Saturday, September 19, 2009

Conservatives Scare Me….

For anyone who missed it, Nancy Pelosi gave a press conference where she was tearfully requesting those who oppose President Obama’s Socialist agenda to ‘Tone down the rhetoric’. She warned that the present climate of ‘incivility’ in US politics risked leading to violence. She went on to say “I saw this myself in the late ’70s in San Francisco”.

For those not as old as Nancy, she was referring to Daniel J. White, a Supervisor in San Francisco, who assassinated then Major George Moscone and fellow Supervisor Harvey Milk in 1978. White shot and killed both Moscone and Milk when Moscone refused to re-instate White as a supervisor after he had previously resigned from the position. He was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter using a defense of “Diminished Capacity”.

So I guess Nancy believes anyone who opposes Obama's liberal agenda must be suffering from diminished capacity and capable of extreme violence.

But Nancy and her comrades are ones to talk – how soon they would like you to forget the eight years of continuous hateful venom streaming out their mouths towards all things conservative during the Bush administration. Additionally, Nancy fails to mention that Daniel J. White was a Democrat.

For the Speaker to compare what happened back then to the political climate today only shows the extreme desperation of the liberals and their cause.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

What scares me is we are one accident away from this nut job running the country.