Sunday, August 31, 2008

Republican Convention Eaten by Gustav!

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer reflected in his comments today the gleeful giddiness felt by their news network that a tropical storm is descending upon the U.S. gulf coast, taking the spotlight off of the John McCain and the Republican Convention. Today he reported “Has the Republican convention been devoured by Gustav?” This conjecture was posed due to President Bush and Vice President Cheney deciding to not attend the Republican convention so they could place their full attention to the pending storm. I assume the next thing we will hear from CNN is that Gustav is a sign from God that we should all support their anointed one, Democratic Nominee for President, Senator Barack Obama.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Do Nothing Democrats -- Except....

As Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats felt there was no reason not to go on vacation, with the economy in such bad shape (according to them) and with gas close to $4.00 a gallon. The working men and women of America can wait, as far as the leader of the Democratic Congress is concerned. With Nancy and company relaxing from their many accomplishments they assured us when they took control of Congress from the Evil, Greedy, Republicans, it would be a good time to list those many accomplishments.
So here’s the list:
1. Increase the minimum wage.
2. …
3. …
4. …
The reason 2, 3, and 4 are blank is that there is no 2, 3, and 4 to list.
With nothing else to list as an accomplishment, let’s examine the single accomplishment of the Democratic Congress. Raising the minimum wage was the right thing to do. It had been a long time since the last increase of 1996-1997. So, even the Old NCO gives Nancy and crew kudos for this. But wait, not everyone benefited from the wage increase. It’s notable to point out that Nancy and the Democrats exempted the working people of American Samoa. The Old NCO wonders why a US territory, where 75 percent of the islands “working men and women” are employed at two packing plants would be exempt from getting a raise. Well, it seems one of those two plants is owned by Star-Kist Tuna, and they were a major opponent to the minimum wage hike. Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Corporation, which is headquartered in guess whose representative district – you got it, Nancy Pelosi’s.
So even the one single accomplishment of the do nothing democratic congress is marred by hypocrisy. Liberals – gotta love em.

Monday, August 11, 2008


So Russia has invaded the Pro Western country of Georgia. Once part of the Soviet Union, Georgia has supported the U.S. with troops in Iraq and has supported U.S. foreign policy. Russian tanks are now rolling though Georgia just like the Soviet tanks that rolled into Hungary in 1956 – to crush freedom and democracy of brave people.
So if you were Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, which candidate for the U.S. Presidency would you respect? A junior liberal Senator with little or no experience in foreign policy, or a seasoned conservative Senator who not only never broke under communist torture, but realizes what it means to place military people in harm’s way because he’s been there – done that.
Remember that the Communist tested the last junior Senator that was elected President in 1962. While President Kennedy had 13 days to determine the correct response to the Soviet threat in Cuba, our next President will only have 13 seconds in today’s technological warfare environment.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Vote For CHANGE!

Senator Obama wants to give you change! Well, all you disciples of the Obama-God better think long and hard just what that means, because the only “change” he will provide is the few dimes and quarters left in your pocket after he is done raising your taxes.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Obama God, Super Star?

Sen. Obama was asked if he were a super hero, who would he be. He said he would be Spiderman or Batman, as they were super heroes, but still got “beat up a little”. Sen. Obama has enjoyed support extreme support from NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC – all who are ‘in the tank’ for Obama and they have not shown any concern in trying to be fair and balanced. When their Obama-God went on his European Rock Tour, all of the big three sent their network anchors to report on the trip. Had McCain went, he would have received third stringers from the networks, and last page reporting in leftist rags like the New York Post.
So Sen. Obama thinks he’s being beat up a little now – what kind of heat does he think he’ll receive if he became President?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drill, Drill, Drill

The liberal’s new catch phrase is “We can’t drill our way to oil independence”. They are right, you know. However, that’s not any reason not to drill. Liberals would rather not drill at all and keep the price of oil as high as possible – at least until the presidential election. That’s why they cut and ran from Congress so they wouldn't have to vote on a bill to increase drilling in America. When President Bush lifted the ban on drilling on the continental shelf, the speculators backed off, and the price of oil fell. Imagine what would happen to the price of oil if they actually started drilling?
But that would put the Democrats at a disadvantage come November – bad news for America is good news for Liberals.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


32 years ago today, I started basic training. 1976 was a much different time from today. I joined the military because I needed a job. The unemployment rate was 23.5% in the town near where I lived – people who had worked in those factories with 20+ years seniority were given their pink slips and told they would never be called back.
While my motivation to join the military was driven by financial needs, my motivation to stay for over 20 years was that somewhere along my military journey, I became a patriot. My experience is not unique to those who joined the military in the 70s.
Other than marriage, the birth of children, military folks will always remember their TAFMSD. It’s just a reminder of how time has passed and what you’ve given – and received – from serving your country.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Playing the "Money" Card

Well, another presidential election is upon us, and again, we get to hear from the left how they are the sole heroes of “The Working Men and Women of America”. The left rolls out this tired old gimmick every four years – and it’s the equivalent of playing the “Money Card”
The implication is that if you work hard in Amercia, but still have a hard time making ends meet, then only those on the left side of the political fence care about you --and how to they plan to help? Well, by getting those “Evil Rich” people and taxing them to death.
So who are these “Evil Rich”? As defined in Senator Obama’s tax plan, anyone who makes more than $250,000 annually. And while most of us don’t fall into that category, the implication here is that only Americans who make less than 250k a year actually work for a living – folks who make more than 250k a year obviously were born with it or somehow obtained the money from anything other than working hard chasing the American dream and achieving financial success.
Accordingly, this justifies the government in taking away their financial success and redistributing their wealth to those whomake less.
Personally, the old NCO is nowhere in the universe of 250K a year, but I believe if I work hard I just may someday become financially successful.
I think it’s called the American dream – and no one should be punished for reaching their dream.


Hello and welcome to my blog - This site is as much for me as anyone else, as like many folks, I needed a place to vent and just jot down some random thoughts from time to time.
Feel free to comment - and again, welcome.
The Old NCO.