Saturday, December 11, 2010

That's What Elections Are For.....

I remember Mr. Obama saying that back in 2009. It was his way of explaining why he wasn’t concerned with listening to anyone on the conservative side of the fence while he crammed socialist programs down our throats with his super majority senate and Democratic majority in the House of Representatives. I’m assuming this was his arrogant way of letting us know he and his socialist buddies were in charge and the rest of us just needed to shut up and go away.
Well, now Conservatives can say the same. And it seems the President is practicing what he has preached, by trying not to raise taxes on Americans in a down economy. Good for him, at least it seems the light bulb came on. But the hard core Socialists, the very ones who were dancing in celebration just a short 24 months ago, are fighting their fair leader on this issue. They still want to fan the flames of class warfare using the tired old argument of “tax cuts for the rich”. It seems the hard line Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, believe only they can determine who is “rich”, and that they have the exclusive right to take other people’s money – and how much.
Well, Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi – that’s what elections are for – and now it’s your turn to shut up and go away.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Obama Tax Increase

Let’s talk taxes. Higher taxes that is. They are on the way. The Lame Duck Congress is trying to let the Bush Tax cuts expire on January 1st, 2011. If they do, we need to call this action what it is – the 2011 Obama Tax Increase. Let me repeat that – the 2011 Obama Tax Increase.
With the support of their leader, Mr. Obama, the outgoing Democrats in Congress (you know, the ones that lost their jobs earlier this month) will give all of us hard working tax payers one more shot to our posteriors before they depart Washington in the form of a tax increase.
They are trying to ‘sell’ this to us as a tax cut for the middle class and a tax hike on the rich. There are a couple of problems here. First how to you give a tax cut to someone who was already given that tax cut by President Bush? Obama acts like extending the tax cuts for those of us making less than $250k a year as if he’s doing us some big favor. Second, his effort to only “Tax the Rich” clearly demonstrates either his ignorance of Capitalism or is out right hatred of it. If you raise taxes on those that create the jobs in this country, they do two things, reduce their workforce and/or raise prices of their goods and services. That means fewer of us will have jobs and if we do, we’ll have to pay higher prices for everything.
If Obama has his way, taxes will go up on those with higher incomes, but what Mr. Obama doesn’t understand, is that ALL of us will have to pay those taxes, either directly or indirectly.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

After the Election......

Well, the mid term elections are over. And now that all the ballots have been counted, and all the winners and losers are known, lets see how the left is reacting to their ’shellacking’.

WWOD? Yes, just what would Obama do? Well, it didn’t take long to find out. Simple answer - tuck your tail between your legs and leave town. If you don’t like the lead stories on the evening news, then go make some news yourself - by visiting countries where you are more popular than you are back home. Obviously, we have a President in denial. Does he really believe the reason the left lost so badly in the mid terms is because his “change” didn’t happen fast enough? Mr. President - they simply didn’t like your “change” - period. Wake up and smell the rose garden.

Nancy’s Dance Party - So the election was a sound defeat for the current leader of the House. So what does Nancy do? Well, it’s party time! On your tax dollar, she held a party for her cronies last week in Washington to celebrate the many accomplishments of her Socialist comrades. You know, things like the economy killing Obamacare bill, and the Crap and Trade legislation. Nancy throwing a party after the drumming Democrats took in the mid terms, reminds me of the Delta House throwing a toga party after being put on double secret probation.

Quack - now comes the last gasp of the Socialist Congress lead by Nancy and Harry Reid. It’s the lame duck congress. Their focus will be on once again, trying to get those evil rich people (you know, Republicans) from getting a tax break. Yes, this is about the Bush era tax cuts. They want to extend the tax cuts for those making less than 250K a year, but if you make more, yes, that means you folks who create most of the jobs in this country, then you must be punished for being successful. It just the Socialist way. Hopefully, they will be as successful in their lame duck session as they were in the mid term elections.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Who Will Show Up?

Next Tuesday we all have an opportunity -- an opportunity to change the course of America using the only tool we have – our vote. There will be two outcomes on Tuesday night – either the Obama Democrats will stay in power, or Republicans will take enough seats in the house to obtain a majority – and quite possibly, the Republicans will take control of the Senate. If this were to happen, Mr. Obama would find he is nothing more than a lame duck for his remaining two years on Pennsylvania Ave.
So America, what do you want? A return to fiscal sanity and the return to an economic system based on Capitalism, or possibly six more years of Obama’s Socialist Paradise?
But it all comes down to one thing, who will show up on Tuesday? Will You?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Run Away! Run Away!

With apologies and credit to the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, there’s one thing Democrats know how to do this election season and that’s to follow King Arthur’s command to “Run Away”. It appears the Killer Rabbit was hot on the heels of Obama’s Congressional Socialist brethren as they ran out of Washington back to their home districts and states – only to once again “Run Away” from anything Obama in a desperate hope that they can once again, fool their constituents that Socialism is the answer to America’s economic problems. To do this, they need to run away from their ‘accomplishments’, like running away from the unpopular healthcare bill – running away from the failed stimulus bill – and running away the bail outs. Democrats can’t run on their record, so expect most to hide from these issues – even hiding from the fact that they are Democrats.
The Socialist Obama and his wife are on the campaign trail asking you to support Democrats so they can finish what they have started – but based on what they have done to this country so far, do you really want them to?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

For The Times They Are A-Changin’

Come Senators, Congressmen, Please heed the call. Don’t stand in the doorway, Don’t block up the hall. For he that gets hurt, Will be he who has stalled. There’s a battle outside, And it is ragin’. It‘ll soon shake your windows, And rattle your walls – For the times, they are a-changin’.
Karl Rove better heed the lyrics of Bob Dylan’s song. So should any of his old school ‘professional’ politicians. Change is in the wind. That wind is coming from the Tea Party Movement. To make any negative statement about the winner of Delaware’s Republican Primary, Christine O'Donnell, was just, well, for lack of a better term, stupid. The Tea Party is a movement – a movement that is growing steam – and the one thing that the Tea Party Movement will do best is get out the vote. Karl Rove and the rest of the old school Republican establishment can either change with the times, or be left behind. Sure, Delaware is a traditionally blue state. But that’s no reason to throw in the towel during Ms. O’Donnell’s victory speech!
The last thing America’s average Joe wants to hear after this election is: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss – cause we won’t get fooled again.
But you have to forgive me being a child of the 60s.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Taking Credit....?

I’m sure we all remember a time in our lives when we had a great idea. And the idea was implemented - and it was a great success – in fact, it had a positive effect on people’s lives. And you felt good about what you had done,,, until some Pin Head took credit for your idea and claimed the success was all his doing. Remember how badly that pissed you off?
Well, that must be exactly how former President George W. Bush must have felt hearing the Socialist Obama on TV this past week talking about the end America’s combat mission in Iraq. And while our excuse for a leader was giving his “pat me on the back” speech, he actually mentioned the former President saying no one could doubt President Bush's support for our troops, or his love of country and commitment to our security. Ya Think? Wow, how astounding! Thanks for the news flash there, Barack, I would have never known that.
It is important to note that Senator Obama fought against the troop surge in Iraq and voted to cut funds to supply our troops – two positions totally opposite to Bush’s position of supporting the troops and having a commitment to security.
And then the top it all off, the Socialist Obama blamed all of our economic woes on money borrowed to fund the war. How ridiculous. I’m convinced President Obama thinks all Americans are idiots. Maybe he has a point, after all, we did vote him into office.
Perhaps if our President spent a little time reading history; he’d realize what courage George W. Bush demonstrated in taking down an evil dictatorship – even if there were no WMDs. Saddam was a mad man, capable of anything. The world is a better place without him and no one, not even Obama’s extreme leftist wackos can dispute that fact. History tells us if the leaders of the free world would of had the courage of George W. Bush back in the 1930s, there would be a few more people of the Jewish faith alive today.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Socialist Speak

When liberals get into power, they normally screw up everything; like health care, the economy, and tarnishing America’s standing in the world. So when your resume includes nothing but failure, what do you do? Well, the Democrats have a plan – it’s called Socialist Speak. These are catchy little phrases, concocted by the Democratic National Committee to be repeated over and over by the liberal talking heads every time they get in front of a microphone.
Here are some examples:

“Bush’s Recession” This is pretty recent, but was first introduced by VP Joe “The Gaffer” Biden. It’s an attempt to deflect attention away from the failure of the Democratic stimulus plan and make you think all of our country’s economic woes are totally the fault of President Bush.

“Anti-Immigration” This is the term the left uses to label anyone who supports securing the borders from the flood of ILLEGAL immigrants. This first was used by the President to describe the people who support Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s efforts to enforce the immigration laws since the Obama administration refuses to do their job.

“Racist Element” First used by the NAACP, it is an attempt to paint anyone who supports or is associated with the Tea Party movement as racist. It is an attempt to perpetuate the myth that white people don’t support President Obama’s policies solely because he is black – trying to downplay the fact that people don’t support his socialist policies which has nothing to do with the President’s race.

I’m sure there’s more “Socialist Speak” to come – as the Democrats can’t run on their unpopular policies in November, their only hope is to slander those that oppose them.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Personality Types in American Politics

You can label anyone anything based on what’s going on in the world. Take Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona. Now if she were to be a candy bar, I’d call her Almond Joy.

On the other hand, let’s look at President Obama, now if he were a candy bar, I’d call him Mounds.

Why?? Well we all know that little jingle that goes “Almond Joy has nuts – Mounds don’t”.

I think that pretty much says it all.

You Un-American Bastard, You…

The socialist Obama visited a Ford assembly plant this week to take ‘credit’ for Ford’s turnaround. What a crock! Unlike GM and Chrysler, Ford didn’t take Obama’s bail out money. And oddly enough, Ford was the first to make a turnaround economically.
But there’s the anointed one, President Obama, telling us his bail out and other economic policies saved the “American” car maker. He further went on to say any who opposed his policies had lost faith in the American worker eluding that his critics were ‘un-American’. All I can say is that the President must have a very low opinion of the average American’s level of intelligence – at least he’s banking on that for his re-election hopes in 2012.
It’s common knowledge that Ford, as well as GM and Chrysler, are global companies – just like Honda, Toyota and Nissan. There hasn’t been a true “American” car maker for decades. Go to Tennessee and tell the Nissan workers they are not ‘American’. Go to Ohio and tell that to the Honda workers or to Texans who build Toyota trucks. Why is our President touting a Ford Fusion, one of Ford’s best offerings, which is built in MEXICO over a Honda built in Ohio?? Well, Obama must think you are stupid. Politics dictate that when you have nothing to offer, attack your critics.
Again, this is just another shining example of the ineptness of this failed administration.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Swamp Queen Pelosi

What a difference four years can make. Queen Nancy Pelosi proclaimed back in 2007 she would “drain the swamp” of corruption in the House of Representatives when she was elected Speaker of the House. She was going to clean up all of the corruption in Congress. Well, it seems her pledge to clean up the corruption in Congress only applies if you are a Conservative. Take the case of Charlie Rangel. Under ethics charges (15 counts), and the scandal keeps building every day. But, when Miss “Clean up the Swamp” Nancy is asked about Representative Rangel, her only reply is that she is “Out of the Loop” and needs to let the ethics committee do their job.
Out of the Loop?? -- Get real. If Representative Rangel happened to be a Republican, both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would be the first in line to drive nails through Rangel’s palms attaching him to the crucifix they would erect in the front lawn of the Capital building.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Signs of Economic Recovery

I keep hearing from the Socialist Obama and his economic genius Tim Geithner, that the economy is recovering. They claim there are signs their economic stimulus program is working. Being a little pessimistic, I have looked for these signs of recovery. But, all I found was massive government debt, high unemployment, taxes being raised, and ever increasing anti-business policies coming from Washington.
But, as promised, I found the Obama administration does have signs of economic recovery. Here's one of them - and you can find these all over the country (especially in Democratic congressional districts)

Enjoy – your tax dollars paid for them.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Just Do The Wrong Thing - an old nco joint

The following is a fictitious conversation that may have happened somewhere in the District of Columbia between two politicians named Bizarro Nobama and his faithful sidekick Nimrod (his friends call him Axel).
Nobama: So what can we do? We have an oil spill in the gulf, two wars to fight, debt that is going to bury us, borders as secure as a badminton net, and an economy in the toilet.
Nimrod: You know what to do – just do it..
Nobama: What? You mean,,, do the wrong thing?
Nimrod: That’s right – you don’t want to piss off your ultra liberal supporters – I’ve seen Janeane Garofalo mad, and I’m telling you, it ain’t pretty.
Nobama: So I’m on track by doing nothing about the oil spill except blame BP – and of course George W. Bush.
Nimrod: So just follow that example – remember, the overriding directive of our administration is do the wrong thing.
Nobama: But won’t people catch on?
Nimrod: No way – remember the masses are stupid. We’ve been dumbing down Americans for years – infiltrating the academic community and turning it into a liberal bastion of underachieving America haters.
Nobama: So tell me what to do for the rest of the problems we face.
Nimrod: Shoot.
Nobama: The war in Afghanistan?
Nimrod: Easy – fire the General in charge and replace him with someone you already smeared as a betrayer of America. A change at the top can be devastating to morale and embolden our enemies.
Nobama: Great! What about the national debt?
Nimrod: No prob. Tell America we need to go deeper in debt to get out of debt.
Nobama: That makes no sense at all.
Nimrod: Don’t worry about it - your mindless followers will believe anything you read from a teleprompter.
Nobama: OK, now a hard one. Illegal immigration.
Nimrod: Right – that’s a tough one. Trick is downplaying the word illegal and play up the word immigration. Make it as easy as possible for anyone to walk right across the border. And if anyone does anything contrary, like try to secure the border, call them racists and get that idiot Attorney General of yours and sue them into oblivion.
Nobama: Damn you’re good. Now for last, the economy. How to I approach that?
Nimrod: That’s the easiest one. Don’t you remember how Ronald Reagan brought the economy back from the dead after we liberals ran it into the ground in the late 70’s?
Nobama: Well, sure. He lowered taxes on business, cut burdening regulation, and made the government a friend to small business. He created an environment that started a 20 year economic boom in our country.
Nimrod: Well then, just think what would Reagan do, and then do the complete opposite!
Nobama: Wonderful! You know, it’s hard sometime, just to do the wrong thing.
Nimrod: Well, look at it this way, you only have a little over two years yet to do it.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Medical Miracle - Walking Erect Without a Spine

On March 28, North Korea attacked South Korean frigate Cheonan and killed 46 South Korean sailors. Let me repeat, North Korea attacked South Korea, and killed South Koreans. No, let me try again. The hard line communists of North Korea, who have ignored every treaty they have ever signed, ignored all UN sanctions, resisted any attempt to keep them from building a nuclear bomb, attacked, without provocation, a South Korean military vessel, and killed 46 South Koreans.
I’m repeating what happened just in case some liberal is reading this – because your spineless leader doesn’t get it. In fact, his administration came out today and said the sinking of a South Korean warship blamed on North Korea was not terrorism, and not enough by itself to put Pyongyang back on a U.S. terror blacklist. They even went on to say the March sinking of the South Korean frigate Cheonan by a “reported” torpedo from a North Korean submarine was a "provocative action" and a violation of the truce that ended the Korean war. Really – ya think???? Boy, I hope a statement like that didn't piss off the North Koreans!

So, Mr. President, just how many South Koreans does Kim Jong Il have to kill before he is considered a terrorist? 48? 50? 100? Or does he have to march the 50 odd miles south below the DMZ and kill everyone in Seoul?
Even old “W” could recognize the bad guys in the world. But it seems our current President is convinced that our enemies would lay down their arms if we just reached out with love while playing John Lennon’s “Give Peace a Chance”. What a dream world liberals live in.
So as long as the world’s bad guys feel they can get away with anything, they will only be more emboldened and America will pay dearly. We need a President with a spine. Not one that is so focused on a Socialist agenda that he lets everything else go to hell in a hand basket.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Holding You Hostage….

Make you suffer until you cave into their Socialist agenda – that’s the strategy of the Obama administration. And they are applying this on two fronts – illegal immigration and the environment. First illegal immigration – as stated by Arizona Senator Jon Kyl this past week that President Obama said “if we secure the border then [Republicans] won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.” So the administration feels if they do what they were elected to do, which is to protect America, it lessens their chance of ramming through their version of immigration reform. Of course, Obama’s comrades deny he said this, but calling someone with Senator Kyl’s credibility a liar doesn’t add up.
Next, the oil spill in the gulf – how did the Obama administration respond? -- by making a bad situation even worse by slapping a moratorium on deep off shore drilling, putting even more people out of work. Again, the greater the pain, the greater chance of Americans accepting the economy killing “Cap and Trade” legislation wanted by the President. By strangling oil production, which will result in much higher prices at the pump for all of us, perhaps the President feels we will be willing to accept anything.
As the House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things you couldn't do before."

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Campaign Continues….

Could someone please let the Socialist Obama and his comrades know they won the election in 2008? Come on guys, the campaigns over! You would think with all of the issues facing our country, the Obama administration might get down to work and get off the campaign trail. Hey Barack, here’s the tip, how about providing some leadership to an America more in need of it than ever.
The oil spill in the Gulf is a perfect example of President Obama’s complete and total failure as a leader. All he and his administration could focus on was deflecting any blame from their chosen one by going around blaming anyone and anything, from BP to even President Bush - their favorite, go to guy, when there’s no one else to blame for their failures. Even saying he wants to “Kick some Ass”. How pathetic.
Perhaps if the Obama administration put even a little effort in providing this country leadership, they wouldn’t have to put so much effort into covering up their failures.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Liberal Lip Service

“The Hope & Change” President has become “The Dope that Blames” President. Today, the Socialist Obama, the “open and transparent” President, gave his first press conference in nearly a year. I guess President Obama’s advisors have told him the ’hands off and just blame BP’ approach to the oil spill in the gulf isn’t working - so today, our Socialist leader told us “he is in charge”. What lip service - after weeks of failure to cap the millions of gallons of oil spewing into waters off of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, our President finally thinks its time to get in the game. Well the Old NCO says its way too late. If this had happened under George W. Bush’s watch, they would already have crucified him in the press and painted him as the most evil, corrupt, inept, person on the face of the planet. Well, I say compared to how the Obama Administration has handled this disaster, President Bush’s response to Katrina was the second coming of Christ.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's The Devil!

When your administration is full of failure, when you have lost credibility both stateside and abroad, when you have emboldened your enemies with weak kneed, spineless, approaches to serious threats from those who seek to kill all Americans, you have only one option - deflect the blame on someone else so no one will blame you - basically, create a devil for everyone to hate. How lucky for the Socialist Obama there is an oil spill in the gulf - he now has a brand new devil to blame -- British Petroleum.
I’ve been listening to the White House talking heads, with support from their comrades in the liberal press, on how BP is to blame, and how BP will pay, and if not, they will hold their foot to the throat of BP, and so on and so on. What dribble.
Meanwhile, we have the North Koreans killing South Koreans (you know, our allies?). We have Muslim extremists killing and plotting to kill US citizens with the attack at Ft Hood TX, the Christmas bomber, and recently the Times Square bomber. And what do we get from the Socialist Obama? Well, he appears to have issued a gag order to his staff not to even speak the words Muslim extremist as to not insult their fragile sensitivities. So, thanks BP. Just plug the hole, clean up the spill quickly, so our President has to face the music of his own failures.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tea Party Effect?

Could it be that those groups of folks in those funny clothes carrying their home made signs actually made a difference in yesterday’s primary elections? Any incumbent, be they Democrat or Republican, who appears to be part of the established “politics as usual” trying to retain their jobs in the upcoming 2010 elections had better take notice. While the liberal press is reporting that there seems to be an ’anti incumbent’ feeling among voters, this old NCO thinks they miss the point - in that the Tea Party folks do one thing very well - they make it to the polls and they vote.
The bigger story is that incumbent Democrats need to take notice of what happened in Pennsylvania yesterday to Obama loyalist Arlen Specter. Remember that Senator Specter, who was a long time Republican dumped his party and become a Democrat when Obama-mania was sweeping the country in 2008. Arlen supported President Obama’s policies and gave his much needed vote for the socialist healthcare bill. But take note that when old Arlen needed support in his Democratic primary bid, President Obama’s or Vice President Biden‘s support was no where to be found. They were MIA. Basically, they felt Specter was a lost cause, and since there wasn’t any political upside to supporting someone who had been loyal to them, they basically threw good old Arlen “under the bus”. So the message from the White House to all incumbent Democrats running for reelection this fall is even through you supported your President, don’t expect the same in return.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's Greek To Me!

Yep – that’s a toilet - a good old fashioned crapper. And that’s where Greece’s economy is headed – down the toilet. Just another shining example of what Socialism can do for you. Greece has simply run out of money. Their debt far outstrips any income they have. Like Margaret Thatcher once said “They’ve got the usual Socialist disease — they’ve run out of other people’s money”. Spreading the wealth around – or in the Socialist tradition, redistribution of wealth is a guarantee that your economic stature will soon crumble into ruin. Greece is now threatening to bring down the whole economy of Europe – asking the European Union for a good old fashioned Obama style “Bail Out”.
And this is the path President Obama is taking us down. The Obama administration understands the debt they have run up – and know they have no way to pay for it. That’s what Obama’s “Debt Commission” is all about – it has very little to do with debt and a whole lot to do with raising your taxes.
So America has a choice this November – we can either keep going down the Obama Socialist path, or return to American values of conservatism and capitalism.
We’re currently on the toilet seat – and so it’s like the old saying – either socialism or get off the pot.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

They Must Be Afraid....

The Obama loyal must be afraid of the Tea Party Movement. They slandered the Tea Party attendees during the heath care vote when a few nuts in the crowd yelled racial comments (yet to be confirmed) and the Obama army was on the airways the next day trying to paint all Tea Party people as just a bunch of redneck racist.
Now Governor Ed Rendell (PA) has jumped on the ’smear the Tea Party bandwagon” by saying it isn’t a legitimate political movement. Downplaying Tea Party rallies as only drawing a “few thousand” at the healthcare and tax day rally - he claims he could get 100,000 without breaking a sweat if he called for a rally for stronger laws to protect puppies - so Tea Party rallies are no big deal.
Well, all I can say to the good Governor and all of the other Obama faithful is to keep up the verbal urine shower on the Tea Party movement. Keep thinking this is just a bunch of nutty people - rednecks - and totally without any political power.
So why did I say the Obama loyal are afraid of the Tea Party? Well, they know at the end of the day, Tea Party people have political power - they vote. And the Obama faithful aren’t that stupid or arrogant to believe what they say of Tea Party supporters. If Obama and his supporters were not concerned about the Tea Party as they say, why do they keep trying to discredit the movement?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ring, Ring,Ching, Ching....

Obama-care is now the law of the land. Chalk up a win for Socialism. And since the majority of Americans did not want socialized medicine, the Obama propaganda machine has kicked into action to sell us on the idea that it is the best thing for us.
But now the reality of what has happened is setting in. Companies are reporting what Obama-care will cost them. One of them, AT&T, has stated their costs will be close to one billion dollars. Other companies are beginning to speak out on the costs associated with Obama’s mandatory welfare healthcare.
So what’s the reaction from the Obama administration? It’s to have their attack dog, Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif) threaten to call them before Congress to review all of their financial statements -- basically, a strong message from the Obama government telling companies to shut the hell up and get on board with his plan.
So what’s the bottom line? Well, as many predicted, the cost of Obama-care will fall on ALL of us - any of us that consume goods or services in their country. Companies, like AT&T, will pass along any increase in taxation to customers – that’s right, you and me. Coming soon to a phone bill near you – are higher prices.
So the next time you answer your phone, eat at a restaurant, or make a purchase at the local mall, know the increased price you paid was the portion to pay for Obamacare. Say hello to inflation.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oh (My God) Canada!

Now that Socialized Medicine has been installed in the United States by President Obama, where the hell are Canadians going to go for decent health care?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Will You Still Respect Me In the Morning?

Normally, when you pay someone to have sex with you, it’s called prostitution. On Sunday, the Democrats in Congress had sex with you, or should I say, screwed you when they passed the President’s Healthcare Reform Bill – and you paid for it with your tax dollars. So, I guess the question we need to ask Nancy Pelosi is will you still respect us in the morning?
Well, the answer to that question is NO. She never did. How else could she stand up after the vote on Sunday ushering in the era of Socialism and say it was a victory for America when most of America did not want Obamacare. So much for representative democracy.
But you have to give it up for old streetwalker Nancy; she did whatever it took to get her President Obama’s Socialism installed as the law of the land. You can never say she isn’t quite the professional.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Reagan, the Visionary

I found a You Tube audio clip this week that was recorded in 1961. It was by Ronald Reagan, who at that time was still an actor. He spoke about the evils of socialized medicine and to beware of those who support such initiatives. Reagan explained how while most Americans will reject the idea of outright Socialism, they can be miss lead into adopting socialist ideas under the premises of ‘Liberalism’. His words, spoken nearly 50 years ago are very relevant to what President Obama is trying to do to America today – specifically on Sunday with the vote in the House of Representatives.
We need to take heed the words of warning from the Great Communicator. Even back then, he knew the dangers of Socialism. And if Obamacare passes and becomes law, it's just the "foot in the door" to install Socialism in America. It’s not too late to call your Congressman and Senator. Make them aware that you want Democracy in America, not Liberal Socialism.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Helloooooooooooooo Mr. Wilson!!!!!!

Hey Mr. Wilson, I gotta tell ya what happened to me! I got a call from my newest bestest buddy, Barack. And guess what he told me? He said I could take a ride in his big shinny air-o-plane! So I went to Washington DC and he and I flew in his big plane back to Ohio!!
While we were flying, he told me about his big plans to help doctors and stuff. He said it would be really keen for me to say I liked his ideas. And cause he was giving me a ride in his plane, he wondered if I could tell the reporter people that I liked his health care thingy. I don’t really understand what he was talking about, but it sounded like kinda OK to me. But who cares, I got to RIDE IN HIS BIG PLANE!
Seriously, Dennis Kucinich’s presidential plane ride and subsequent flip flop on his support of Obamacare is just one more example of a Congressman’s vote being bought by the current administration – and with our tax dollars by the way. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of secret pay-offs, back room deals, and more under the table “wink, wink, nod, nod" quid pro quo arrangements to purchase enough votes to cram socialized heathcare down the throats of an American public that has made it very clear they don’t want it.
I wonder how many more Congressional Democratics are for sale.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tickle Me Nancy!

Eric Massa, Democratic Representative from New York, resigns from Congress. First he said he would leave at the end of his term. Then he said he would leave now. The reason was due to reoccurrence of cancer. Then it was that Democrats forced him out due to his non-support of Obama’s health care agenda. Now, there are rumors of his inappropriate sexual conduct during a ‘tickle’ fest at his 50th birthday party. What a circus.
But now it seems old Nancy Pelosi has ‘got some splainnin to do’. Miss “clean up the swamp” Pelosi not only finds herself standing in the swamp, but she’s up to her neck in it. Democrats were all high and mighty over a Republican, Mark Foley, back in 2006, who, if you don’t remember, allegedly sent emails and instant messages to current and former underage male congressional pages. And while the investigation was eventually dropped in 2008 due to insufficient evidence, Democrats used the incident to disgrace Majority Leader Dennis Hastert stating he knew about Foley’s conduct months prior to the scandal breaking in the news, but took no action.
But now the tables have turned. It has now it has come out that Nancy Pelosi’s staff was informed about Massa’s transgressions back in October of last year – and did nothing about it. And of course, Nancy threw her staff ‘under the bus’ in a news conference stating they never told her.
Normally, Democrats would expect everyone to get on board the liberal ‘free pass’ train, but this time, they tried to eat their own as Massa has not gone away quietly – and now it is backfiring on them. Well, tickle me…

Monday, March 8, 2010

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Short note tonight. Just wanted to say I got a letter from the Census Bureau today telling me in a week I will be receiving a letter from the Census Bureau.

No one should wonder why taxes are so high.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Charlie gets a "Time Out"

Charlie Rangel cheats on his taxes. The Chairman of the Ways and Means commission, which writes tax law, does not live by the laws he writes. A classic case of “Do as I say, Not as I do”.

You would think the leader of the House of Representatives would want to get to the bottom of any alleged corruption by our elected officials. But not the case. Why? Well, its because Charlie Rangel is a liberal Democrat, like their leader in the House, Nancy Pelosi.

So what did Nancy do? She gave Charlie a ‘Time Out’. Like a teacher would give a naughty student. Charlie is taking a "leave of absence" while his alleged tax issues are investigated. How convenient.

Convenient as it gets Charlie off of the front page. Convenient as Nancy and her socialist crew are trying to cram Obamacare down our throats. Convenient as it sweeps under the rug the embarrassment Charlie has caused an administration still looking for its first accomplishment.

So here again, is a glaring example of the double standard demonstrated by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. Had Charlie been a Republican, Nancy would have already had him in front of a firing squad. But because Charlie is a liberal Democrat, he gets the usual “Free Pass”.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bend Over America!

Get ready. President Obama and the Democrats are about to shove the nuclear option up our collective rectums to pass their version of health care. And when this nuclear device goes off, it will be the launching board for Socialism in our country. The Dog and Pony show President Obama had this week by inviting Republicans to a so called “Heath Care Summit” was only the eye wash to create the appearance that the President and his comrades actually gave a damn what the Republicans or for that fact, the American public want. Overwhelmingly, the American public is against President Obama’s government takeover of health care. But, showing his typical liberal arrogance, he was condescending to anyone who dare criticize the Socialist Party line. This was evidenced by his comment that the “campaign is over” to Senator John Mc Cain when the Senator asked why congressional negotiations were not ‘transparent’ as candidate Barack Obama had promised. The President’s closing statement at the health care summit made it very clear that he and the Democrats plan on pressing ahead with the nuclear option to pass their plan with 51 votes in the Senate, regardless of what Americans want or need.
It's pretty obvious the President and the Democrats have totally lost touch with the fact that they work of us, the American people. I’ve said it before, but November can’t get her soon enough.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Talk to the Hand

I was amazed when I saw CNN’s report on Sarah Palin’s appearance at the Tea Party convention. They concentrated on the fact that she had written some notes on the palm of her hand - and went on to criticize her for doing so saying this “notes in the hand” story would overshadow anything she had to say at the convention. What wishful thinking on CNN’s part. Obviously, their leftist slant on this story was a response to the criticism “their guy” in the White House had taken over his extensive use of a teleprompter and the “gaffs” he commits without one.
Let me state CNN has ‘acted stupidly’ in the way they reported this story. First, Sarah Palin isn’t the President. Nor is she even running for any elected office. She was giving a prepared speech to an audience of people with similar views. There was nothing that said she could not use notes to give the speech.
Furthermore, was CNN so naïve to think that someone wouldn’t find a prominent Democrat who did the same thing? It was a matter of days before it was reported that Diane Feinstein had done the very same thing during a 1990 debate - but in this case, it was expressly forbidden by the rules of the debate to do so.
Again, the double standard against conservatives lives on at CNN - but this time, they have some liberal egg in their faces.

President Huggy Bear

What a difference a year makes. When newly elected President Obama and his socialist comrades assumed power in 2009, they had their own agenda, and a ‘supermajority’ in Congress to pass their legislation. And when the Republican minority objected to their proposed changes in heath care, pork laden TARP legislation, and other redistribution of wealth programs, Republicans were basically told to shut the hell up and go away.
Turn the clock forward to 2010. Democratic losses in Virginia, New Jersey, and the biggest shocker, the loss of a Senate seat in Massachusetts. A growing number of incumbent democrats in congress start announcing they won’t be running for re-election to prevent the embarrassment of getting hammered in the November elections. All the sudden, the Administration has started using words like “bipartisan” and “reaching across the aisle”.
President Obama is now all warm and fuzzy towards the opposition party. So I’m calling him the new Huggy Bear president. He’s realized he just can’t crap all over Republicans anymore. He may just need them to pass any kind of health care legislation - so now on February 25, he is inviting 21 congressional leaders, both Democrat and Republican, to the Blair House in Washington to have a Health Care Summit. Supposedly to listen to Republican ideas on heath care. What Obama and his supermajority in Congress could not get done is over a year, he will now fix in a half day conference.
Don’t kid yourself - this “love fest” is eye wash. The Democrats know they are in trouble. They need to make the appearance that they want to work with Republicans - but truth is, they have no intention of doing so. Their liberal arrogance won’t allow it. So just remember, behind that huggy bear persona lies the face of a hard core liberal.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Greed is Good

Damn right it is. Gordon Gekko had it right. Greed, better defined as the pursuit of profit, is the foundation of Capitalism. It’s why people get up and go to work every day. People want stuff. Stuff costs money. People work to obtain money to buy stuff. This concept isn’t rocket science.
But liberals feel greed is bad. It’s evil. The people who have succeeded financially in this country are the evil rich – and they should be punished through higher taxes and fees. Income taxes for the top bracket up to 50% -- half of what you make goes directly to the government. Imagine if 50 cents of every dollar in your paycheck went directly to the government. It would probably piss you off.
But it’s an easy sell for liberals to preach they won’t raise taxes on you, just on those evil rich people. Liberals tap into that little voice that tells you to key the paint on that new Mercedes you just parked beside in a parking lot because you can afford one. Liberals want you to believe anyone that is rich certainly didn’t work for their money – they had to become rich by screwing the “working men and women” of America. Do you follow that? Working men and women aren’t rich – they are the common people that need the protection of liberals – from the evil rich (who don’t work).
Truth is greed built this country. The basis of America’s economic growth is Capitalism. But, this flies in the face of our current administration’s socialist agenda – which explains why they demonize Wall Street – the biggest symbol of capitalism in the world. They need to create a devil to deflect the anger Americans feel over the administration’s failed policies.
As one of America’s greatest Presidents said, Government is not the answer, government is the problem. And this government is a problem. November couldn’t get here soon enough.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Ninja Nancy!!

In a further demonstration liberal arrogance, Nancy Pelosi claims she will get Obamacare crammed down our throats come hell or high water, specifically, by smashing through gates, pole vaulting over fences and parachuting over walls. She must be quite the athlete.
At a time when the majority of the American public is telling Congress with its votes in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts that they don’t want Obamacare, Nancy, like liberals do, is telling us she knows what’s better for us than we do.
I liken her to Hitler in his bunker during the last days of the Third Reich believing he could still pull out a win.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Same Old Crap

Honestly, you’d think the Obama Administration would have got the message from the recent Massachusetts Senate Election, but obviously not. President Obama displayed the typical liberal arrogance in his State of the Union speech by telling us he will continue to cram his economy killing programs down our throats. He also continues the tired old strategy of blaming George W. Bush for his own failures and attacking the ‘evil rich’. it’s the same old crap.
On the up side, this will force more and more moderate Democrats to put distance between them and President Obama -- because if they don’t, then they will putting distance between themselves and their political careers.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

“You Can’t Handle The Truth!”

That’s a line made famous by Jack Nicholson’s character, Colonel Jessup from the film ‘A Few Good Men’. This line could also be directed towards President Obama and the rest of the Democratic establishment in response to their reasons why Martha Coakley lost the Massachusetts Senate race to Republican Scott Brown. We’ve heard everything from the Democratic pundits – that she ran a horrible race, that it snowed that day, that it was a fluke, and finally that the people of Massachusetts are ‘angry’. Well, perhaps more fed up than angry. Truth is that Martha Coakley lost the MA senate race due to what President Obama has been doing to America since his inauguration one year ago. The Tea Party people the Democrats dismissed and made fun of this summer came out and voted – and the Democrats aren’t laughing anymore. Martha Coakley is just the first of many Democrats that will be defeated come November. And Democrats know this. And that’s the ‘Truth’ they can’t handle.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Fight for Freedom – Again

I find it interesting that the fight for our freedom from the Democrat’s Socialist agenda is transpiring in the same place where freedom loving Americans began the fight against a government that had stopped representing them and was forcing its own unwanted agenda on its citizens. Oddly enough, those citizens had a “Tea Party”. How history repeats itself.
So now President Obama is going up to Massachusetts trying to salvage the campaign of Democrat Martha Coakley from the Republican challenger Scott Brown to fill the senate seat vacated by the passing of the late Senator Ted Kennedy. 41 – That’s the number Obama fears. If Scott Brown pulls out an upset win in this hard core Democratic state, it will give Republicans 41 seats in the Senate and take away from the Democrats their ‘super majority’ that allows them to cram their socialist agenda down our throats.
If Republican Scott Brown wins the special election in Massachusetts, it will send a strong signal to all Democrats who are up for election in November. You’ll see them distancing themselves from President Obama faster than rats jumping off the Titanic.
Good Luck Scott – may you soon be the 41st Republican in the US Senate.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New from HarryCo, Yo-Setta Tone!

Senator Harry Reid, facing certain defeat in the 2010 mid-term congressional elections, has announced he will be indorsing a new product he has been using since 2008 which helped him determine that candidate Barack Obama was ‘light skinned’ enough and lacked the detrimental ‘Negro’ dialect to become President.
That product is Yo-Setta Tone (not to be confused with the similar sounding language software). Yo-Setta Tone is exciting new software that will allow you to enter the lucrative career field of political consultant. Yo-Setta Tone has been successfully used by Senator Harry Reid and other prominent Democrats to determine if their African American candidates have the right skin tone and language skills to win elections. And now Harry Reid will be offering this amazing product to the public, so anyone, even you, can determine the skin tone and dialect necessary to be successful in politics!
But wait, there’s more. If you order before Harry is voted out of the Senate next fall, you’ll receive as an extra bonus, the European and Asian expansion modules! The European Yo-Setta Tone module will allow you to correctly assess if your guy is coming across like a drunken Irishman or a Russian mobster. The Asian module will teach you critical skills like the ability to access if your Asian candidate doesn’t sound too much like someone on the other end of a tech support call to the American voter! Yo-Setta Tone can provide you the key skills in picking the right candidates for public office – so don’t delay, Order Today!
Now, as asinine and offensive as the above sounds, here’s the Old NCO’s point. Notice how everyone on the left, to include the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons of the world, are giving good old Harry a free pass on his obviously racial comment – which is the same free pass any liberal would receive if they were to make stupid racial comments. What a double standard - just imagine the left’s outrage if the same type of statements had been made by a conservative. I can only wonder what Trent Lott must be thinking about this right now.