Monday, September 19, 2011

It’s not a Tax, it’s just a Fee – Get it?

President Obama unveiled his tax plan today and presented it as the only solution to get our country’s spiraling debt under control. And while he touts this plan as ‘fairness’ in that he is going to finally get those evil rich people – there is some fine print in his tax plan that makes his claim of fairness laughable. While Obama claims to not raise taxes on ‘ordinary Americans’, here’s some ‘fees’ he dreamed up to collect the trillions he needs to support more wasteful liberal spending.
So who did Obama target? Here’s a rundown…

Military Retirees -- Any retiree that ‘earned’ military retirement and health care by volunteering to lay their down their lives for their country will now have to pay $200 upon turning 65 to continue to receive Tricare (the military healthcare plan). Plus, there are fees to be charged for any non-generic drugs prescribed to military retirees. So if you don’t pay Obama, he will take away your healthcare. As most liberals hate the military anyway, this is a big winner with Obama’s radical left. Result: More Vets denied health care – something the government once said would be ‘free for life’ if you volunteered.

Frequent Flyers -- Obama plans to double the Federal Security Fees on airline tickets – granted, that is only from $5 to $10 a ticket, but by 2017, he wants it to go to $15. For a family of four to fly – add $60 to the price. Maybe they’ll just stay home and skip the $15 TSA hand massage. Result: More empty seats on airliners.

Federal Employees – Obama plans to take another 1.5% bite out of your paychecks to supposedly to go help with federal pensions. Do you really think that’s where the money will end up? It will probably be raped just like the Social Security Fund. Result: No increase in the federal pension fund – just smaller paychecks for ALL federal workers (not just those at the upper end of the pay scale)

Mortgage Applicants – Yep, you too!! Obama wants to add a fee of $15 a month to your mortgage – that’s $5400 over a 30 year mortgage. Result: Those applying for mortgages on the bubble financially will no longer qualify for a mortgage – more house setting empty needing qualified buyers.

Corporate Jet Flyers** – Obama will charge you $100 for EVERY flight. That’s right, Obama has made you evil rich corporate types with your fancy cars, and your big houses, and fancy clothes and corporate jets the face of EVIL in this country – but wait, he says this isn’t class warfare… (** but you need to be punished anyway) Result: I hope you weren’t looking for a job manufacturing or maintaining corporate jets.

Now I fail to see how any of these actions will help the economy. So, the Old NCO’s take here is this “Stimulus II” (sorry Nancy, I said a bad word) is the liberal’s one last chance to “Tax and Spend” as they have all but written off any reelection of Barack Obama in 2012.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Texas Justice

Rick Perry’s comment about Social Security being a “Ponzi” scheme at the recent debate at the Reagan Library is currently overshadowing what I believe was a defining moment for this Presidential election – and further defined Governor Rick Perry as the best hope for conservatives to retake the White House in 2012. The MSNBC sponsored debate featured Brian Williams as one of the two moderators. It’s no secret MSNBC a liberal news network, having been ‘in the tank’ for President Obama for years. Late in the debate, Mr. Williams tried to paint Governor Rick Perry as a “mad killer” over Texas’ death penalty laws – and it backfired on him, much to Mr. Williams’ amazement and surprise. For those of you who missed it, the exchange when like this:

Williams: “Governor Perry, a question about Texas. Your state has executed 234 death row inmates, more than any other governor in modern times. Have you . . .”
(APPLAUSE from the audience interrupts Brian William’s question)
“Have you struggled to sleep at night with the idea that any one of those might have been innocent?”
Perry: "No sir," pointed out that death-row convicts are entitled to extensive appeals, and crisply declared: "In the state of Texas, if you come into our state and you kill one of our children, you kill a police officer, you're involved with another crime and you kill one of our citizens, you will face the ultimate justice."
(More applause from the audience)
Williams: "What do you make of that dynamic that just happened here, the mention of the execution of 234 people drew applause?"
Perry: "I think Americans understand justice. I think Americans are clearly, in the vast majority of cases, supportive of capital punishment. When you have committed heinous crimes against our citizens--and it's a state-by-state issue, but in the state of Texas, our citizens have made that decision, and they made it clear, and they don't want you to commit those crimes against our citizens. And if you do, you will face the ultimate justice.”
This exchange, to me, was the ‘moment’ that defined Governor Perry from the rest of the Republican pack – and why he probably will end up with the nomination next summer.
So all I can say to Brian Williams for his attempt to embarrass Governor Perry is “Thanks”. And just in case you forgot what the Governor told you, Mr. Williams, he, and most all other Texans, sleep just fine at night.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I’m reminded of Danny DeVito’s character “Larry the Liquidator” from the movie Other People’s Money, where he spoke at a shareholder’s meeting of New England Wire and Cable. The president of the company, played by Gregory Peck, had just spoke to the shareholders and told them they needed to trust him and hang in there -- staying the course -- and the company’s economic woes would turn around and return to profitability. After Peck sets down, DeVito gets up, grabs the microphone and calmly says “Amen”. Going on to say he didn’t know the local customs, but where he came from, they always said “Amen” at the end of a prayer. “And that’s what you just heard” he states, “A prayer”.
I believe that is what the President delivered the special session of Congress and the nation last night - a prayer. A prayer for his failed economic policies - a prayer for his political future - and a prayer for his chances for re-election in 2012. So I for one, would like to put the finishing touches on the President’s speech and say “Amen”.