Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Adult in the Room?

Newt Gingrich seems to be the flavor of the month of Republican candidates for president having just picked up the endorsement of the highly-influential Manchester Union Leader Newspaper in New Hampshire – an endorsement right in Mitt Romney’s home turf.
The continuing search by republican voters looking for the ‘anti-Romney’ continues. So just what is the rap against Romney? First, he could be the poster child for the ‘evil rich people’ the Obama administration has been demonizing for months in their continuing efforts to fan the flames of class warfare. Second, Romney’s unlike-ability factor – he just doesn’t seem like the type of guy you’d want as your bud – you know, someone you’d have over to watch a football game or meet up for a beer after work. Romney, rather true or not, displays an air of arrogance. He’s probably is a great guy, a wonderful family man – but that doesn’t matter if the voters don’t ‘like’ you. Remember, like ability is what got Obama in the White House, he exuded a rock star persona and turned the 2008 campaign into a season of American Idol.
So is Gingrich just the flavor of the month, or is his rise in the polls the result of the voters searching for consistency of position and someone who demonstrates leadership? We have seen Bachman, Perry, and Cain ride high only to crash and burn in the polls. Will Gingrich be the same?
The Old NCO’s take is maybe not. His rise in popularity among republican voters has been slow and steady. His performance at the debates has been one of solid, consistent, positions on the issues. But one thing that has separated Gingrich from the others is his willingness to take on the moderators – telling them to get serious about running the debate and stop trying to find, in his words, the “Got Ya’s” – while the other candidates bicker with each other about what illegals mowed who’s lawn or mandating innocent young girls to be vaccinated with an alleged deadly injection.
Gingrich’s continuing criticism of the mainly liberal debate moderators, although not a defining moment, is reminiscent of Ronald Reagan’s now famous “I paid for this microphone” moment during a 1980 debate in New Hampshire - where Reagan took on the moderator. For many, this was when Reagan won the nomination. I see this type of determined leadership in Newt. And if he wants to win, he needs to show more of it.
So is Gingrich the ‘adult in the room’? He might be. I’m not jumping on the Gingrich bandwagon just yet, but if he does go on to win the nomination, this will be a presidential race where the Republicans offer America the leadership it currently lacks and the Democrats will offer again, their rock star. It will be the baby boomers and senior citizens vs. the hordes of crazed youth wanting again, a ‘cool’ President.