Sunday, September 27, 2009

C(r)ap and Trade - Socialism Marches On.....

Under all the hub-bub going on with Obama’s Socialist Healthcare Plan, Nancy Pelosi and her liberal comrades have been pushing “Cap and Trade” legislation through Congress. The liberals in the House of Representatives have already passed the bill and now on its way to the Senate for their approval – if the liberals are successful there, Cap & Trade will become law – right under our noses.

So what is Cap and Trade? In simple terms, it’s more Socialism – this time cleaning up the environment on the backs of the taxpayer. It, like all other legislation has many aspects, but there are two key components that will kill the economy, both now and in the future. The common provision for both provides for “indirect taxation”, which allows liberals to preach that they didn’t raise your taxes while taking more money out of your pocket.

One of these provisions affects the way Americans sell their homes. The provision requires sellers to have an EPA inspection of their home; with the EPA telling sellers what environmental improvements are required BEFORE it can be sold. The seller would bear the expense to fix or replace any items deemed not “energy efficient” by the EPA inspector – this includes the heating/air conditioning system, washers/dryers, kitchen appliances, doors and windows. It’s easy to see these government mandated upgrades could run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

So sellers are faced with either raising the selling price of the home to cover the EPA imposed costs, or simply take it off the market. Prospective buyers, faced with the reduced pool of homes for sale and higher prices, will either not buy or delay the decision to buy – all scenarios reduce home sales, a key ingredient of economic recovery.

Another provision targets companies that emit carbon in the environment – like power companies that burn coal to produce the electricity that you and I depend on every day. The legislation requires these companies to buy permits from the government to cover the amount of carbon they emit. Each year going forward, the permit price goes up – making the production of electricity more and more expensive. So power companies will pass on these costs to guess who – you and me.

Crap and Trade is straight up Socialism. Its anti-capitalist legislation that will have devastating effect on our economy costing Americans thousands of dollars. It will affect all Americans regardless of their income and hit lower income households and senior citizens the hardest – with the burden growing larger each year.

So much for liberal democrats claiming to be the great protectors of the “hard working men and women of America”.

Friday, September 25, 2009

My New Vacuum, The Barack 2012

I have cats – two of them. The grey and white one, Tommy, weights in at just a little over 13 pounds. The black one, Sweetie (the wife picked that name, not me) is quite smaller; however, both seem to shed the same large volume of hair well known to anyone who has a house cat. Cat owners also know it is a continuous battle to clean up the shed hair in their homes. To do that, you need a good vacuum.
Well, the wife and I decided the old vacuum just wasn’t cutting the mustard, so we went vacuum shopping. After we looked at what was available, we made our selection. It was all new and shiny, and the manufacturer’s claim was it specialized in cleaning up pet hair! It had a powerful engine, all kinds of bells and whistles – I mean to tell you, this was the answer to our prayers. It made the old vacuum look worn out, and we believed the new and improved vacuum would cure our cat hair issues in short order.
In reality, here’s what happened when we got our new vacuum home. At first, it seemed to be everything we expected – and more. Man, could this thing suck a rug. But not long after it got on the job, things started to go south. The “pet hair” specialist clogged with,, guess what – pet hair! The engine overheated and kept shutting down. And then the filter quickly filled with dust and dirt, and even though I cleaned it, according to the instructions, performance suffered. Soon we found it would not even vacuum up pet hair off of our tile and hardwood floors. While it still looked new and shiny, we knew we had bought a bill of goods. Bottom line – what seemed like a good idea was really a very bad mistake.
It was then that it struck me that I must be feeling the same as folks who voted for Barack Obama. While he seemed to be the answer to everyone’s prayers, once in office, his performance has suffered, and he has not made good on any of his promises. In fact, he has done the complete opposite of what his supporters expected - like having an open and transparent government, for example -- fighting the war in Afghanistan (well, fighting it to win, anyway) for another.
So here I sit – two cats, their hair, having buyer’s remorse. We’ve returned to the old vacuum and found it’s pretty reliable, and while it’s not bright and shiny, it gets the job done right. As for the new vacuum, I’ve named it The Barack 2012, as I don’t expect it to be on the job after that.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Conservatives Scare Me….

For anyone who missed it, Nancy Pelosi gave a press conference where she was tearfully requesting those who oppose President Obama’s Socialist agenda to ‘Tone down the rhetoric’. She warned that the present climate of ‘incivility’ in US politics risked leading to violence. She went on to say “I saw this myself in the late ’70s in San Francisco”.

For those not as old as Nancy, she was referring to Daniel J. White, a Supervisor in San Francisco, who assassinated then Major George Moscone and fellow Supervisor Harvey Milk in 1978. White shot and killed both Moscone and Milk when Moscone refused to re-instate White as a supervisor after he had previously resigned from the position. He was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter using a defense of “Diminished Capacity”.

So I guess Nancy believes anyone who opposes Obama's liberal agenda must be suffering from diminished capacity and capable of extreme violence.

But Nancy and her comrades are ones to talk – how soon they would like you to forget the eight years of continuous hateful venom streaming out their mouths towards all things conservative during the Bush administration. Additionally, Nancy fails to mention that Daniel J. White was a Democrat.

For the Speaker to compare what happened back then to the political climate today only shows the extreme desperation of the liberals and their cause.

Friday, September 18, 2009


What more could I say..... at least these nuts adopted an appropriate logo.

If you (fill in the blank), then you might be a Racist.

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a Redneak”, the above statement is now the new battle cry of Obama’s Liberal Army. With more and more Americans discovering that Obama’s promised “Change” is transforming the United States into a European style Socialist country, popularity of all things Obama has plummeted in the polls, and the liberal democrats, now unable to defend their increasingly unpopular agenda - are down to calling anyone speaking out against the liberal agenda names - in this case racists. This is demonstrated by Jimmy Carter’s asinine assertion that Joe Wilson’s outcry of “You Lie” during Presidents Obama’s address to Congress was racially motivated.

So… according to liberals...
If you don’t support the liberal’s Healthcare plan, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think the government bail out worked, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think bigger government is the answer, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think investigating CIA agents makes America safer, then you might be a racist.
If you don’t think more Czar’s improves representative government, then you might be a racist.

Well, I could go on, but you get the point.. Bottom line, Liberal Democrats are preaching if you don’t support President Obama, you must be a racist. The arrogance of liberal democrats won’t allow them to believe their could be any other reason.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Trust Me......

Is that what your heard from President Obama’s Health Care address to Congress?? -- because that’s what I heard.

Trust Me - I can pay for my Healthcare plan but I won’t raise your taxes (unless you are one of those evil rich people).

Trust Me - I can pay for my Healthcare plan but I won’t add to the deficit (regardless of what the Congressional Budget Office says).

So just how do you provide more healthcare to more people without rationing care or increasing premiums - or in a government run plan, raising taxes??

Well, The President’s plan is to come up with the money from cutting waste from Medicare.

But wait a minute, isn’t Medicare a government run healthcare program?

So I guess my question is, if the President is admitting a current government run healthcare plan is filled with enough waste to cover his 900 billion dollar plan, what faith can we have that his government run healthcare plan will be a model of efficiently?

Oh, I forgot - just Trust Me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Let’s Win One for the Tedder….

Well, the Great Teleprompter was on prime time TV tonight giving his address to congress trying one last gasp attempt to save his DOA health care proposal. And while we really didn’t hear much new, what we did hear was a pep talk to his liberal comrades. It was really moving. And I agree with President Obama that we need health care reform, but I don’t agree that he has the answer. Only 20% of Americans are unhappy with their health care - so why screw up the coverage for the other 80%?
The best sales pitch the President had to offer was to evoke the name of the late Senator Edward Kennedy. He said the Senator had written a letter, to be delivered to him upon Kennedy’s death, saying that health care for all Americans was the his last great hope. (this was when you were to be wiping a tear from your eye). It think it was a sad and pathetic ploy on the death of a patriot.
Let me use the President’s own words to describe his health care proposal -- “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”. And this one’s still a pig.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

So Now I’m An A**hole Too!!

What Obama’s Liberal Army needs is more Czars -- more specifically, we need more like Van Jones who are willing to speak the truth of how liberals really feel about the rest of us. If you have not seen the video,(available on You Tube) Mr. Jones, in a meeting before he was appointed our “Green” Czar, was asked why Democrats, who now own both houses of Congress and the White House, can’t push through legislation like the Republicans did. His response was that Republicans are a**holes. OK, well at least Mr. Jones has the kahonies to speak what most liberals think of us on the conservative side of the fence. However, if he really wanted to answer the question, rather than call conservatives names, he may have mentioned that Republicans proposed legislation most Americans wanted -- unlike Obama’s Welfare Healthcare proposal.