Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Uncle Sam or Santa Claus?

Used to be in this country that businesses which were successful were rewarded and failure in business was punished – that’s how capitalism worked. Now, if you fail, it’s no problem – Uncle Sam using taxpayer dollars will reward you for your failure. Such is the case with the failed investment firm AIG, who plans on paying bonuses to their managers with YOUR money. Let me repeat that – YOUR money, which the government had to borrow, which will eventually be paid through higher taxes – which will prolong any economic recovery.
While our elected leaders reward business failures, we need to consider what signal this sends to businesses that are successful. Whose managers are making the hard but necessary management decisions, taking calculated risks, so they can succeed in turning a profit during these hard economic times.
If you were the hard noised manager of a successful business, and realized that the government was now covering any losses you experienced from making bad decisions or outlandish risks, what incentive would you have to manage efficiently and effectively? Knowing Uncle Sam come in like Santa Claus and bail you out, therefore rewarding you for bad decisions or miss management, you could pay out big bonuses, never have to lay anyone off even though there was not enough work to keep them, and pretend we are still living in economic good times.
We need to tell Uncle Sam put away the red stocking cap and stop helping – it sends the wrong signal to business leaders. Corporate welfare checks have got to stop so the laws of economics can play out during this economic downturn. While painful, it’s the quickest way to get the country back on track.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

No Experience Required

Do you need experience to hold a public office? Well, evidently that depends if you are a Democrat or Republican. If you are a conservative, you better have YEARS of experience. But if you are a Democrat, and especially if you happen to share DNA with a former President, then you get a Free Pass.
Such is the case with Caroline Kennedy. She has zero experience that qualifies her to be a US Senator, yet, to the left and the liberal media, that doesn’t really matter – in fact, don’t even bring up the fact she has no experience. While I don’t have an issue with someone wanting to become a US Senator, I do have an issue with the Double Standard applied to Ms. Kennedy vs. that applied to Governor Sarah Palin.
When Governor Palin was tagged to be Vice President, the left along with their allies in the liberal press launched a relentless attack against Palin, going on and on about her lack of experience and that it spelled absolute disaster upon Senator John McCann’s death – some even using insurance actuary tables to predict McCann’s death date to highlight what a dangerous situation it would be for the country if the totally unqualified Palin assumed the office of the President.
While I understand the office of the President has much greater responsibility than that of a Senate seat, I don’t understand why Caroline Kennedy’s complete lack of experience isn’t even mentioned by the left or the liberal press.
But I guess the lack of experience standard doesn’t apply to liberal democrats. After all, look who’s about to become President.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Say It Ain't So!!

Here’s a real news flash – evidently, there are corrupt Democratic politicians in Illinois! Even CNN and MSKGB couldn’t sweep the the Rod Blagojevich (D) story under the rug. (which I understand the rug is for sale to the highest bidder)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Gimmie Shelter

So the big three fat cats from Detroit were back in Washington again begging for a handout. Seems they now have a “business plan”, unlike their last visit. After decades of building vehicles inferior to German and Japanese cars, it seems in ONE week, they came up with business plans so impressive that Congress would have to give them the money. One of the execs said they had invested millions of dollars on how to build a better car and it was coming soon. Gee, you think they could have just spent 20k on a Toyota Camry or Honda Accord and took a good look at it.
All of this is due to the big three paying for their sins of the past. During the 1970s and 80s, they built some really bad cars. So bad, that many Americans who would have never considered buying a Japanese import did just that. And once they experienced the quality of those foreign made cars, they would never take another chance on something coming out of Detroit. I know, because I’m one of these people who was brought up to “Buy American”. After years of buying Detroit junk, I bought a Nissan – and it was such a quality vehicle, I’ve never looked back. There are many more folks whose experience is the same as mine.
To further exacerbate Detroit’s woes, no one believes their claim to be ‘American’ carmakers anymore. GM, Ford and Chrysler are global companies – just like Toyota, Nissan, and Honda. All of these companies have plants and build vehicles on American soil, and employ American workers. All of these companies have plants in foreign countries too. The profits (if any) go back to their respective corporate headquarters in which the CEOs are responsible to the stockholders. So what differentiates the big three from the rest of the world? Perception – the perception Detroit is still building inferior vehicles.
To be honest, the big three may be building quality cars today – I just can’t gamble 20 thousand dollars to find out – and neither are a lot of other Americans.