Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Administration of Incompetence

“The System Worked” That’s how President Obama’s hand picked Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, described a complete breakdown of the system which is supposed to keep us safe from terrorist attack. Once that statement was made, the Obama PR machine kicked into action and had old Janet back stepping faster than a contestant on Dancing with the Stars. Unfortunately for this administration, they forgot to tell the boss. Our President comes out and says 23-year-old Nigerian student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab ‘allegedly’ tried to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253. Allegedly?? This guy had approximately 80 grams of the explosive stuffed in his underwear and tried to ignite it. How much more ’allegedly’ can you get?
Bottom line here is that our enemies see America as weak, just like they did back in the good ole days of Jimmy Carter’s presidency -- which only emboldens them to attack us again.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Democrats in Congress

Senators Harry Reid, Christopher Dodd, Chuck Schumer and Max Baucus and the rest of their liberal comrades have a Christmas present for you! At 7AM this morning, they approved a trillion dollar tax increase to pay for their beloved Obamacare. And since the Senate has now officially hung this albatross on the American taxpayer, they are all running out of Washington to their home districts. Let’s hope they get an earful from the people who they are supposed to be representing when they get there.
In Harry Reid’s victory speech he stated his party’s legislation provides health care to all Americans instead of a privileged few. (Again, the liberal’s reference to the “Evil Rich”) What he didn’t say is that when he says 'all Americans', that it doesn’t include him and other members of Congress. They all have a separate sweetheart health insurance plan, paid for by us, the taxpayers. I can assure you if Harry and his gang were subject to the same heath care they just approved for you and me, this socialist heath care bill would look very, very different.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Grab Your Ankles.....

Well, Obama’s steaming pile of crap called health care reform is about to pass the Senate since Harry Reid purchased (with our tax dollars) Senator Ben Nelson’s (Nebraska Democrat) vote. While Senator Nelson gets a sweetheart deal where Nebraska gets payola for their state’s Medicaid expenses, the rest of us will pay for this in increased taxes. Gee, thanks Harry.
On top of Harry Reid’s pay for play tax bill, we all will be faced with a $600 plus billion tax increase, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to pay for the Obama’s health care reform. Now the Democrats claim they will ‘save’ $400 plus billion from cuts in Medicare. If anyone believes any politician will actually allow Medicare cuts to become effective, well then, you’ve been living on a different planet. So you can add the $400 billion to the $600 and well, as politicians will say, a billion here, and billion there and pretty soon, you’re talking about some money.
Bottom line, Harry Reid and his comrades are willing to do anything to pass Obama’s economy killer legislation - and all of us are about to sent a Trillion dollar tax increase.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, now I’m a Senator!

As if we needed more proof that the 2008 elections brought to Washington more liberal nut jobs than the country has ever seen, Al Franken steps up the plate to solidify that fact. In case you missed it, Senator Joe Lieberman was speaking on the Senate floor for the ‘allotted’ 10 minutes each Senator is afforded. As a courtesy, Senators routinely ask the floor for an additional minute or two if they exceed their allotted time, which is always granted by the chairman. Not the case for the junior Senator from Minnesota. When Joe Lieberman requested more time, Al Franken declares he “objects” and essentially tells Joe to shut the hell up. Of course Joe's request for an additional minute is seen as a threat to the liberal's rush to cram their socialist legislation down our throats.
Here’s a message to Joe – it should be completely apparent that the Democrats neither need nor want your support. They have just publicly crapped in your Cheerios and you need to remember this when their economy killing health care bill comes up for a vote.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Yep, He Cares… About His Agenda….

Even now, there are some that just don’t get it. This administration wants to transform America into a socialist country. That’s it. Nothing else matters. Now, that may sound like conservative rhetoric, but how to you explain the lack of concentration on the nation’s number one issue - the economy. Even with the unemployment rate falling to 10 percent today, probably due to seasonal hiring, this administration tells us that is good news. Really, that’s Good news? And this is while the President is headed off to Copenhagen to hob-nob with the “Global Warming” crowd. And now the latest, in a long line of excuses for their failures, is to remind us that “they” somehow saved us all from the mother of all economic depressions.
James Carvelle had a favorite slogan during Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign -- “It’s The Economy Stupid”. Perhaps this administration should take his advice. Obama’s other problem is perception - how can you seem credible on concern for America’s economy when you are championing economy killing initiatives like socialized medicine via health care reform and a Cap and Trade legislation? This gives President Obama’s recent conference on jobs has about as much credibility as the Nazi party having a summit on how to improve the life of Jews.
Sure, the Democrats in Congress are concerned about the economy and would like to have the unemployment rate back to where it was under the Bush administration (remember, the guy they blame for everything?) But this concern is solely driven by fear their party will experience a blood bath during the 2010 mid term elections and lose their political stranglehold over our country - and that’s just sad.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What I'm Thankful For....

Today, I give thanks to our men and women in uniform. Those, who on a day like today, when most of us will be eating a Thanksgiving feast and watching football with family and friends, are in faraway lands, far from their loved ones, serving our country.
So today when you sit down for your Thanksgiving meal, take a moment to thank those in our military, who selflessly serve our country, standing watch, defending our way of life.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Do As I Say, Not As I Do....

This is the battle cry of Congressman Charles Rangel of New York. As a prominent member of Obama’s Socialist Army, Representative Rangel is supporting a “War Tax” to pay for any troop increase in Afghanistan. Seems Old Charlie and his socialist comrades are extremely concerned of how America will fund the cost of troops for the war on terrorism.
This makes Charles Rangel and his supporters hypocrites of the highest order. Not only is he under investigation for tax evasion, but he is one of the liberals in congress who has been spending money our country doesn’t have like a drunken sailor. Like liberals do, they have no problems running up the country’s deficit by trillions of dollars on stimulus packages that have not worked, bailing out Timothy Geithner’s Wall Street buddies, government takeover of the auto industry, and socialist style health care legislation – these are priorities worthy of borrowing more and more money from China. But,,,, when it comes to supporting troops in harm’s way, well, now, that’s a different matter. That’s not important enough to liberals for deficit spending. And of course, while hypocrite Charlie wants you to pay more taxes while not paying his own tax bill, he gets the usual “free pass” from the leftist press.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Death of Capitalism

Senator Harry Reid and his Socialist comrades managed to get the required 60 votes on the so called Health Reform Bill this Saturday to send the bill to the floor of the Senate for debate. In order to get the sixty, there were the usual back room deals – to include Louisiana’s Mary Landrieu’s 300 million dollar pork payoff to obtain her vote. This last minute rewrite is being referred to as the “Louisiana Purchase”. Other Democratic Senators have voiced concerns about not backing the bill as it is currently written. Perhaps Senators have found a new way to get even more pork projects for their home states – because they know they’ll need all the help they can get in next fall’s Mid Term elections.
So why are Harry and the gang having such a hard time getting this albatross crammed down our throats? Well, perhaps it’s just bad legislation. This economy killer is the first death nail the Democrats are hammering into Capitalism’s coffin. This bill has little to do with health care, but everything to do with redistribution of wealth – and that’s YOUR wealth. If this legislation becomes law, that’s exactly what will happen – your taxes are going up, and it doesn’t matter what your annual income. Your insurance premiums are going up, regardless of what your coverage. Remember the President’s pledge that if you like the coverage you have, you’ll be able to keep it. What a crock – sure you can keep it as long as you can afford to pay twice the premium you pay now. And for the first time in history, the federal government will require you to purchase health insurance – and if you don’t, you will become a criminal and be fined for violating the law.
Bottom line – this is about the President’s agenda to transform America into a Socialist country and punish those Americans who have become financially successful through hard work.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Real Motive?

Just why is Eric Holder, President Obama’s Attorney General, bringing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other al Qaeda terrorist to New York to be put on trial in civilian court? Well, in the Old NCO’s opinion, it is this administration’s attempt to give their radical left wing supporters the gift of putting former President Bush and Vice President Cheney on trial for war crimes. Holder and the Looney Left have been trying to find a way to put the former administration on trial for supposed “war crimes” since they took office, and this seems to be their one shot to do just that.
This trial will be a travesty. Not only will it expose the source of America’s intelligence on al Qaeda, further weakening our country but it will give KSM a stage to become a martyr for their terrorist cause. Obviously Attorney General Holder feels this is all just the cost of doing business to score political points for his boss.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Just Make out the Check for $24,661

Yep, that’s your part. If every one of us, that includes our children, sends a check to the US Treasury for $24,661, we can pay off President Obama’s National ‘Credit Card’ Debt. Now, that’s if we can restrain the President from spending our money like a mad man on needless pork projects, government run health care, and an unnecessary second stimulus plan. But what’s the chance of that? No liberal ever met a tax payer dollar they couldn’t keep from spending, so in their minds, President Obama can continue America’s march to national poverty. Nancy, Harry, and the rest of the liberal Congress will just keep raising your taxes to cover the bill.
The danger here is China may decide that continuing to buy America’s debt may no longer be a good investment. The only other option President Obama has then is to crank up the printing presses and flood the world with increasing worthless dollars. When the President does that, you better be ready for inflation. Even the Fed won’t be able to hold down interest rates hikes at that point, and soon your $24,661 may not be enough to buy a loaf of bread.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Terrorist Attack??

Damn right is was. What happened at Fort Hood Texas was the first terrorist attack on American soil since 9-11. So why haven’t we heard this on the liberal airwaves? Well, right after the attack, the Obama team went into action - we heard the FBI announce the same day that they knew of no terrorist connection. That initial indications were that Major Hasan acted alone. Obama’s socialist comrades in the press advanced this story. They seldom ever say the word terrorism and substitute the word 'tragedy' trying their best to frame Major Hasan’s killing spree as a ‘criminal act’ - like the misunderstood Army officer had robbed the local convenience store.
So why the liberal ‘spin’ on this terrorist attack? Well, if it’s a terrorist attack, that looks bad for President Obama - and we can't have that. It could draw some criticism -- perhaps Fox News might bring up the fact that this is the first terrorist attack in the United States since President George W. Bush declared the war on terror. Which means President Obama hasn’t kept us safe from terrorism. As our current President has gone around the world on an ‘apology’ tour, is dragging his feet on sending more troops to Afganistan when his own appointed General in the field recommends it, and makes decisions that weakens America’s stature in the eyes of the world, our enemies feel emboldened. Perhaps bold enough to trigger a terrorist to kill American solders right here in America who are ready to deploy to the middle east -- and as more is uncovered about this terrorist act, the more it appears to be just that.
Just one more failure of this administration.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank You....

If you see a Veteran today, say thank you. The very fact that each day, you are able to enjoy the freedoms and liberty that many take for granted is the result of many who are serving in our military, those who have served, and many more who paid the supreme sacrifice to preserve our way of life. Many are in harm’s way today in Afghanistan and Iraq – and numerous other locations around the globe that don’t make news headlines each night.
So as you go about your daily routine today, take a moment to think about the freedoms you have, and what it means to be an American – and remember those who serve, and have served, to defend those freedoms.

Friday, November 6, 2009

In A Last Ditch Effort......

The Obama-Train has run out of gas. Nancy Pelosi is trying one last attempt to pass President Obama’s Socialist Health Care Bill by having the House of Representatives work this weekend. The assumption being that liberals will sign and approve anything just to get out of Washington DC for the upcoming holiday. Nancy thought this would be a slam dunk.
Unfortunately for Nancy and the rest of Obama’s Socialist Army, the plan isn’t working. Seems the blue dog Democrats took notice of this week’s gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia and are realizing the Tea Party movement in this country might just be more than a few middle aged suburbanites out for a Sunday drive. They realize that these people vote - and will be voting next November. When you spread a little 'fear of God' around, it's a good thing. This has always been the case in politics -- when elected officials are more scared of their constituents than of their political party leaders, they tend to do the right thing for America. Hopefully, this will hold true this weekend and Obamacare will finally be defeated.
Don’t get me wrong - I agree there should be affordable healthcare for all Americans. But their’s a right way to do it - and Obamacare ain’t it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Where's My Stuff?"

I don’t mean to stereotype an entire generation, but it seems to this old NCO that there has been a general ‘shift’ in the attitude about what it means to be an American. I’m speaking mainly about the generation that grew up in the 90s and were of voting age in 2008 - for many, it was their first presidential election.
This attitude of what it means to be an American is best epitomized by a skit from Saturday Night Live, where President Bush was giving a press conference and a young girl stands up and says “Where’s My Stuff?” The President looks confused and questions the girl -- she responds by saying she sees everyone around her has new cars, nice clothes, and a big home, so since everyone else has there stuff, she wanted to know where her stuff was.
I’m also reminded of the presidential debate between Obama and McCain where they both were to describe if healthcare was a right or a responsibility. McCain said healthcare was a responsibility, which is what this old NCO would have said. But Obama said, in America healthcare should be a right. One answer was from a capitalist, one from a socialist.
So this generation of Obama supporters grew up with a sense of ‘entitlement’ - that as an American, you are entitled to “your stuff”. And that’s what President Obama is doing - providing this generation their stuff. The only problem is that those of us, like this old NCO, who have spent the majority of their lives working to pay for their stuff, have to foot the bill so Obama can give it away for free.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The War on Fox News

For the last few weeks, Obama’s Socialist Army has been on the airways telling us Fox News is some evil, right wing organization, which should not be taken seriously, either by us or any other “real” news organization. This is obviously an attempt by the President and his staff to silence any decent in the press and eliminate any reporting that is unfavorable or critical to the President and his socialist agenda.
So is this what President Obama has to worry about? Really? There’s the war in Afghanistan, which General Stanley McChrystal is waiting for some kind of decision from the President on troop strength while American troops are in the line of fire. There’s still the issue of Iraq, which requires an exit strategy. There’s the nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea. And of course there’s the economy, the rising unemployment, the failed stimulus package, and the runaway national debt with its pressure to set off inflation.
So what does Obama’s Socialist Army feel the biggest threat to America is today? Well, it must be Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, & Bill O’Reily. And when all the real issues they should be concerned with get much worse and expose the failure of this administration to address them, I’m sure they will find a way to blame it all on George W. Bush.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obamacare - A Look at Socialist Medicine

OK, so lets say the Socialists in Congress shove their Government run health care down our throats -- lets consider the future for a moment…… Say you feel a lump growing on your abdomen -- it's not normal -- you’re worried what it may be -- you want a doctor to look at it -- and for the first time in your life, you call ,,,,,,,, Obamacare…..

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring…… click…. (and the recording begins) “Hello, Welcome to Obamacare! Where our motto is ‘Yes We Can’. All of our clinical technicians are currently busy helping others. Please stay on the line and someone will be with you. The current waiting time is…… two hours and 15 minutes”. This is then followed by some generic instructions aimed at making life easier for the Obamacare staff. Then you hear a few clicks followed by the music of children singing praises to Barack Hussian Obama for the next two hours and 45 minutes. Finally, a ‘CT’ (clinical technician) comes on the line and says, “Welcome to Obamacare, how can I help you?”

You: “Yes, finally, thank God… I need to see a doctor as I have…”
CT: “Please provide your OSN.”
You: “My what??“
CT: “ Your Obamacare Serial Number.”
You: “Oh, ya, right,,, let me get my card.”
CT: “The recording should have told you to have your number ready - were you not listening?”
You: “OK, here, I have it… it’s 94F653K487667J12XX07LSHT.”
CT: “Please repeat that, I wasn’t ready.”
You: “What, you’re kidding, right?”
CT: “No, please repeat your OSN (Obamacare Serial Number).”

You repeat the number and you hear the CT type it in the computer.

CT: “Do you still live at 734 Oak Line, Goober, VA?”
You: “Yes.”
CT: “Do you smoke, take illegal drugs, abuse alcohol, have unprotected sex, feel depressed, or emit large amounts of hydrocarbons into the environment?”
You: “What the hell, I just need to see a doctor.”
CT: “Your government requires you to answer these questions. Do I need to repeat them?”
You: “OK, OK!! No, No, No, NO, no, and I don’t run a coal factory.”
CT: “Thank you - now why are you calling Obamacare.”
You: “Yes, finally,,,, I need to see a Doctor”
CT: “Well I’m here to make that decision for you. Please describe your medical condition.”
You: “I have a lump growing on my abdomen.”
CT: “Can you describe the lump?”
You: “It’s a LUMP, how else could I describe it?”
CT: “ Well, does it have a color? Does it have a funny shape?”
You: “Yes, it’s the color of my skin and it is round -- it’s a LUMP!”
CT: “OK, please calm down - I’m here to help you.”
You: “So can I please see a doctor.”
CT: “Again, I’m going to determine your need.”
You: “My need?? I need to see a doctor!”
CT: “I understand what you want, but my job is to determine your actual need. Now, how long have you had this lump?”
You: “I guess about two weeks - I noticed it in the shower.”
CT: “The shower, well if you have a shower, I need to know if you use recycled water and do you use a water saver shower head?”
You: “What does that have to do with my lump?”
CT: “Like I said before, your government needs to know these items.”
You: “OK, OK, I give up,,, no, I don’t use recycled water in the shower, and no, I don’t use a water saver shower head.”
CT: “You understand one of the many conditions of Obamacare is that you make your home energy efficient. I need to send an EPA Compliance Officer out to your house and have it inspected for federal environmental violations. When can we schedule your inspection?”
You: “Is that really necessary? I just wanted to see a Doctor”
CT: “Your government needs to oversee all aspects of your life to ensure you live it according the Laws of Obama. These laws were passed by Congress and they are in your best interest.”
You: “OK, OK, so can I see a Doctor??”
CT: “Well, I believe we can allow you to see a doctor,, let me see,, there's an opening on April 23rd -- can I pre-schedule you now?”
You: “April -- this is October!!”
CT: “I know, you’re really lucky that you called at a good time - appointments for next year are filling up fast!”
You: “LUCKY! I could have Cancer and could be dead by then!”
CT: “Did you say you have cancer? If so, I'll need to transfer you to the Michelle Obama Cancer Center, can you hold?”
You: “No, no, I didn’t say I have cancer - I said I could have cancer!”
CT: “Sorry, once cancer is mentioned, I really have to transfer you to the MOCC.
You: “Oh My God - Nevermind! I’ll drive to Canada. I understand the waits for service there are much shorter.”
CT: “OK, in that case, your President wants to thank you for using Obamacare - Now, we need to know if President Obama can count on your support in the upcoming 2012 election?”
CT: “Hello, are you still there?? Hello??? Hello???"

Now how could anyone believe that the Government getting involved in your healthcare decisions would be a good thing?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

C(r)ap and Trade - Socialism Marches On.....

Under all the hub-bub going on with Obama’s Socialist Healthcare Plan, Nancy Pelosi and her liberal comrades have been pushing “Cap and Trade” legislation through Congress. The liberals in the House of Representatives have already passed the bill and now on its way to the Senate for their approval – if the liberals are successful there, Cap & Trade will become law – right under our noses.

So what is Cap and Trade? In simple terms, it’s more Socialism – this time cleaning up the environment on the backs of the taxpayer. It, like all other legislation has many aspects, but there are two key components that will kill the economy, both now and in the future. The common provision for both provides for “indirect taxation”, which allows liberals to preach that they didn’t raise your taxes while taking more money out of your pocket.

One of these provisions affects the way Americans sell their homes. The provision requires sellers to have an EPA inspection of their home; with the EPA telling sellers what environmental improvements are required BEFORE it can be sold. The seller would bear the expense to fix or replace any items deemed not “energy efficient” by the EPA inspector – this includes the heating/air conditioning system, washers/dryers, kitchen appliances, doors and windows. It’s easy to see these government mandated upgrades could run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

So sellers are faced with either raising the selling price of the home to cover the EPA imposed costs, or simply take it off the market. Prospective buyers, faced with the reduced pool of homes for sale and higher prices, will either not buy or delay the decision to buy – all scenarios reduce home sales, a key ingredient of economic recovery.

Another provision targets companies that emit carbon in the environment – like power companies that burn coal to produce the electricity that you and I depend on every day. The legislation requires these companies to buy permits from the government to cover the amount of carbon they emit. Each year going forward, the permit price goes up – making the production of electricity more and more expensive. So power companies will pass on these costs to guess who – you and me.

Crap and Trade is straight up Socialism. Its anti-capitalist legislation that will have devastating effect on our economy costing Americans thousands of dollars. It will affect all Americans regardless of their income and hit lower income households and senior citizens the hardest – with the burden growing larger each year.

So much for liberal democrats claiming to be the great protectors of the “hard working men and women of America”.

Friday, September 25, 2009

My New Vacuum, The Barack 2012

I have cats – two of them. The grey and white one, Tommy, weights in at just a little over 13 pounds. The black one, Sweetie (the wife picked that name, not me) is quite smaller; however, both seem to shed the same large volume of hair well known to anyone who has a house cat. Cat owners also know it is a continuous battle to clean up the shed hair in their homes. To do that, you need a good vacuum.
Well, the wife and I decided the old vacuum just wasn’t cutting the mustard, so we went vacuum shopping. After we looked at what was available, we made our selection. It was all new and shiny, and the manufacturer’s claim was it specialized in cleaning up pet hair! It had a powerful engine, all kinds of bells and whistles – I mean to tell you, this was the answer to our prayers. It made the old vacuum look worn out, and we believed the new and improved vacuum would cure our cat hair issues in short order.
In reality, here’s what happened when we got our new vacuum home. At first, it seemed to be everything we expected – and more. Man, could this thing suck a rug. But not long after it got on the job, things started to go south. The “pet hair” specialist clogged with,, guess what – pet hair! The engine overheated and kept shutting down. And then the filter quickly filled with dust and dirt, and even though I cleaned it, according to the instructions, performance suffered. Soon we found it would not even vacuum up pet hair off of our tile and hardwood floors. While it still looked new and shiny, we knew we had bought a bill of goods. Bottom line – what seemed like a good idea was really a very bad mistake.
It was then that it struck me that I must be feeling the same as folks who voted for Barack Obama. While he seemed to be the answer to everyone’s prayers, once in office, his performance has suffered, and he has not made good on any of his promises. In fact, he has done the complete opposite of what his supporters expected - like having an open and transparent government, for example -- fighting the war in Afghanistan (well, fighting it to win, anyway) for another.
So here I sit – two cats, their hair, having buyer’s remorse. We’ve returned to the old vacuum and found it’s pretty reliable, and while it’s not bright and shiny, it gets the job done right. As for the new vacuum, I’ve named it The Barack 2012, as I don’t expect it to be on the job after that.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Conservatives Scare Me….

For anyone who missed it, Nancy Pelosi gave a press conference where she was tearfully requesting those who oppose President Obama’s Socialist agenda to ‘Tone down the rhetoric’. She warned that the present climate of ‘incivility’ in US politics risked leading to violence. She went on to say “I saw this myself in the late ’70s in San Francisco”.

For those not as old as Nancy, she was referring to Daniel J. White, a Supervisor in San Francisco, who assassinated then Major George Moscone and fellow Supervisor Harvey Milk in 1978. White shot and killed both Moscone and Milk when Moscone refused to re-instate White as a supervisor after he had previously resigned from the position. He was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter using a defense of “Diminished Capacity”.

So I guess Nancy believes anyone who opposes Obama's liberal agenda must be suffering from diminished capacity and capable of extreme violence.

But Nancy and her comrades are ones to talk – how soon they would like you to forget the eight years of continuous hateful venom streaming out their mouths towards all things conservative during the Bush administration. Additionally, Nancy fails to mention that Daniel J. White was a Democrat.

For the Speaker to compare what happened back then to the political climate today only shows the extreme desperation of the liberals and their cause.

Friday, September 18, 2009


What more could I say..... at least these nuts adopted an appropriate logo.

If you (fill in the blank), then you might be a Racist.

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a Redneak”, the above statement is now the new battle cry of Obama’s Liberal Army. With more and more Americans discovering that Obama’s promised “Change” is transforming the United States into a European style Socialist country, popularity of all things Obama has plummeted in the polls, and the liberal democrats, now unable to defend their increasingly unpopular agenda - are down to calling anyone speaking out against the liberal agenda names - in this case racists. This is demonstrated by Jimmy Carter’s asinine assertion that Joe Wilson’s outcry of “You Lie” during Presidents Obama’s address to Congress was racially motivated.

So… according to liberals...
If you don’t support the liberal’s Healthcare plan, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think the government bail out worked, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think bigger government is the answer, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think investigating CIA agents makes America safer, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think more Czar’s improves representative government, then you might be a racist.

Well, I could go on, but you get the point.. Bottom line, Liberal Democrats are preaching if you don’t support President Obama, you must be a racist. The arrogance of liberal democrats won’t allow them to believe their could be any other reason.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Trust Me......

Is that what your heard from President Obama’s Health Care address to Congress?? -- because that’s what I heard.

Trust Me - I can pay for my Healthcare plan but I won’t raise your taxes (unless you are one of those evil rich people).

Trust Me - I can pay for my Healthcare plan but I won’t add to the deficit (regardless of what the Congressional Budget Office says).

So just how do you provide more healthcare to more people without rationing care or increasing premiums - or in a government run plan, raising taxes??

Well, The President’s plan is to come up with the money from cutting waste from Medicare.

But wait a minute, isn’t Medicare a government run healthcare program?

So I guess my question is, if the President is admitting a current government run healthcare plan is filled with enough waste to cover his 900 billion dollar plan, what faith can we have that his government run healthcare plan will be a model of efficiently?

Oh, I forgot - just Trust Me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Let’s Win One for the Tedder….

Well, the Great Teleprompter was on prime time TV tonight giving his address to congress trying one last gasp attempt to save his DOA health care proposal. And while we really didn’t hear much new, what we did hear was a pep talk to his liberal comrades. It was really moving. And I agree with President Obama that we need health care reform, but I don’t agree that he has the answer. Only 20% of Americans are unhappy with their health care - so why screw up the coverage for the other 80%?
The best sales pitch the President had to offer was to evoke the name of the late Senator Edward Kennedy. He said the Senator had written a letter, to be delivered to him upon Kennedy’s death, saying that health care for all Americans was the his last great hope. (this was when you were to be wiping a tear from your eye). It think it was a sad and pathetic ploy on the death of a patriot.
Let me use the President’s own words to describe his health care proposal -- “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”. And this one’s still a pig.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

So Now I’m An A**hole Too!!

What Obama’s Liberal Army needs is more Czars -- more specifically, we need more like Van Jones who are willing to speak the truth of how liberals really feel about the rest of us. If you have not seen the video,(available on You Tube) Mr. Jones, in a meeting before he was appointed our “Green” Czar, was asked why Democrats, who now own both houses of Congress and the White House, can’t push through legislation like the Republicans did. His response was that Republicans are a**holes. OK, well at least Mr. Jones has the kahonies to speak what most liberals think of us on the conservative side of the fence. However, if he really wanted to answer the question, rather than call conservatives names, he may have mentioned that Republicans proposed legislation most Americans wanted -- unlike Obama’s Welfare Healthcare proposal.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I’m As Mad As Hell, And I‘m Not Going To Take This Anymore

The Obama Administration doesn’t get it. They’ve tried to pass off the Tea Party people as racists, the Town Hall attendees as domestic terrorist, and generally anyone who is opposed to the Socialization of America as part of some mysterious right wing conspiracy.
Truth is, to borrow the famous Howard Beale line from the 1976 film “Network”, America is collectively yelling “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore”. The opposition to Obama’s vision of America is a grass roots movement - “We the People” are speaking up. So take Howard Beale’s advice, and go to the window (in this case, Town Hall meetings and next year in the voting booth) and tell them, you are as mad as hell, and you’re not going to take this anymore.
Obama’s plan’s for America has a big obstacle - and its name is Democracy.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Last Kennedy Brother -- Barack???

MSKGB’s Chris Matthews proclaimed Barack Obama to be the “last Kennedy brother” on NBC’s Today program with the recent passing of Senator Edward Kennedy. I guess this was some kind of warped attempt to connect President Obama to the Kennedy legacy and keep the Kennedy liberal ideals alive.
The problem with Matthew’s statement is over the years the liberal message has changed. I believe President John F. Kennedy would roll over in his grave if is saw what the Democratic party has become today – a dysfunctional group of leftist advancing Socialism in America.
In 1960, John F. Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for country”. In 2009, that message has changed under Democrat Barack Obama, who seems to believe you should not ask what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you.
Barack Obama,, you’re no John Kennedy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Arrogance of Evil

Harry Reid, Barney Frank, and the rest of Obama’s Liberal Army feel we have no constitutional right to exercise our first amendment rights. Doing so was certainly OK when Conservatives were in the White House, but now that the tables have turned, anyone who opposes the Obama Socialist agenda needs to shut up, get out of the way, and let them fix the mess (which is their mess by the way). Harry Reid has defined anyone opposing the White House agenda as “Evil Mongers”. Barney Frank told one of his own constituents at a town hall meeting "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table."
Quite simply, Liberals think you are stupid, unless you think like them. They feel they are superior to the rest of us – and we are simply too dumb to understand their highly educated minds and their grand plans for America.
In my humble opinion, the Harry Reids and Barney Franks of the world have completely forgotten what it means to SERVE in Congress. They have forgotten it is a PRIVILEGE to serve the people who elected them to office.
The Old NCO believes that any person elected to Congress who has lost touch with why they are there needs to be replaced – be they liberal or conservative.
You need to remember this in the upcoming mid-term election. If we re-elect these un-deserving, arrogant, so called representatives, then we will only prove them right – and shame on all of us.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Welcome Back Carter

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back. The other day I heard John Sebastian’s theme song to Welcome Back Kotter, a TV sitcom on ABC from 1975 to 1979 - a span in time that mirrored the Presidency of Jimmy Carter. And for those of us old enough to remember, this period of American history was plagued with high unemployment, out of control inflation, recession, a falling stock market, failed government programs, and a loss of American prestige both here and abroad. Sounds all too familiar - doesn‘t it. I guess history does repeat itself. What got us out of our national ‘funk’ was a great conservative leader - and in that aspect, I can only pray that history does repeat itself.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

“Sticks and Stones”

We’ve all heard the old rhyme “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. How true. However, that doesn’t make the person calling you names any less of a dick. And the point here is that there are plenty of liberal dicks out there. Ms. Garofalo comes to mind. Congressman John Murtha is another. Now, the White House is getting on the ‘bash the right’ name calling train.
Simply put, if you have nothing to provide America but Socialism, big government, higher taxes, government run health care, rising inflation, rising unemployment, falling home values, huge government spending, sky rocketing national debt, and diminished respect around the world – you just may draw a little criticism.
But the natural arrogance of liberals cannot tolerate criticism. So they resort to name calling. After John Murtha said I was a redneck solely because I’m from western Pennsylvania, and Janeane Garofalo said the motivation for anyone who attended a Tea Party was “Straight Up Racism”, the latest “spin” from the left is that anyone who dares challenge a liberal congressman at a town hall meeting about socialized health care or anything the liberal’s “chosen one” supports, is that the person is a “plant” from a mysterious “Right Wing conspiracy” sent to disrupt their meetings. Liberals can’t stand questions like one person had the audacity to ask “Will you (Congress) accept the same heath care that you are cramming down our throats”. When one liberal congressman was asked this question, you would have thought you were watching an episode of the reality show “So You Think You Can Dance”.
When conservatives were in power, liberals called President Bush everything up to and including the Anti-Christ. But now that they are in power, you better not criticize them. In fact, they are asking for Americans to report “Fishy” (Anti-Obama) correspondence by anyone to them! In their own words “Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.”
I imagine in the late 1930s the National Socialist party in Germany requested the same type of information from its loyal followers on “fishy” activity by Jews.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Salwutations from North Korea!

Hellwo Amerika! You buddy Kim Jong Il here. Did you see me in news tonight wif my good fwend Bill Clinton! See you Wankees, I impotent! I get impotent weader to come to see me. I world weader! You think I just small person. Wook you swilly wankees, Wif Obama as your weader, you country more like us everyday. So, Poohy on you! - I on world stage with impotent Bill Clinton. Yes, I know I took Laura Ling and Euna Lee hostage to get some attention, but I knew buddy Bill would want to wesque young gurls. I give Willie gurls, but wemember, I still have my nukweer weepons!
Well, of course the Old NCO is making fun of a serious situation. I am elated that Laura Ling and Euna Lee will be reunited with their families. But I also take note of that once again, America’s prestige as the leader of the free world has been diminished. By sitting down with this ruthless dictator, we provided him the credibility he desperately desires. You can bet North Korea’s propaganda machine is using this event to promote their agenda and brain wash their oppressed population. I can only wonder if another apology was issued to the North Korean dictator. We appear to be returning to the days of Jimmy Carter when we were constantly challenged by 3rd world countries because America was perceived as weak. Our national stature was injured, and it took a real leader like Ronald Reagan for America to regain its national pride and return it to its position as leader of the free world. Those 3rd world nations didn’t have the balls to challenge Reagan. Go ask Omar Kadafi. Lets just pray there’s another Reagan out there for 2012.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our Teleprompter President and his Cambridge-Gate

Our President is a very good public speaker -- as long as he is reading from a teleprompter. When is goes ‘off script’, he all to often gets in trouble. Such is the case when he was asked during a recent Presidential Address on Health Care about the incident between the Cambridge MA police and Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. The President said he wasn’t there, but then stated the police had acted ‘stupidly’. Well, it was pretty obvious that was not a smart thing to say for any President. Now what’s interesting here is how the President tried to handle this screw up. And don’t think for a minute it wasn’t a blunder -- you can bet his aids were all crapping their drawers the second he answered the reporters question and uttered the word ‘stupidly‘ in reference to the police. All of the President’s underlings immediately knew he had just pissed off every cop in America. So instead of just stating he regretted what he said and say he in no way wanted to insult law enforcement personnel, we get some half assed statement in which the President stated “I want to make clear that in my choice of words, I think I unfortunately gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge Police Department and Sgt. Crowley specifically.” Gee, what other ‘impression’ would Sgt. Crowley or the Cambridge Police Department get when they are told by the President of the United States that they acted “Stupidly”? And now, we hear this should be used as some kind of “teaching moment”. I suggest our President should be the first to learn something from this incident. President Obama is rightfully concerted that his inappropriate comment has distracted the American public from his crusade to cram socialized medicine down out throats. This story lingering in the news further diminishes his hopes of getting his welfare healthcare quickly passed through Congress. He could have easily defused this situation by retracting his ’stupidly’ statement saying he regretted what he said and that it was inappropriate for him to comment on a situation in which he did not have all of the facts. If he had, the story would only have had a 24 hour news life -- and the President would have been back on the heathcare crusade,,, but…. It appears that the liberal arrogance of our President would not allow him to do so. On the up side, Cambridge-Gate may have saved us from a very bad piece of health care legislation. So let me be the first to thank both Sgt Crowley and especially Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. for a job well done.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Same Old Song and Dance……

Well, our President was on national television tonight preaching the virtues of “his” health care plan. Instead of telling us why we need reform, and what the specifics are of his plan, he relied on the old liberal strategy of blaming Bush and blaming Republicans - you know, those evil rich people. And you know who these evil people are, small business owners, corporations, entrepreneurs -- the ones that believe in Capitalism and provide the majority of the jobs in our country. Those evil rich are afraid they may soon be paying 50 to 60 percent of their incomes to the government to fund Socialized medicine. They will cut jobs, cut benefits, and tighten their belts to pay for the additional tax burden.
But the President’s problem isn’t Republicans, it’s with the members of his own party. The blue dog democrats smell a stinker and it’s called Obama Welfare Healthcare. They understand if they get behind Obama’s health plan, then they will be held accountable by voters when this reform cost too much, increases the tax burden on all of us and reduces the quality of healthcare in our country. Now I’m not saying the Old NCO is against health care for all Americans, what I’m saying is I’m not in favor of the socialist in the administration rushing another pork ridden, bad piece of legislation down my throat.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Reaganomics, Liberal Style

We once heard about “Trickle Down Economics”. The theory advanced by Presidents Reagan and Bush was if American businesses did well by selling more products and services, they would need more employees -- creating more jobs which in turn would expand and grow our economy. Conservatives did this by cutting tax rates and passing business friendly legislation. TDE simply stated was if those at the top of the economic ladder did well, it would benefit everyone by passing the increased wealth down the economic ladder. And for all of its critics, trickle down economics worked.
But our new President has a different theory. I refer to it as “Trickle Up Poverty”. As he explained to Joe the Plumber, you simply “spread the wealth around” which is to benefit everyone. I guess it’s an OK idea, until you run out of wealth - which you eventually will from punishing the very people who create it by raising taxes and passing legislation unfavorable to business. Trickle Up Poverty is where you keep taking wealth away from those that earn it and give it to those that didn’t. And over time, those that create the wealth and jobs will layoff employees, close their doors, or move to more business friendly countries and leave the United States for greener economic pastures. In the end, overall wealth in our country will decrease until there isn’t much wealth left to “spread around”. That leaves us all on a march towards a collective level of poverty -- and perhaps that's the goal.

Friday, July 17, 2009

“One nation under Obama, indivisible, with health care and poverty for all."

We obviously need health care reform, according to our socialist administration. Never mind that a recent Rasmussen Report says 70% of Americans with health insurance rate their heath care good or excellent while 62% of Americans without health insurance rate the health care they have received as good or excellent. But we have a health care “crisis” in this country - at least that’s what the administration and his comrades in the liberal press have been selling us.
So why does the liberal run Congress feel the need to cram government run, socialized health care down our throats and place us an additional $1.2 trillion dollars in debt? Simple answer: More government control over our lives, higher taxes, and a reduction of our freedoms.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Tax Man Cometh….

“Eat the Rich” is now the battle cry of the spend, spend, spend, liberals. A leader in this rush to kill any economic recovery is Congressman (D) Charles Rangel. Using one of the standards of the Democratic Party, which is sell a tax increase by advertising it as a tax only on the rich, they usually can fool the middle class that they won’t be effected. His plan is to tax only those people who make more than $250,000 a year. Now, to the Old NCO, that’s a bucket full of money. But, America wasn’t built by people working hard to become poor.
Charlie’s plan has worked in the past, but the average Joe is more informed today than before and most have wised up to the liberal’s fraud. Fact is, raising taxes on any American, taxes us all. Only a flaming idiot thinks that “the rich” won’t pass on any tax burden by raising the price on products their companies produce, laying off employees, or closing the doors of their businesses all together.
Bottom line - raising taxes in the middle of an economic downturn only makes the economy worse. It’s a dumb idea. It didn’t work for Jimmy Carter, and it won’t work for Obama.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

And Now You Own It

Congratulations to Al Franken, the newly sworn in junior Senator from Minnesota. Democrats have now reached the magic number of 60 - a super majority for the Democrats in the Senate. This eliminates the possibility of Conservatives using a tried and true liberal process of filibustering the opposition party’s legislation or nominees. The Democrats can cram down our throats all the socialist legislation or leftist nominees they want unfettered by any opposition voices -- and of course, they won’t hear anything but cheers from the liberal press.
But here’s the thing -- be careful what you ask for. By finally getting their much sought after super majority, the Democrats own whatever happens. So far, they have practically bankrupted the country, nationalized businesses, and increased the national debt more than all the previous administrations before them - combined. Foreign countries hold over 50% of our debt, and now they are looking at moving away from the dollar as their monetary standard. Interest rates are starting to creep upward - all pointing to signs of runaway inflation.
So what’s the Administrations answer - blame Bush. Vice President Biden’s recent statement that he and President Obama “underestimated” how bad the economy was that they inherited demonstrates they are returning to the only thing that liberals have ever done well - and that’s blame President Bush for everything.
How sad - these elected officials are to be our leaders - and all they do is blame others for their mistakes.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Robert McNamara dead at 93

Most will not even take notice of the passing of Robert McNamara. But I will. As a young kid, I heard his name almost nightly on the TV news in the 1960s in regards to reports on the war in Vietnam. Serving as Secretary of Defense for Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, Robert McNamara had his critics, and his name and life has forever been connected to his directing of the war in Vietnam, back then, an advocate of the war, but later in life stating the war was a mistake.
For what you may think of Robert McNamara, he was a patriot. He had the courage of his convictions. He acted on what he believed regardless of politics and popular sentiment.
You hear these are trying times today, but nothing what this SecDef faced during his time in Washington. One can look at the news reports of the protests in Teheran and draw a comparison to riots in Chicago at the 1968 Democratic Convention - and today, some get all excited due to conservatives having “tea parties” -- how times have changed.
In 2003, the documentary “The Fog of War” detailed the 11 lessons Robert McNamara learned during his life - simple lessons that can have massive implications. I felt it was his final contribution to America, and in a way he was saying goodbye. Rest in Peace Bob.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Continued War on Conservatives

It seems liberals aren’t satisfied with winning the election, taking complete control of Congress, and turning America into a Socialist country - it’s obvious they feel the need to kill all opposing voices who they perceive a threat to their liberal doctrine. Take the case of Sarah Palin. No person in the history of American politics has ever been the assaulted by such vicious, hateful, unrelenting attacks as Governor Palin. With her announcement today, the Democratic National Committee did not pass up the opportunity to stick one more knife in Gov. Palin, by saying her decision to step down as Governor and not seek re-election “continues a pattern of bizarre behavior”. This on the heals of David Letterman’s over the top personal attacks on her family. The fact is that nothing is out of bounds for liberals when attacking conservatives - for example the thousands of jokes about Ronald Reagan when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease -- for liberals to make fun of anyone with this horrible affliction - how classy.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Bush Effect

Freedom and democracy are infectious. When an oppressed people see their neighbors living in freedom without oppression from their government, they soon seek a means to obtain the freedom enjoyed by their neighbors. The news reports coming out of Iran demonstrate this very thing.
What I don’t understand is that no one is talking about the connection between what happened in Iraq to what is happening in Iran today. It’s fairly obvious that when President Bush liberated the people of Iraq from the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, and helped them set up a democracy in the center of the middle east, that it would not be long before the people in the surrounding countries began to question why they don’t live with the freedoms of their Iraqi neighbors. The people of Iran are questioning their government which has forced that regime to show what steps it will take to remain in power.
With President Bush’s decision to go liberate Iraq, it may have just started a world wide movement for oppressed people everywhere to question why they don't live in freedom and democracy. And while the leftist press in our country will never credit George W. Bush for doing anything positive for the world, I believe history will.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

They Just Won't Let It Go.....

Vice President Cheney stated recently that he now doesn’t think there were ties between Saddam Hussein and the 9-11 terrorist. So now CNN’s Jack Cafferty thinks President George W. Bush and his entire administration should be in prison for the horrible crimes committed against the American public - specifically the war in Iraq. As one of the networks that worked endlessly to twist the news to fit their leftist agenda, including the glee they displayed each time the death count of American military personnel reached a new milestone, it’s not hard to believe they want just one more piece of flesh out of the Bush administration.
It is so easy for Jack Cafferty and CNN to sit back after the fact and criticize Bush’s decisions made years ago. And now they climb on board the Queen Pelosi Criminalize Bush wagon. They also want you to forget they were all once on the Invade Iraq wagon. Typical liberal doublespeak.
Just know that if Jack and his kind had been in charge back in the early 1940s, we’d all be speaking German today.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Oh, Nancy, What Have You Done???

America’s #1 Limousine Liberal, Nancy Pelosi, has had her plans to criminalize President George W. Bush backfire in her face. In order for her to be in a position to press for charges against the previous administration for torturing GITMO detainees, she needed to claim she was never told in 2002 about “enhanced” interrogation procedures used by the Bush administration. Well, Ms. Pelosi has found out the CIA doesn’t take kindly to her liberal lies, and now she is finding herself about to be proven publicly as the liar she is. There is more to this story to be played out, but everything currently points to Ms. Pelosi ending up on the wrong side of the truth.
The real story here is what if the shoe was on the other political foot? Had a Republican done the same thing that Ms. Pelosi has done, the mainstream press would have been calling for them to resign or be impeached. The condemnation from the left would have been relentless. But what has happened here? Nancy gets the usual ’free pass’ from the mainstream press - with MSNBC an CNN soft selling the story as a non-story, focusing on other issues rather than getting rid of this useless, politics only, sad excuse for a Congress person.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

No Opinions Allowed!

The war on conservatives continues. Even the Miss America pageant is now a battleground for liberals to attack conservatives as evidenced by the politically charged question from Judge Perez Hilton to Carrie Prejean, Miss California. It appears from the reaction from the left, that Ms. Prejean is not allowed to have her own opinion about gay marriage – especially when it differs from their agenda. By merely stating she believes marriage is between a man and a woman at the Miss America pageant (which received applause from the audience, and not the “boos” reported by the liberal press) she has become the newest target of the radical left. Judge Hilton’s objection to her statement, he says, is based on his belief that Miss America should represent all Americans, and her answer indicates she holds some bias against gays. So Mr. Hilton felt obligated to call Ms. Prejean a “dumb bitch”, then he recanted from that statement, but only then to stand by the dumb bitch statement and continued on to say at least he didn’t use the “C” word to describe Miss California – wow, what a gentleman. MSNBC ran a story to discredit Ms. Prejean about her breast implants, with the obvious implication that she is some kind of fake or phony person, even through implants are common place in pageant contestants. And the rest of the liberal press continued to give this story life only to discredit Ms. Prejean and advance the leftist agenda of stamping out and punishing anyone that has views or opinions different from the radical left. Trust me, any future Miss America contestant will think long and hard before having any opinion on anything in the future.
By Ms. Prejean having the courage of her convictions, it cost her a crown – but she showed far greater character by living what she believes. Carrie, you’re my Miss America any day of the week.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Obama Motors

Yep, for those of you old enough to remember, that’s a Hudson Hornet. And for those of you who aren’t old enough to remember - that’s a Hudson Hornet. The Hudson Motor Car Company, located in Detroit Michigan, was at one time the third largest automobile manufacturer in America - and for several years in the early 1950s, the Hudson Hornet dominated NASCAR. So why isn’t the Hudson still with us -- well, they went out of business. And over the last century, so did Desoto, and Packard, and Kaiser-Frazier, and LaSalle, and Rambler.
So why I am telling you this, well, it seems the Obama administration fails to realize there have been American car companies that have actually gone out of business. Back in the day, there were no government bailouts, so everyone simply lived by the rule of economics. If you built a product that people wanted to buy, your company grew. If you built a product people didn’t buy, you went out of business. To put it simply, capitalism worked. So why does the Obama administration continue to pour money into General Motors? Is GM more sacred than car companies that have gone before? Can we not fathom an America without GM as we know it today? As long as GM knows Uncle Obama will keep sending cash, they will never make the changes they need to stay competitive. And what would those changes be? Perhaps follow a successful business model, like Nissan, Honda, and Toyota who all have major nameplates, one mainstream line and one upscale line. So no Saturn, no GMAC, no Pontiac, no Buick, no Hummer - just Chevy, and one upscale line, Cadillac. Wanna survive in a tough economy? Well take a tip from Sam Walton, who followed one simple business plan, find someone successful at what they do, and do that.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It seems things aren’t going as liberals thought. Their assumption was President Obama’s rock star charisma would carry them to their ultimate goal of complete power. They could quickly take the reigns of the media and stamp out any opposing voices. However, to their amazement, there’s actually a large group of people out there willing to say enough is enough. Enough to the bail outs. Enough to tripling the national debt and burying our grandchildren in dept. Enough to nationalization of banks and industries. So people are speaking out. And the liberals don’t like what they hear - and it’s scaring them. So they fall back to the only thing they know how to do well. Blame Bush. Now the leftist in Congress want to put the Bush Administration on trial, and prosecute them for “torturing” known terrorist. While this makes for great headlines in the left wing main steam media, it achieves the real goal of diverting attention from the fact that they are hopelessly lost on addressing the country’s real issues of the economy and the war on terror.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The War on Conservatives

Obama’s Leftist Army has now declared all out war on conservatives. The recent Tea Party protests brought out the true feelings of those in power. Jeanane Garafalo’s rant on MSKBG with Keith Olbermann was a perfect example of how the left deals with any kind of opposition to their Socialist agenda. Only concerned with their objectives, the left resorts to their typical tactic of attack, attack, attack. Ms. Garafalo’s description of the tea party participants as uneducated racist rednecks who can’t stand a black man in the White House demonstrates this perfectly. Of course, Mr. Olbermann, another surrogate of the left agreed and never challenged how ridiculous her statement was - in fact, he did everything possible to give it credibility. The left's attack on all conservatives reflects their growing fear that the luster is starting to come off of their Obama-God. They are afraid his hob knobbing with the likes of Hugo Chavez and Raul Castro may awaken the conservative movement much like the weakness of President Carter awakened a movement back to conservative sensibility and swept Ronald Reagan into the White House in 1980 to save the country. Leftist remember they have a short time to supplant themselves so deeply in control so they don’t lose power. Perhaps the nationalization of the banking system, taking over control of major industry like General Motors, and dredging up an outdated “fairness” doctrine from the 1960s to make illegal any opposing voices like Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh would be a great way stay in power?
But, then again, what would I know -- according to Jeanane Garafalo and John Murtha (D-PA), I’m just a uneducated racist redneck.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


After wondering how President Obama plans to save the economy, it finally hit me – Obama and his Socialist buddies have a blueprint for their economic decisions. They simply ask themselves, what would Reagan do? And then they do the complete opposite.
Reagan understood that businesses create jobs, so he changed tax codes to provide incentives to expand, which lead to increased production and job creation. Obama plans to punish businesses by taxing them to death, killing any hopes of expansion and leading to higher unemployment.
Reagan understood that government should get out of the way, and encouraged capitalism. Obama believes government is the answer to everything, and encourages Socialism.

Think of the Obama administration as a repeat of the Jimmy Carter administration. We survived Carter’s high inflation, high interest rates, and high unemployment. Let’s just hope there’s another Ronald Reagan out there somewhere to save us in 2012.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

President Obama’s appearance on The Tonight Show this week received a great deal of attention by all of the network news departments. With the exception of Fox News, the lead story was that President Obama was the first sitting President to appear on a late night talk show. They all reported he was pushing his economic plan with CNN categorizing his performance as “Charming”. Then, as a secondary story, they commented the President committed a ‘gaffe’ when he compared his bowling ability to “Special Olympics”. Much to the President’s credit, he called Timothy Shriver, Chairman of Special Olympics, and apologized for his comment – and this was even before the show aired on NBC. All in all, his gaffe should not have been a major news story – the President is human, and he screwed up, immediately recognized what he did was wrong, and took corrective action. Kudos to the President.
But, Fox News brought up an interesting point – what if the same situation occurred and it had been President George W. Bush instead of the liberal left’s darling, President Obama? One could only imagine the outrage. Liberal Democrats would have been forming lynch mobs. The Liberal Press at CNN, MSKGB, and the big three would have been painting President Bush as an insensitive, uncaring, ignorant, evil rich person. No amount of apology on his part would have been sufficient to compensate for his transgression. So this is the real story about the Special Olympics gaffe, not that is was made, but that it is just another shining example of the continuing “Free Pass” liberals receive in the media – with the exception of Fox News, which was bold enough to point this out.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eat The Rich

Are you mad about the bonuses AIG executives received?? Ya, me too. But who is really to blame for this situation? Well, you can thank the LIBERAL DEMOCRATS who run Congress. In their smoky back rooms they wrote the loophole in the stimulus bill which ENSURED the bonuses could be paid. The fact they placed the loophole in the legislation is proof these self proclaimed “heroes of the working man” knew these bonuses would be paid long before now.
So how did the LIBERAL DEMOCRATS deal with the political fallout? Well, they relied on the oldest scheme in their playbook – Blame the Evil Rich People. The sole purpose of their false “outrage” at AIG this week was to deflect attention from their incompetence and stupidity. Simply put, they fanned the flames of class warfare to cover up their screw up. The two biggest masters of deflection were Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, with Dodd on CNN claiming he knew nothing about the bonus loophole one day and explaining he had a hand in it the next. Frank, in his arrogant grilling of AIG CEO Edward Liddy, pressed for the names of those who received bonus. When Liddy explained he didn’t want to turn over the names due to the threats AIG execs had received, even providing correspondence where someone threatened to use piano wire to strangle the spouses and children of AIG execs to death, Frank pressed on stating he would subpoena the names anyway. It seems like Frank cares more about his political career than the lives of innocent women and children.
So you can either buy into the liberal propaganda, or hold the incompetent Congress responsible.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Don't Worry - Be Happy!!!

Right in tune with the 1988 Bobby McFerrin song, our fearless President told us yesterday not to worry about the stock market, in fact, he himself doesn’t pay much attention to the “Ups” and “Downs” of the market. That makes me wonder if he actually believes there have been some “Ups” in the market recently. If there were, perhaps my 401K would not have lost more than 50 percent of its value. How comforting to hear that the President isn’t concerned that most of us who played by the rules, worked hard at our jobs, and paid our taxes (unlike his cabinet members) are losing all of our savings – watching the continued downward march of stock values. But then, he probably wants all of us to not care about our retirement savings disappearing so we become totally dependent on the Socialist government he and his liberal comrades seem hell bent to establish.