Sunday, September 9, 2012

Obama Zombies

There’s been a great deal of discussion over voting blocks deciding this presidential race. All of the talking heads keep talking about senior citizens, Hispanics, and the independents. I believe they are missing the voting block that actually put Barack Obama in office, and that’s the youth vote. I refer to them as the “Obama Zombies” - the 18 to 30 year old group of folks not old enough to remember how Democratic economic policies decimated our economy in the late 1970s. The 2008 election was all about the charisma and charm that Barack Obama projected. He excited America’s youth. They came out in force and voted for Obama in 2008. But, they voted for him like they would vote for a contestant on American Idol. I’m sure there were a few that were waiting for Ryan Seacrest to walk out on the stage at Obama’s 2008 coronation in Denver to provide the text number to vote for Obama.
But picking a President is much different than picking the next American Idol. So I think this election will come down to the Obama Zombies. Will they come out and vote for their Idol like they did in 2008 – or will they lose interest in their chosen one?