Sunday, September 9, 2012

Obama Zombies

There’s been a great deal of discussion over voting blocks deciding this presidential race. All of the talking heads keep talking about senior citizens, Hispanics, and the independents. I believe they are missing the voting block that actually put Barack Obama in office, and that’s the youth vote. I refer to them as the “Obama Zombies” - the 18 to 30 year old group of folks not old enough to remember how Democratic economic policies decimated our economy in the late 1970s. The 2008 election was all about the charisma and charm that Barack Obama projected. He excited America’s youth. They came out in force and voted for Obama in 2008. But, they voted for him like they would vote for a contestant on American Idol. I’m sure there were a few that were waiting for Ryan Seacrest to walk out on the stage at Obama’s 2008 coronation in Denver to provide the text number to vote for Obama.
But picking a President is much different than picking the next American Idol. So I think this election will come down to the Obama Zombies. Will they come out and vote for their Idol like they did in 2008 – or will they lose interest in their chosen one?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Silent Majority

Not many of us remember President Lyndon Johnson’s “Silent Majority” of the 1960s. His administration was battling a growing movement against the war in Vietnam. Johnson’s feeling was there was a vocal minority, loudly proclaiming their position against the war, but there was also a silent majority of Americans that supported his agenda in Southeast Asia. I only say this as a “silent majority” was awakened in America today. It all started when the CEO of Chick-fil-A exercised his first amendment rights and expressed an opinion against gay marriage. Seems the left didn’t care for what he had to say. Immediately the leftist propaganda machine when into action attacking CEO Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A. Obama disciple Rahn Emanual, now Mayor of Chicago, and the Major of Boston proclaimed their desire stop new construction of Chick-fil-A restaurants in their cities. It seems they felt there would be no reaction from the average American so they could freely float their intolerance to those opposing their leftist views. That didn’t happen. Governor Mike Huckabee proclaimed today, August 1st, as Chick-fil-A appreciation day. Chick-fil-A’s across the country were swamped with customers showing their support of CEO Cathy’s remarks. The old NCO waited in line 45 minutes for a chick strips salad – and was happy to do so. What I noticed was the silent majority patiently waiting in line for a chicken whatever. Just to make a statement. But let me point out the issue here is not the CEO of Chick-fil-A’s opinion on gay marriage, but the issue is that he is ALLOWED to have an opinion. Your personal opinion on gay marriage is just that, your opinion – which I believe under the first amendment, you are entitled to – regardless if you are for or against gay marriage. The Obama faithful are of the position if you don’t preach and support their radical leftist agenda, then you don’t have the right to an opinion. Bottom line is thousands of Americans quietly showed their support today against those that want to strip us of our freedom of speech by eating some chicken. I hope you did to. And by the way, what I had for dinner was the most patriotic salad I ever ate.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Dark "Nut" Rises

Unless you live in a vacuum, you have certainly heard about the shooting at a movie theatre last night in Aurora, Colorado. The gunman, James Holmes, killed 12 and wounded over 50 when he opened fire on the audience attending a screening of the new Batman movie. This is a horrible event. The Old NCO’s thoughts and prayers go out to those families affected by this mad man’s actions. But what will you hear now? Well, we can expect the liberal “Nuts” to start their campaign for more gun control, because we all know if we pass more laws, we’ll all sleep better at night. The “Nuts” will also be blaming their perceived enemies. That list includes anyone with conservative leanings. Remember how quickly the left wing “Nuts” tried to tie the shooting of Representative Gabby Giffords to the Tea Party? This morning, some of those “Nuts” who work at ABC News immediately reported they had linked the shootings to the Tea Party as there was a Jim Holmes that was listed on a Colorado Tea Party web site – without even fact checking that there may be more than Jim Holmes that lives in Colorado. But little things like facts have never stopped liberals from their attacks on anyone who doesn’t share their extreme left wing beliefs. The liberal “Nuts” will be coming out of the woodwork over the next few days. Stand ready for more crap from the left.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I Feel Your Pain, Really, I Do, Seriously...

This past Thursday, the liberal news networks were all a-buzz with their chosen one’s visit to Ohio where he poured out his empathy for the unemployed, and those suffering under our struggling economy. The President delivered his canned stump speech where he rambled on about the right way to fix the economy, the right way to create jobs, etc. etc. Can I interject here that one might assume everything Mr. Obama has tried up to now has been the wrong way? But I digress. After those heart felt campaign speeches to the suffering Ohioans, you might think he’d spend the evening sitting down to have dinner with one of those struggling families. After all, he is the self-proclaimed champion of the middle class. But no, that’s not the case. Seems right after our President delivered his speeches in Ohio, he got on OUR plane (that would be Air Force One, which we taxpayers foot the bill) and flew to New York City to have a fancy fundraiser celebrity dinner, hosted by Sarah Jessica Parker at her Manhattan home to help our president defeat that ‘evil rich dude’, Mitt Romney – and the price for a seat Ms Parker’s fundraiser dinner? $40,000. Now, that’s some expensive chicken. I don’t think any folks who attended Obama’s campaign stops in Ohio were in attendance.

I'm In.

I’m Mr. John M. Class. The “M” stands for Middle. So, Ms. First Lady, you want me to tell Barack that I’m in? Well, Barack, I’ll tell you what I’m in – Crap – up to my neck. Here’s what else I’m in – Trouble. You promised us in the middle class that you would be our Champion back when you ran for President in 2008. You promised you would turn this economy around in three years, BTY that was three and a half years ago. Promises, promises, promises. I’ll say one thing about you, you’re a slick talker. You could probably sell cow manure to a dairy farmer. Like I heard Mr. Romney say about you the other day – “talk is cheap” – and that’s about the only thing that’s cheap in your economy. So, Mr. President, here is a short list of “I’m in”: I’m in the ranks of the unemployed. I’m in foreclosure on my house. I’m in debt up to my eyeballs. I’m in the group of folks whose unemployment ran out months ago. I’m in the multitude of people who have stopped looking for work (so I don’t get counted in your amazing 8.3 unemployment rate) I’m in a growing number of people that have ‘buyer’s remorse’ from voting for you in 2008. So Michelle, if you need me to tell your husband “I’m In”, well, then, I guess I am – because your Husband put me there. P.S. And please don’t tell me it’s George W. Bush’s fault. Even you have to admit that excuse is getting a little tired. Regards, J. M. Class.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves

Well, the Ultra-Liberal Celebrity Machine is ramping up into high gear for the upcoming election. First up is Cher, who tweeted today “If Romney gets elected I don't know if I can breathe same air as him & his Right Wing Racist Homophobic Women Hating Tea Bagger Masters". Geez, tell us how you really feel. Of course, Cher, who we all know is an expert about what is best for America, gets to spew her left wing venom just like all of the other celebrity liberals, who somehow think their celebrity makes them smarter and more evolved than the rest of us. According to the Holly-Weird left, you are just too stupid to think for yourself. You know, like you’d like to see Washington follow the Constitution, live within a budget (or even pass one), and return an era of personal responsibility to America. No, you’re a stupid, inbred, conservative “Tea Bagger” who needs some over the hill, face stretched tighter than a snare drum, can only draw an audience in Vegas, Has Been, to provide you your political views. Thank God for people like Cher, and the rest of the celebrity left, because without them, we might have to think for ourselves.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Well Said Rick

Rick Santorum gave a speech at the Detroit Economic Club on Thursday where he stated his position on income inequality. Here’s what he said:
"There is income inequality in America. There always has been and hopefully, and I do say that, there always will be. Why? Because people rise to different levels of success based on what they contribute to society and to the marketplace -- and that's as it should be. We shouldn't have a society that has a President who envies or creates class warfare or envy between one group of people and another. We should celebrate like we do in the small towns all across America as you do here in Detroit. You celebrate success. You build statues and monuments. Buildings, you name after them. Why? because in their greatness and innovation, they created wealth, but they created wealth for everybody else. And that's a good thing, not something to be condemned in America."
I applaud Rick on what he said as I don’t think there is a clearer explanation of the choice Americas will be making this November. It’s a choice between Capitalism and Socialism -- nothing more, nothing less. If you need to know if Socialism is successful or not, just look at what’s happening in Europe with Greece’s collapsing economy. But if you’re one of the hard core Obama loyalist, and you want true income equality, that’s simply Communism. For those who don’t remember, it was installed as the economic system in Russia in 1917 when they became the Soviet Union, and well, most of us know how that worked out. I hope Americans think about this when they go to the polls in the fall. We will either have an America where you are an economic slave to the government, or you have an America where regardless of who you are, if you work hard, you can have success, and with success, god forbid, you will find yourself at the upper end of the income inequality ladder.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today, Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife, Marianne told the Washington Post that in 1999 Newt asked her for an “open marriage”. Evidently, he wanted to remain married and openly have a mistress – a mistress who is today his third wife, Callista. Now, since the timing of Marianne’s revelations is just two days before the South Carolina republican primary, let me examine what this does to Newt’s chances of winning in the Paletto state. Will it hurt him or help him? Help him? Ridiculous you say?
Well, the Old NCO says I’m impressed with Newt. In fact, if what his ex says is true, what he did in 1999 shows he has a critical quality needed in a President. I say this because any husband, who can ask his wife for an open marriage where he can stay married and have a mistress, has Balls. And not just big balls, I’m talking the planet Jupiter sized balls. Now, I don’t know about you, but I like my President to have big balls. Just think how refreshing it would be to have Newt vs. the medical miracle who walks erect without a spine that currently resides in the White House.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Good News!

Among all the news stories today with the Iowa Caucuses going on, was an article where former President Jimmy Carter is giving advice to current President Barack Obama on how to get re-elected. I hope President Obama takes his advice. After all, Carter did such a good job getting himself re-elected – good news for all of us.