Sunday, August 30, 2009

I’m As Mad As Hell, And I‘m Not Going To Take This Anymore

The Obama Administration doesn’t get it. They’ve tried to pass off the Tea Party people as racists, the Town Hall attendees as domestic terrorist, and generally anyone who is opposed to the Socialization of America as part of some mysterious right wing conspiracy.
Truth is, to borrow the famous Howard Beale line from the 1976 film “Network”, America is collectively yelling “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore”. The opposition to Obama’s vision of America is a grass roots movement - “We the People” are speaking up. So take Howard Beale’s advice, and go to the window (in this case, Town Hall meetings and next year in the voting booth) and tell them, you are as mad as hell, and you’re not going to take this anymore.
Obama’s plan’s for America has a big obstacle - and its name is Democracy.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Last Kennedy Brother -- Barack???

MSKGB’s Chris Matthews proclaimed Barack Obama to be the “last Kennedy brother” on NBC’s Today program with the recent passing of Senator Edward Kennedy. I guess this was some kind of warped attempt to connect President Obama to the Kennedy legacy and keep the Kennedy liberal ideals alive.
The problem with Matthew’s statement is over the years the liberal message has changed. I believe President John F. Kennedy would roll over in his grave if is saw what the Democratic party has become today – a dysfunctional group of leftist advancing Socialism in America.
In 1960, John F. Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for country”. In 2009, that message has changed under Democrat Barack Obama, who seems to believe you should not ask what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you.
Barack Obama,, you’re no John Kennedy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Arrogance of Evil

Harry Reid, Barney Frank, and the rest of Obama’s Liberal Army feel we have no constitutional right to exercise our first amendment rights. Doing so was certainly OK when Conservatives were in the White House, but now that the tables have turned, anyone who opposes the Obama Socialist agenda needs to shut up, get out of the way, and let them fix the mess (which is their mess by the way). Harry Reid has defined anyone opposing the White House agenda as “Evil Mongers”. Barney Frank told one of his own constituents at a town hall meeting "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table."
Quite simply, Liberals think you are stupid, unless you think like them. They feel they are superior to the rest of us – and we are simply too dumb to understand their highly educated minds and their grand plans for America.
In my humble opinion, the Harry Reids and Barney Franks of the world have completely forgotten what it means to SERVE in Congress. They have forgotten it is a PRIVILEGE to serve the people who elected them to office.
The Old NCO believes that any person elected to Congress who has lost touch with why they are there needs to be replaced – be they liberal or conservative.
You need to remember this in the upcoming mid-term election. If we re-elect these un-deserving, arrogant, so called representatives, then we will only prove them right – and shame on all of us.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Welcome Back Carter

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back. The other day I heard John Sebastian’s theme song to Welcome Back Kotter, a TV sitcom on ABC from 1975 to 1979 - a span in time that mirrored the Presidency of Jimmy Carter. And for those of us old enough to remember, this period of American history was plagued with high unemployment, out of control inflation, recession, a falling stock market, failed government programs, and a loss of American prestige both here and abroad. Sounds all too familiar - doesn‘t it. I guess history does repeat itself. What got us out of our national ‘funk’ was a great conservative leader - and in that aspect, I can only pray that history does repeat itself.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

“Sticks and Stones”

We’ve all heard the old rhyme “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. How true. However, that doesn’t make the person calling you names any less of a dick. And the point here is that there are plenty of liberal dicks out there. Ms. Garofalo comes to mind. Congressman John Murtha is another. Now, the White House is getting on the ‘bash the right’ name calling train.
Simply put, if you have nothing to provide America but Socialism, big government, higher taxes, government run health care, rising inflation, rising unemployment, falling home values, huge government spending, sky rocketing national debt, and diminished respect around the world – you just may draw a little criticism.
But the natural arrogance of liberals cannot tolerate criticism. So they resort to name calling. After John Murtha said I was a redneck solely because I’m from western Pennsylvania, and Janeane Garofalo said the motivation for anyone who attended a Tea Party was “Straight Up Racism”, the latest “spin” from the left is that anyone who dares challenge a liberal congressman at a town hall meeting about socialized health care or anything the liberal’s “chosen one” supports, is that the person is a “plant” from a mysterious “Right Wing conspiracy” sent to disrupt their meetings. Liberals can’t stand questions like one person had the audacity to ask “Will you (Congress) accept the same heath care that you are cramming down our throats”. When one liberal congressman was asked this question, you would have thought you were watching an episode of the reality show “So You Think You Can Dance”.
When conservatives were in power, liberals called President Bush everything up to and including the Anti-Christ. But now that they are in power, you better not criticize them. In fact, they are asking for Americans to report “Fishy” (Anti-Obama) correspondence by anyone to them! In their own words “Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to”
I imagine in the late 1930s the National Socialist party in Germany requested the same type of information from its loyal followers on “fishy” activity by Jews.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Salwutations from North Korea!

Hellwo Amerika! You buddy Kim Jong Il here. Did you see me in news tonight wif my good fwend Bill Clinton! See you Wankees, I impotent! I get impotent weader to come to see me. I world weader! You think I just small person. Wook you swilly wankees, Wif Obama as your weader, you country more like us everyday. So, Poohy on you! - I on world stage with impotent Bill Clinton. Yes, I know I took Laura Ling and Euna Lee hostage to get some attention, but I knew buddy Bill would want to wesque young gurls. I give Willie gurls, but wemember, I still have my nukweer weepons!
Well, of course the Old NCO is making fun of a serious situation. I am elated that Laura Ling and Euna Lee will be reunited with their families. But I also take note of that once again, America’s prestige as the leader of the free world has been diminished. By sitting down with this ruthless dictator, we provided him the credibility he desperately desires. You can bet North Korea’s propaganda machine is using this event to promote their agenda and brain wash their oppressed population. I can only wonder if another apology was issued to the North Korean dictator. We appear to be returning to the days of Jimmy Carter when we were constantly challenged by 3rd world countries because America was perceived as weak. Our national stature was injured, and it took a real leader like Ronald Reagan for America to regain its national pride and return it to its position as leader of the free world. Those 3rd world nations didn’t have the balls to challenge Reagan. Go ask Omar Kadafi. Lets just pray there’s another Reagan out there for 2012.