Friday, September 11, 2009

Trust Me......

Is that what your heard from President Obama’s Health Care address to Congress?? -- because that’s what I heard.

Trust Me - I can pay for my Healthcare plan but I won’t raise your taxes (unless you are one of those evil rich people).

Trust Me - I can pay for my Healthcare plan but I won’t add to the deficit (regardless of what the Congressional Budget Office says).

So just how do you provide more healthcare to more people without rationing care or increasing premiums - or in a government run plan, raising taxes??

Well, The President’s plan is to come up with the money from cutting waste from Medicare.

But wait a minute, isn’t Medicare a government run healthcare program?

So I guess my question is, if the President is admitting a current government run healthcare plan is filled with enough waste to cover his 900 billion dollar plan, what faith can we have that his government run healthcare plan will be a model of efficiently?

Oh, I forgot - just Trust Me.

1 comment:

gatordude said...

The government doesn't run anything that is not losing money. Nothing. There isn't enough money in Medicare to pay for Medicare. All double talk. He also said he wasn't going to increase the defict by .10 cents. Please, does he really think people belive him.