Sunday, September 6, 2009

So Now I’m An A**hole Too!!

What Obama’s Liberal Army needs is more Czars -- more specifically, we need more like Van Jones who are willing to speak the truth of how liberals really feel about the rest of us. If you have not seen the video,(available on You Tube) Mr. Jones, in a meeting before he was appointed our “Green” Czar, was asked why Democrats, who now own both houses of Congress and the White House, can’t push through legislation like the Republicans did. His response was that Republicans are a**holes. OK, well at least Mr. Jones has the kahonies to speak what most liberals think of us on the conservative side of the fence. However, if he really wanted to answer the question, rather than call conservatives names, he may have mentioned that Republicans proposed legislation most Americans wanted -- unlike Obama’s Welfare Healthcare proposal.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

At least Van Jones is now gone. Keep up the good words.