Monday, March 22, 2010

Will You Still Respect Me In the Morning?

Normally, when you pay someone to have sex with you, it’s called prostitution. On Sunday, the Democrats in Congress had sex with you, or should I say, screwed you when they passed the President’s Healthcare Reform Bill – and you paid for it with your tax dollars. So, I guess the question we need to ask Nancy Pelosi is will you still respect us in the morning?
Well, the answer to that question is NO. She never did. How else could she stand up after the vote on Sunday ushering in the era of Socialism and say it was a victory for America when most of America did not want Obamacare. So much for representative democracy.
But you have to give it up for old streetwalker Nancy; she did whatever it took to get her President Obama’s Socialism installed as the law of the land. You can never say she isn’t quite the professional.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

We have to keep the presure on this group or we are going to be in big trouble. Wait until the bill starting coming in !