Thursday, November 26, 2009

What I'm Thankful For....

Today, I give thanks to our men and women in uniform. Those, who on a day like today, when most of us will be eating a Thanksgiving feast and watching football with family and friends, are in faraway lands, far from their loved ones, serving our country.
So today when you sit down for your Thanksgiving meal, take a moment to thank those in our military, who selflessly serve our country, standing watch, defending our way of life.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Do As I Say, Not As I Do....

This is the battle cry of Congressman Charles Rangel of New York. As a prominent member of Obama’s Socialist Army, Representative Rangel is supporting a “War Tax” to pay for any troop increase in Afghanistan. Seems Old Charlie and his socialist comrades are extremely concerned of how America will fund the cost of troops for the war on terrorism.
This makes Charles Rangel and his supporters hypocrites of the highest order. Not only is he under investigation for tax evasion, but he is one of the liberals in congress who has been spending money our country doesn’t have like a drunken sailor. Like liberals do, they have no problems running up the country’s deficit by trillions of dollars on stimulus packages that have not worked, bailing out Timothy Geithner’s Wall Street buddies, government takeover of the auto industry, and socialist style health care legislation – these are priorities worthy of borrowing more and more money from China. But,,,, when it comes to supporting troops in harm’s way, well, now, that’s a different matter. That’s not important enough to liberals for deficit spending. And of course, while hypocrite Charlie wants you to pay more taxes while not paying his own tax bill, he gets the usual “free pass” from the leftist press.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Death of Capitalism

Senator Harry Reid and his Socialist comrades managed to get the required 60 votes on the so called Health Reform Bill this Saturday to send the bill to the floor of the Senate for debate. In order to get the sixty, there were the usual back room deals – to include Louisiana’s Mary Landrieu’s 300 million dollar pork payoff to obtain her vote. This last minute rewrite is being referred to as the “Louisiana Purchase”. Other Democratic Senators have voiced concerns about not backing the bill as it is currently written. Perhaps Senators have found a new way to get even more pork projects for their home states – because they know they’ll need all the help they can get in next fall’s Mid Term elections.
So why are Harry and the gang having such a hard time getting this albatross crammed down our throats? Well, perhaps it’s just bad legislation. This economy killer is the first death nail the Democrats are hammering into Capitalism’s coffin. This bill has little to do with health care, but everything to do with redistribution of wealth – and that’s YOUR wealth. If this legislation becomes law, that’s exactly what will happen – your taxes are going up, and it doesn’t matter what your annual income. Your insurance premiums are going up, regardless of what your coverage. Remember the President’s pledge that if you like the coverage you have, you’ll be able to keep it. What a crock – sure you can keep it as long as you can afford to pay twice the premium you pay now. And for the first time in history, the federal government will require you to purchase health insurance – and if you don’t, you will become a criminal and be fined for violating the law.
Bottom line – this is about the President’s agenda to transform America into a Socialist country and punish those Americans who have become financially successful through hard work.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Real Motive?

Just why is Eric Holder, President Obama’s Attorney General, bringing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other al Qaeda terrorist to New York to be put on trial in civilian court? Well, in the Old NCO’s opinion, it is this administration’s attempt to give their radical left wing supporters the gift of putting former President Bush and Vice President Cheney on trial for war crimes. Holder and the Looney Left have been trying to find a way to put the former administration on trial for supposed “war crimes” since they took office, and this seems to be their one shot to do just that.
This trial will be a travesty. Not only will it expose the source of America’s intelligence on al Qaeda, further weakening our country but it will give KSM a stage to become a martyr for their terrorist cause. Obviously Attorney General Holder feels this is all just the cost of doing business to score political points for his boss.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Just Make out the Check for $24,661

Yep, that’s your part. If every one of us, that includes our children, sends a check to the US Treasury for $24,661, we can pay off President Obama’s National ‘Credit Card’ Debt. Now, that’s if we can restrain the President from spending our money like a mad man on needless pork projects, government run health care, and an unnecessary second stimulus plan. But what’s the chance of that? No liberal ever met a tax payer dollar they couldn’t keep from spending, so in their minds, President Obama can continue America’s march to national poverty. Nancy, Harry, and the rest of the liberal Congress will just keep raising your taxes to cover the bill.
The danger here is China may decide that continuing to buy America’s debt may no longer be a good investment. The only other option President Obama has then is to crank up the printing presses and flood the world with increasing worthless dollars. When the President does that, you better be ready for inflation. Even the Fed won’t be able to hold down interest rates hikes at that point, and soon your $24,661 may not be enough to buy a loaf of bread.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Terrorist Attack??

Damn right is was. What happened at Fort Hood Texas was the first terrorist attack on American soil since 9-11. So why haven’t we heard this on the liberal airwaves? Well, right after the attack, the Obama team went into action - we heard the FBI announce the same day that they knew of no terrorist connection. That initial indications were that Major Hasan acted alone. Obama’s socialist comrades in the press advanced this story. They seldom ever say the word terrorism and substitute the word 'tragedy' trying their best to frame Major Hasan’s killing spree as a ‘criminal act’ - like the misunderstood Army officer had robbed the local convenience store.
So why the liberal ‘spin’ on this terrorist attack? Well, if it’s a terrorist attack, that looks bad for President Obama - and we can't have that. It could draw some criticism -- perhaps Fox News might bring up the fact that this is the first terrorist attack in the United States since President George W. Bush declared the war on terror. Which means President Obama hasn’t kept us safe from terrorism. As our current President has gone around the world on an ‘apology’ tour, is dragging his feet on sending more troops to Afganistan when his own appointed General in the field recommends it, and makes decisions that weakens America’s stature in the eyes of the world, our enemies feel emboldened. Perhaps bold enough to trigger a terrorist to kill American solders right here in America who are ready to deploy to the middle east -- and as more is uncovered about this terrorist act, the more it appears to be just that.
Just one more failure of this administration.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank You....

If you see a Veteran today, say thank you. The very fact that each day, you are able to enjoy the freedoms and liberty that many take for granted is the result of many who are serving in our military, those who have served, and many more who paid the supreme sacrifice to preserve our way of life. Many are in harm’s way today in Afghanistan and Iraq – and numerous other locations around the globe that don’t make news headlines each night.
So as you go about your daily routine today, take a moment to think about the freedoms you have, and what it means to be an American – and remember those who serve, and have served, to defend those freedoms.

Friday, November 6, 2009

In A Last Ditch Effort......

The Obama-Train has run out of gas. Nancy Pelosi is trying one last attempt to pass President Obama’s Socialist Health Care Bill by having the House of Representatives work this weekend. The assumption being that liberals will sign and approve anything just to get out of Washington DC for the upcoming holiday. Nancy thought this would be a slam dunk.
Unfortunately for Nancy and the rest of Obama’s Socialist Army, the plan isn’t working. Seems the blue dog Democrats took notice of this week’s gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia and are realizing the Tea Party movement in this country might just be more than a few middle aged suburbanites out for a Sunday drive. They realize that these people vote - and will be voting next November. When you spread a little 'fear of God' around, it's a good thing. This has always been the case in politics -- when elected officials are more scared of their constituents than of their political party leaders, they tend to do the right thing for America. Hopefully, this will hold true this weekend and Obamacare will finally be defeated.
Don’t get me wrong - I agree there should be affordable healthcare for all Americans. But their’s a right way to do it - and Obamacare ain’t it.