Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Face of Nothing

The Democrats in the Senate. The party of no. The party of arrogance. The party of politics only. While House Speaker Boehner is working feverishly to pass a bill through the House of Representatives, Harry Reid and his comrades in the Senate are doing nothing. Even worse, they have informed Speaker Boehner that if he is successful in getting a bill through the House to save the country from financial disaster, Harry and his fellow Democrats will do everything to kill the House's bill. Even the President supports Harry Reid's obstructionism to progress on the debt limit crisis. And this is while the President, nor the Democrats in the Senate have offered anything - no plan, no proposals, just the old Democrat party line of Tax the Rich and Blame Bush. Democrats are masters of criticizing others, but total failures in finding real solutions.
That’s not leadership - that’s just politics on the part of the Democrats in Washington DC. It’s time for Harry and his comrades to step up and be Americans first and politicians second.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Poor Jane

Even though the political urinary competition over the debt limit dominates the current news cycle, a second page story about Jane Fonda deserves a little attention. I read that Jane Fonda is saying she has been “banished” from QVC, where she was scheduled to promote her latest book on aging, Prime Time. She said the reason for her banishment was due to her political past as an activist against the Vietnam War. QVC stated no reason for her cancellation and added that they frequently make programming changes that result in short notice to scheduled guests. Jane claims otherwise - she says QVC told her there were a lot of calls to QVC from viewers who threatened to boycott the show if she appeared. Well, QVC could have received lots of calls, but I doubt is was because of her speaking out against the Vietnam war - many people in the 60s and 70s spoke out against the war. But very few used their celebrity to travel to North Vietnam in 1972 and commit what some would call treasonous acts against the United States. I guess this privileged limousine liberal is now a little annoyed her past is haunting her and has caused her to suffer the inconvenience of losing the QVC gig. Sorry Jane. I imagine the numerous POWs that were being tortured in North Vietnam prison camps while you partied with the communists back in 72 should be upset too. Time heals all wounds and all transgressions are forgotten - Right? But maybe not. After all, there are people who have been convicted of treason against the United States and will spend their lives in prison. Jane Fonda returned to the United States from her 1972 North Vietnam trip to make millions in film, exercise videos, and celebrity appearances. So now there's no QVC for you Jane - life is so unfair.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rich People have all of the Money!!!

Oh those evil rich people. They, and only they, with their corporate jets, their country club memberships and multi million dollar homes, are responsible for everything wrong in your life. They are responsible for the over 9 percent unemployment. They are responsible for the economic downturn. They are responsible for the crushing national debt. And yes, they are responsible for the high price of gasoline. If only we could only punish them by taxing them to death, all of our problems would be solved.
Don’t believe me? Well, just listen to the President of the United States - he’ll tell you it’s so. He’s prepared to blame anyone or anything other then his prosperity killing policies for our country’s woes. He has to attack rich people as the “blame Bush” excuse has gotten a little old. So let me translate Mr. Obama’s strategy. He’s using class warfare to advance is Socialist agenda - and it works like this. Address a bunch of middle class Americans who would like to be better off financially, and tell them their plot in life is not their fault - that evil rich people are keeping them from advancing up the economic ladder -- and they have only one hope, and it is he, the working man’s savior. So if you are willing to pray at the alter of the Obama-God, he will save you. Just support him, and he will give you the rich man’s money.
Well, I’m not an economic genius, but I know enough that an economic policy built on the redistribution of wealth is called Socialism. So we should all be prepared for the Democratic campaign this coming presidential election - as it will be built on a platform of class warfare. Instead of uniting America, the Democrats plan is to turn Americans against one another so we don’t notice the damage Obama and his cronies have done to our country.