Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Republican Failure

Really? This is the best you can do on a health care bill? President Trump said he was “disappointed”. I’m not sure the word disappointed was what he really thinking. But what the Senate Republicans showed today was they were the epitome of incompetence – coming out to a microphone and repeating the same old “we need to do this” and “we need to do that” but we got nothing accomplished. We have heard this crap before ladies and gentlemen of the Senate -- now is the time to get your “you know what” together and give the American people a good health care bill. You know what needs to get done – just do it.

CNN Breaking News - The Russians are Coming!!!!

CNN Breaking News….. “Sources” have told CNN that there were additional Russian officials in the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian Government Lawyer wanting to discuss the Russian adoption issues with the American Government. These two additional Russians, “sources” say, are nefarious people of evil intent to our way of life and again, “sources” say, have colluded with representatives of President Trump. “Sources” report the names of these evil Russians are Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale. CNN has very little information on these Russian individuals but wanted the American public to know about this additional collusion Trump officials had with Russia. CNN Breaking News…..Correction. Sorry, after minimal fact checking, it appears Boris Badenov and Natsha Fatale are cartoon characters from a 1960’s TV show called “The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show”. Our “sources” could not confirm, however, CNN can only take comfort in that not many of you saw our Fake News report as our Prime Time ratings are now below a network that features 50 year old sitcom reruns about a talking horse. Our apologies to “moose and squirrel” and to Bamboo Harvester, who played Mister Ed.