Friday, September 18, 2009

If you (fill in the blank), then you might be a Racist.

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a Redneak”, the above statement is now the new battle cry of Obama’s Liberal Army. With more and more Americans discovering that Obama’s promised “Change” is transforming the United States into a European style Socialist country, popularity of all things Obama has plummeted in the polls, and the liberal democrats, now unable to defend their increasingly unpopular agenda - are down to calling anyone speaking out against the liberal agenda names - in this case racists. This is demonstrated by Jimmy Carter’s asinine assertion that Joe Wilson’s outcry of “You Lie” during Presidents Obama’s address to Congress was racially motivated.

So… according to liberals...
If you don’t support the liberal’s Healthcare plan, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think the government bail out worked, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think bigger government is the answer, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think investigating CIA agents makes America safer, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think more Czar’s improves representative government, then you might be a racist.

Well, I could go on, but you get the point.. Bottom line, Liberal Democrats are preaching if you don’t support President Obama, you must be a racist. The arrogance of liberal democrats won’t allow them to believe their could be any other reason.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

Using the race card is the easy way for them to discount what the growing number of people really think about this admin.