton to Carrie Prejean, Miss California. It appears from the reaction from the left, that Ms. Prejean is not allowed to have her own opinion about gay marriage – especially when it differs from their agenda. By merely stating she believes marriage is between a man and a woman at the Miss America pageant (which received applause from the audience, and not the “boos” reported by the liberal press) she has become the newest target of the radical left. Judge Hilton’s objection to her statement, he says, is based on his belief that Miss America should represent all Americans, and her answer indicates she holds some bias against gays. So Mr. Hilton felt obligated to call Ms. Prejean a “dumb bitch”, then he recanted from that statement, but only then to stand by the dumb bitch statement and continued on to say at least he didn’t use the “C” word to describe Miss California – wow, what a gentleman. MSNBC ran a story to discredit Ms. Prejean about her breast implants, with the obvious implication that she is some kind of fake or phony person, even through implants are common place in pageant contestants. And the rest of the liberal press continued to give this story life only to discredit Ms. Prejean and advance the leftist agenda of stamping out and punishing anyone that has views or opinions different from the radical left. Trust me, any future Miss America contestant will think long and hard before having any opinion on anything in the future.
By Ms. Prejean having the courage of her convictions, it cost her a crown – but she showed far greater character by living what she believes. Carrie, you’re my Miss America any day of the week.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Obama Motors

Yep, for those of you old enough to remember, that’s a Hudson Hornet. And for those of you who aren’t old enough to remember - that’s a Hudson Hornet. The Hudson Motor Car Company, located in Detroit Michigan, was at one time the third largest automobile manufacturer in America - and for several years in the early 1950s, the Hudson Hornet dominated NASCAR. So why isn’t the Hudson still with us -- well, they went out of business. And over the last century, so did Desoto, and Packard, and Kaiser-Frazier, and LaSalle, and Rambler.
So why I am telling you this, well, it seems the Obama administration fails to realize there have been American car companies that have actually gone out of business. Back in the day, there were no government bailouts, so everyone simply lived by the rule of economics. If you built a product that people wanted to buy, your company grew. If you built a product people didn’t buy, you went out of business. To put it simply, capitalism worked. So why does the Obama administration continue to pour money into General Motors? Is GM more sacred than car companies that have gone before? Can we not fathom an America without GM as we know it today? As long as GM knows Uncle Obama will keep sending cash, they will never make the changes they need to stay competitive. And what would those changes be? Perhaps follow a successful business model, like Nissan, Honda, and Toyota who all have major nameplates, one mainstream line and one upscale line. So no Saturn, no GMAC, no Pontiac, no Buick, no Hummer - just Chevy, and one upscale line, Cadillac. Wanna survive in a tough economy? Well take a tip from Sam Walton, who followed one simple business plan, find someone successful at what they do, and do that.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It seems things aren’t going as liberals thought. Their assumption was President Obama’s rock star charisma would carry them to their ultimate goal of complete power. They could quickly take the reigns of the media and stamp out any opposing voices. However, to their amazement, there’s actually a large group of people out there willing to say enough is enough. Enough to the bail outs. Enough to tripling the national debt and burying our grandchildren in dept. Enough to nationalization of banks and industries. So people are speaking out. And the liberals don’t like what they hear - and it’s scaring them. So they fall back to the only thing they know how to do well. Blame Bush. Now the leftist in Congress want to put the Bush Administration on trial, and prosecute them for “torturing” known terrorist. While this makes for great headlines in the left wing main steam media, it achieves the real goal of diverting attention from the fact that they are hopelessly lost on addressing the country’s real issues of the economy and the war on terror.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The War on Conservatives

Obama’s Leftist Army has now declared all out war on conservatives. The recent Tea Party protests brought out the true feelings of those in power. Jeanane Garafalo’s rant on MSKBG with Keith Olbermann was a perfect example of how the left deals with any kind of opposition to their Socialist agenda. Only concerned with their objectives, the left resorts to their typical tactic of attack, attack, attack. Ms. Garafalo’s description of the tea party participants as uneducated racist rednecks who can’t stand a black man in the White House demonstrates this perfectly. Of course, Mr. Olbermann, another surrogate of the left agreed and never challenged how ridiculous her statement was - in fact, he did everything possible to give it credibility. The left's attack on all conservatives reflects their growing fear that the luster is starting to come off of their Obama-God. They are afraid his hob knobbing with the likes of Hugo Chavez and Raul Castro may awaken the conservative movement much like the weakness of President Carter awakened a movement back to conservative sensibility and swept Ronald Reagan into the White House in 1980 to save the country. Leftist remember they have a short time to supplant themselves so deeply in control so they don’t lose power. Perhaps the nationalization of the banking system, taking over control of major industry like General Motors, and dredging up an outdated “fairness” doctrine from the 1960s to make illegal any opposing voices like Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh would be a great way stay in power?
But, then again, what would I know -- according to Jeanane Garafalo and John Murtha (D-PA), I’m just a uneducated racist redneck.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


After wondering how President Obama plans to save the economy, it finally hit me – Obama and his Socialist buddies have a blueprint for their economic decisions. They simply ask themselves, what would Reagan do? And then they do the complete opposite.
Reagan understood that businesses create jobs, so he changed tax codes to provide incentives to expand, which lead to increased production and job creation. Obama plans to punish businesses by taxing them to death, killing any hopes of expansion and leading to higher unemployment.
Reagan understood that government should get out of the way, and encouraged capitalism. Obama believes government is the answer to everything, and encourages Socialism.

Think of the Obama administration as a repeat of the Jimmy Carter administration. We survived Carter’s high inflation, high interest rates, and high unemployment. Let’s just hope there’s another Ronald Reagan out there somewhere to save us in 2012.