Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It seems things aren’t going as liberals thought. Their assumption was President Obama’s rock star charisma would carry them to their ultimate goal of complete power. They could quickly take the reigns of the media and stamp out any opposing voices. However, to their amazement, there’s actually a large group of people out there willing to say enough is enough. Enough to the bail outs. Enough to tripling the national debt and burying our grandchildren in dept. Enough to nationalization of banks and industries. So people are speaking out. And the liberals don’t like what they hear - and it’s scaring them. So they fall back to the only thing they know how to do well. Blame Bush. Now the leftist in Congress want to put the Bush Administration on trial, and prosecute them for “torturing” known terrorist. While this makes for great headlines in the left wing main steam media, it achieves the real goal of diverting attention from the fact that they are hopelessly lost on addressing the country’s real issues of the economy and the war on terror.

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