Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Do As I Say, Not As I Do....

This is the battle cry of Congressman Charles Rangel of New York. As a prominent member of Obama’s Socialist Army, Representative Rangel is supporting a “War Tax” to pay for any troop increase in Afghanistan. Seems Old Charlie and his socialist comrades are extremely concerned of how America will fund the cost of troops for the war on terrorism.
This makes Charles Rangel and his supporters hypocrites of the highest order. Not only is he under investigation for tax evasion, but he is one of the liberals in congress who has been spending money our country doesn’t have like a drunken sailor. Like liberals do, they have no problems running up the country’s deficit by trillions of dollars on stimulus packages that have not worked, bailing out Timothy Geithner’s Wall Street buddies, government takeover of the auto industry, and socialist style health care legislation – these are priorities worthy of borrowing more and more money from China. But,,,, when it comes to supporting troops in harm’s way, well, now, that’s a different matter. That’s not important enough to liberals for deficit spending. And of course, while hypocrite Charlie wants you to pay more taxes while not paying his own tax bill, he gets the usual “free pass” from the leftist press.

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