Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Let’s Win One for the Tedder….

Well, the Great Teleprompter was on prime time TV tonight giving his address to congress trying one last gasp attempt to save his DOA health care proposal. And while we really didn’t hear much new, what we did hear was a pep talk to his liberal comrades. It was really moving. And I agree with President Obama that we need health care reform, but I don’t agree that he has the answer. Only 20% of Americans are unhappy with their health care - so why screw up the coverage for the other 80%?
The best sales pitch the President had to offer was to evoke the name of the late Senator Edward Kennedy. He said the Senator had written a letter, to be delivered to him upon Kennedy’s death, saying that health care for all Americans was the his last great hope. (this was when you were to be wiping a tear from your eye). It think it was a sad and pathetic ploy on the death of a patriot.
Let me use the President’s own words to describe his health care proposal -- “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”. And this one’s still a pig.

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